Role of the judge or magistrate, the jury and the parties

Role of the Judge/Magistrate


Act Impartially

  • fundamental part of our legal system, this ensures accussed has fair trail

  • impartially also extends to apprehended bias, that is when a judge has made acomment in past or association with the case

  • judge or magistrate can remove themselve so its fair

Manage the trail or hearing

  • ensures correct court procedure so both parties have = opportunity

  • involves controlling witnesse, order of events, working with legal practitioners

  • they are not active participants although can occasionally ask questions of a witness, recall a witness for matter to be clarified or call a new witness w permission form both sides

  • must decide admissibility of evidence (which evidence gets allowed)

Decide or oversee mthe outcome of the case

  • judge may give directions to the jury to ensure a fair trail

  • once trail is concluded, needs to summarise the case to the jury

  • for magistrates court, magistrate decides guilt when accused pleads not guilty

Sentence the offender

  • if jury, magistrate or accussed pleads/finds the accussed guilty the case will be set down for a plea hearing and parties will make submissions about sentencing

  • Victim impact statements may also be presented

  • judge/magistrate will hand down the sentence, may or may not be on the same day as the plea hearing

  • judge or magistrate must follow the Sentencing Act 1991 (vic)

S & W of the role of the magistrate or judge


  • independant & impartial adjudicator

  • has no prior association w parties ensures equality and fairness

  • ensures fair hearing, shows no bias and enforces equality

  • ensures parties follow rules of evidence and procedure

  • ensures reliable, relevant evidence

  • ensures a fair hearing as in both parties are treated the same

  • can assist self represented accused


  • judge has a limited role

  • not allowed to suggest q’s

  • hinders a fair hearing unable to fully help achiev justice

  • judge may unintentionally show bias towards one party

  • eg. showing bias to party

  • limited in their ability to help self-represented accussed

Role of the jury


Listen and remember evidence

  • jurors are encouraged to take notes

  • evidence might be complicated

be objective

  • jury must remain unbiased, open mind, no prejudice

  • no connection w parties

understand directions and summing up

  • judges give directions to jury to help understanding. required to listen to the direction & summing up by the judge

deliver a verdict

  • must have part in the deliberation process to make opinion abt which parties, required to listen to the direction

  • deliberations should be taken freely & must aim to reach unanimous decision

S & W of the role of the jury


  • representsmany views & values so the decision is more likely to be right & the acussed want to feel oppressed by authority

  • a verdict of guilty may be more likely to be right of made by 12 ppl than 1 person

  • strength as parties have more confidence in decision & likely to be correct

  • safeguard against the misuse of states power, buffer. removes political interference

  • strength as jury decides & state cant interfere


  • doesnt rep a true cross-section of the community

  • some ppl are disqualified, ineligible

  • lawyers are ineligible as opinion carry too much weight

  • minority groups are eliminated so jury may not have large range of views

  • takes long time involves ppl all needing ti make the same decision

  • time confusing

  • may misuse power

  • no check to see if all evidence is considered

  • not held accountable

Role of the parties

Role of the prosecution

Disclose info to the acussed

  • recured to present all credible evidence to case

  • prosecution has the burden of proof & needs to prove facts

  • no obligation on accussed to give evidence

  • must give statements of witnesses

participate in the trail or hearing

  • must give opening & closing statements, call & examine witnesses & cross examine any wittnesses by the accussed

make submissions about sentencing

  • if the accussed is found guilty or pleads guilty, teh parties may make submissions about sentencing

role of the accused

participate in the trail or hearing

  • must give opening & closing statements call & examine witnesses & cross examine any witnesses by the accused

make submissions abt sentencing

  • if found guilty or pleads guilty, the accused may make submissions about sentencing.They will try to obtain the least possible sentence available relying on mitagating factors that weigh towards a higher sentence. must not mislead the court

S & W of the role of parties


  • parties are satisfied as they have control over their own case & chooses what arguments & facts to present

  • accused does not have to present evidence or do not say anything in trail


  • prosecution is required to bring
