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Demographic Trends in UK | Ageing Population

What is the ageing population?

  • In 1998, around one in six people were 65 years and over (15.9%)

  • Increased to one in every five people in 2018 (18.3%) and is projected to reach around one in every four people (24.2%) by 2038

  • Comparatively, an estimated 20.5% of the population was under 16 years old in 1998, decreasing to 19.0% in 2018 and is projected to decline to 17.4% by 2038

  • Within the UK, the older population makes up a higher proportion of the populations of rural and coastal than urban areas

What has caused an ageing population?

  • Declining fertility rates in the UK

  • Increased life expectancy

  • The population aged 65 years and over is growing faster than other age groups and this has caused a shift in the demographics of the UK

Declining fertility rates in the UK:

  • Increased involvement of women in employment has led to fewer children being born

  • Increased expense of children- people are choosing to have fewer children

  • People are having children later in life- this decreases the fertility window for having children

Increased life expectancy:

  • Greater advances in medical technology

  • Healthier lifestyles and diets

  • Less dangerous occupations

  • Better understanding of impacts on health

Impacts of the ageing population:

  • Impacts on public services- Key (2016) increased strain on social care for the elderly

  • Changes to pensions and the retirement age- dependency ratio tipping toward more people being out of work than in paid employment - Pension Act 2007 and 2014

Making the population younger:

  • Migration of young workers and families into the UK aids the dependency ratio

  • The baby boomer generation is ageing and living longer, but this will eventually lead to a reduction in population when this generation

  • Increase in child-bearing in the early part of the 21st century- although in recent years this has declined


Demographic Trends in UK | Ageing Population

What is the ageing population?

  • In 1998, around one in six people were 65 years and over (15.9%)

  • Increased to one in every five people in 2018 (18.3%) and is projected to reach around one in every four people (24.2%) by 2038

  • Comparatively, an estimated 20.5% of the population was under 16 years old in 1998, decreasing to 19.0% in 2018 and is projected to decline to 17.4% by 2038

  • Within the UK, the older population makes up a higher proportion of the populations of rural and coastal than urban areas

What has caused an ageing population?

  • Declining fertility rates in the UK

  • Increased life expectancy

  • The population aged 65 years and over is growing faster than other age groups and this has caused a shift in the demographics of the UK

Declining fertility rates in the UK:

  • Increased involvement of women in employment has led to fewer children being born

  • Increased expense of children- people are choosing to have fewer children

  • People are having children later in life- this decreases the fertility window for having children

Increased life expectancy:

  • Greater advances in medical technology

  • Healthier lifestyles and diets

  • Less dangerous occupations

  • Better understanding of impacts on health

Impacts of the ageing population:

  • Impacts on public services- Key (2016) increased strain on social care for the elderly

  • Changes to pensions and the retirement age- dependency ratio tipping toward more people being out of work than in paid employment - Pension Act 2007 and 2014

Making the population younger:

  • Migration of young workers and families into the UK aids the dependency ratio

  • The baby boomer generation is ageing and living longer, but this will eventually lead to a reduction in population when this generation

  • Increase in child-bearing in the early part of the 21st century- although in recent years this has declined