Population Pyramid - A picture of the population of a country based on age and gender. This image will typically look like a pyramid when the data is put together.

Pull FactorsA reason that makes people want to move to a location, region, or country.

Push Factors

A reason that makes people want to leave a location, region, or country.


The movement of people from one place to another with the plan of living in a new location.


An event of a disease spreading across a large region or worldwide; affecting a large amount of people.

Urban Sprawl

The uncontrolled and often unplanned spreading out of an urban area.


A population shifting from living in the rural area to an urban area.

Birth Rate

Number of live births per thousand women each year.

Death Rate

Number of deaths per thousand people each year.


The study of population statistics to show a changing structure of human populations

Diffusion in Demography

The spread of an idea, innovation, or behavior in a population.

Carrying Capacity

Number of people or other resources a region can support without environmental damage.


A city with a large population.

Urban Core

A large city center surrounded by smaller urban areas.


An area outside of the city with less population and more open space. Sometimes, this area is used to farm.


A person who was forced to leave their country to escape war, mistreatment, or a natural disaster.

Social Factors of Migration

Parts of society that make people want to leave an area in hopes of finding better opportunities in another society.


A person who comes to live permanently in a different country they are not locals of.


Interaction of people, companies, and governments world wide.


A group of two or more metropolitan areas with large populations that are connected by transportation.

Environmental Factors of Migration

Environmental conditions that may cause people to move to an area or away from an area.


The process of renewing an urban area by improving houses and attracting new businesses.

Urban Fringe (aka Suburbs)

Small crisis with a good size population that surround an urban area that has a larger population.


Use of goods, services, or resources that offer improvement opportunities to a population.

Metropolitan Area

A region of heavy population in the center with less populated areas around it.

Forced Migration

Movements of refugees or displaced peoples to another place, that is required by another group of people. (Example: Trail of Tears)

Ethnic Cleansing

The purposeful policy by one ethnic or religious group to remove another ethnic or religious group using violent or terror-inspired ways from a region or area.


A person who leaves their own country to settle permanently in another country.


Someone who has few material possessions or with little income.

Physical Barriers to Migration

Natural landforms that stop people from moving in an area or make people try to avoid the area.

Population distribution

how population is spread out in an area

Natural Increase Rate

The difference between the number of births and number of deaths within a particular country.