important terms: dependency ratio: determines the pressure carried by the working age to support the young and old. portion of working age population compared to non working age
total fertility rate (TFR) : average number of children woman is expected to have in her lifetime
Crude birth rates (CBR) : number of live births per 1,000 people in a year
CBR of 20 means that for every 1,000 people in a country, 20 babies are born each year
High CBR typically means population increase
Crude death rates (CDR) : Number of deaths in a year for every 1000 ppl in a country
→ A CDR of 20 means that for every 1,000 people in a country, 20 die each year
High CDR means slower population
higher in MDCs
Natural increase rate (NIR)
Percentage a population grows in a year
CBR minus CDR, divided by 10=NIR
NIR is a predictor of life expectancy and changing stage of development for a society
NIR affects doubling time: the number of years needed for a population to DOUBLE
Most of the worlds NIR is in LDCs, with populations growing in areas least able to sustain it.
MDC = more developed countries
LDC = less developed countries
More developed countries have lower rates but higher life expectancy
while less developed countries have higher rates but lower life expectancy
Population pyramids
Age, sex and ethnicity - are all things that can be graphed or mapped to analyze POPULATION COMPOSITION
Population pyramids are used to project population growth and decline and to predict markets for goods and services.
Sex ratio - the ratio of males to females in a population
Rapid growth: High birth rate, short lifespan
Stable growth : population is barely increasing
Declining: People live longer, so birth rate declines
what does it mean? Longer bars for people 25-50 than for children
possible reasons:
economic crisis causing fewer children to be born
government policies
What does it mean? Longer bars for people over the age of 65
possible reasons:
A community in warm climates which attract retirees
lack of jobs for young people
What does it mean? Longer bars for males than females
possible reasons:
An oil boom or fishing industry that attracts working men