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Area of Study: 4 (Fusions) ‘Samba Em Prelúdio’ from Esperanza

Area of Study: 4 (Fusions)

‘Samba Em Prelúdio’ from Esperanza


Bossa Nova - a style of Brazilian music derived from samba but placing more emphasis on melody and less on percussion. (Main theme, longing, loving, and regret)t

Groovy Rhythm - Samba Music

Complex rhythm and harmony - American Jazz

Free Tempo - No Set or regular pulse (Player can choose to speed up or slow down)

Stanza - A smaller section than a verse

Rubato - Free tempo where the performer can pull back and speed up for effect (Means to steal in Italian - Stealing time)

Chord Progression - A series of chords played in a sequence which work around

D.S - Dal segno (From the Sign)

Stepwise Movement - Ascending or descending by one step (Chromatic is half)

Conjunct - Ascending or descending by one step (More proper than stepwise)

Counterpoint - Two or more different melodies playing at the same time (noun)

Contrapuntal - When two of melodies play against each other (Adjective)

Seventh Chords - Triads with the added seventh (

G9 - G9 chord refers to a G triad being played along with an addition of ninth notes (A).

Extended Chord - A chord with at least one added note, such as the ninth (Used alot in jazz)

Altered Chords - When you alter an extended chord (Change a note to a sharp or flat)

Enharmonic equivalent - two identically sounding pitches with different name 

Spelling - Deciding between enharmonic equivalent

Substitution - the technique of using a chord in place of another in a progression of chords, or a chord progression.

Fake Book - Collection of famous jazz pieces which only contain the lead sheet and requires musician to use own knowledge to improvise

Lead Sheet - Main/lead melody


Intro- Bar 1 - 3  - Only Acoustic Bass Guitar Plays (Has thicker, fewer strings the acoustic guitar with lower range and can play with and without an amplifier depending if it has a jack (Called electro-acoustic ))

Verse 1 - Bar 4-21 - 2 Stanza (Each stanza is 8 bars long) Pulse comes 

  • Bar 4,5,6 have a call and response with the vocals and acoustic bass guitar

  • Their is a use of triplets in the melodic line

  • The both end on a minim which is G

  • Bar 4 starts on the first beat while Bar 5 goes on the offbeat

  • The phrases are broken chords but there's still emphasis on the G

  • Bass guitar Bar 7+8=

  • All regular Semiquavers

  • Played Rubato

  • Notes are all repeated except for the third note

  • The third notes play a descending then ascending chromatic lines (D,Cs,C,Cs,D)

  • Semiquavers are broken chords

  • Break 19-22 - Pulse comes in with bossa nova rhythm

Verse 2 - Bar 23

  • Texture changes from call and response to a more traditional role with vocals taking the main melody

Stanza 1+2 is a lament while Stanza 3 is more demanding with more determination. The pulse shows this with free tempo showing the sadness while the pulse shows determinations connecting the strong lyrics. In stanza one, the chromatic ascending line in the chromatin chords can show the grief and sorrow of the lyrics.

Chord Progression takes place in the 31-bar guitar solo: 

  • The chord progression is 16 chords long and is two sets 

Verse 3 88 - 104 - 

  • The tempo is maintained and the pulse keeps going even though the guitar drops out

  • The phrases in the bass guitar are broken chords.

In bar 103 there is a sign D.S (Dal Segno) al Coda which tells the artist to play from the Sign to the Coda which is bar 39 -52. You then go from bar 52-104.

Instrumentation : 

Parts of a Drum : 

  • Hi-Hat - The pair of symbols which use a pedal to clamp them together

  • Ride - The usually  symbol on the right used to offer a counter rhythm

  • Kick Drum - The main bass drum which is played by pressing a pedal which hits the drum

  • Clave - A set of sticks which are used

  • Snare - A drum usually on the left used to creating a rattling or buzzing sound

Vocals : 

  • The vocals melody are mostly syllabic 

  • The singer is singing broken chord while bass does too (creates a sense of harmony)

  • The melody contains mostly stepwise movement after verse 1

Bass Guitar : 

  • During the bass guitar at the start solo it is mostly monophonic except at the end of bar 1 + 3

Guitar Solo : 

– Using overdubbing, the texture changes into three parts as one guitar part has been pre recorded

G9 chord refers to a G triad being played along with an addition of ninth notes (A).

Extended chords, altered chords and substituted chords are an important part of Jazz Music and the addition of note refers to an interval from the root and needs to be in the chord.

Ways to learn songs without traditional staff notation : 

  • Chord Chart/Fake Book

  • Oral Learning 


Area of Study: 4 (Fusions) ‘Samba Em Prelúdio’ from Esperanza

Area of Study: 4 (Fusions)

‘Samba Em Prelúdio’ from Esperanza


Bossa Nova - a style of Brazilian music derived from samba but placing more emphasis on melody and less on percussion. (Main theme, longing, loving, and regret)t

Groovy Rhythm - Samba Music

Complex rhythm and harmony - American Jazz

Free Tempo - No Set or regular pulse (Player can choose to speed up or slow down)

Stanza - A smaller section than a verse

Rubato - Free tempo where the performer can pull back and speed up for effect (Means to steal in Italian - Stealing time)

Chord Progression - A series of chords played in a sequence which work around

D.S - Dal segno (From the Sign)

Stepwise Movement - Ascending or descending by one step (Chromatic is half)

Conjunct - Ascending or descending by one step (More proper than stepwise)

Counterpoint - Two or more different melodies playing at the same time (noun)

Contrapuntal - When two of melodies play against each other (Adjective)

Seventh Chords - Triads with the added seventh (

G9 - G9 chord refers to a G triad being played along with an addition of ninth notes (A).

Extended Chord - A chord with at least one added note, such as the ninth (Used alot in jazz)

Altered Chords - When you alter an extended chord (Change a note to a sharp or flat)

Enharmonic equivalent - two identically sounding pitches with different name 

Spelling - Deciding between enharmonic equivalent

Substitution - the technique of using a chord in place of another in a progression of chords, or a chord progression.

Fake Book - Collection of famous jazz pieces which only contain the lead sheet and requires musician to use own knowledge to improvise

Lead Sheet - Main/lead melody


Intro- Bar 1 - 3  - Only Acoustic Bass Guitar Plays (Has thicker, fewer strings the acoustic guitar with lower range and can play with and without an amplifier depending if it has a jack (Called electro-acoustic ))

Verse 1 - Bar 4-21 - 2 Stanza (Each stanza is 8 bars long) Pulse comes 

  • Bar 4,5,6 have a call and response with the vocals and acoustic bass guitar

  • Their is a use of triplets in the melodic line

  • The both end on a minim which is G

  • Bar 4 starts on the first beat while Bar 5 goes on the offbeat

  • The phrases are broken chords but there's still emphasis on the G

  • Bass guitar Bar 7+8=

  • All regular Semiquavers

  • Played Rubato

  • Notes are all repeated except for the third note

  • The third notes play a descending then ascending chromatic lines (D,Cs,C,Cs,D)

  • Semiquavers are broken chords

  • Break 19-22 - Pulse comes in with bossa nova rhythm

Verse 2 - Bar 23

  • Texture changes from call and response to a more traditional role with vocals taking the main melody

Stanza 1+2 is a lament while Stanza 3 is more demanding with more determination. The pulse shows this with free tempo showing the sadness while the pulse shows determinations connecting the strong lyrics. In stanza one, the chromatic ascending line in the chromatin chords can show the grief and sorrow of the lyrics.

Chord Progression takes place in the 31-bar guitar solo: 

  • The chord progression is 16 chords long and is two sets 

Verse 3 88 - 104 - 

  • The tempo is maintained and the pulse keeps going even though the guitar drops out

  • The phrases in the bass guitar are broken chords.

In bar 103 there is a sign D.S (Dal Segno) al Coda which tells the artist to play from the Sign to the Coda which is bar 39 -52. You then go from bar 52-104.

Instrumentation : 

Parts of a Drum : 

  • Hi-Hat - The pair of symbols which use a pedal to clamp them together

  • Ride - The usually  symbol on the right used to offer a counter rhythm

  • Kick Drum - The main bass drum which is played by pressing a pedal which hits the drum

  • Clave - A set of sticks which are used

  • Snare - A drum usually on the left used to creating a rattling or buzzing sound

Vocals : 

  • The vocals melody are mostly syllabic 

  • The singer is singing broken chord while bass does too (creates a sense of harmony)

  • The melody contains mostly stepwise movement after verse 1

Bass Guitar : 

  • During the bass guitar at the start solo it is mostly monophonic except at the end of bar 1 + 3

Guitar Solo : 

– Using overdubbing, the texture changes into three parts as one guitar part has been pre recorded

G9 chord refers to a G triad being played along with an addition of ninth notes (A).

Extended chords, altered chords and substituted chords are an important part of Jazz Music and the addition of note refers to an interval from the root and needs to be in the chord.

Ways to learn songs without traditional staff notation : 

  • Chord Chart/Fake Book

  • Oral Learning