AP human geo

important terms: dependency ratio: determines the pressure carried by the working age to support the young and old. portion of working age population compared to non working age

  • total fertility rate (TFR) : average number of children woman is expected to have in her lifetime

Crude birth rates (CBR) : number of live births per 1,000 people in a year

CBR of 20 means that for every 1,000 people in a country, 20 babies are born each year

  • High CBR typically means population increase

Crude death rates (CDR) : Number of deaths in a year for every 1000 ppl in a country

→ A CDR of 20 means that for every 1,000 people in a country, 20 die each year

High CDR means slower population

higher in MDCs

Natural increase rate (NIR)

  • Percentage a population grows in a year

  • CBR minus CDR, divided by 10=NIR

  • NIR is a predictor of life expectancy and changing stage of development for a society

  • NIR affects doubling time: the number of years needed for a population to DOUBLE

  • Most of the worlds NIR is in LDCs, with populations growing in areas least able to sustain it.

MDC = more developed countries

LDC = less developed countries

More developed countries have lower rates but higher life expectancy

while less developed countries have higher rates but lower life expectancy

Population pyramids

  • Age, sex and ethnicity - are all things that can be graphed or mapped to analyze POPULATION COMPOSITION

  • Population pyramids are used to project population growth and decline and to predict markets for goods and services.

Sex ratio - the ratio of males to females in a population

Rapid growth: High birth rate, short lifespan

Stable growth : population is barely increasing

Declining: People live longer, so birth rate declines

what does it mean? Longer bars for people 25-50 than for children

possible reasons:

  • economic crisis causing fewer children to be born

  • government policies

    What does it mean? Longer bars for people over the age of 65

    possible reasons:

  • A community in warm climates which attract retirees

  • lack of jobs for young people

What does it mean? Longer bars for males than females

  • possible reasons:

  • An oil boom or fishing industry that attracts working men
