Unit 12

12.1 Overview of Gene Regulation

  • Gene regulation conserves energy

Bacteria regulate genes in response to charges in environment

  • E.coli carries genes that code for proteins that enables metabolization of lactose

    • B-galactosidase metabolizes lactose when E.coli is placed in an environment with lactose

    • Permease allows lactase to enter cell

Cell Differentiation

  • Cell differentiation is an example of gene regulation

  • Process by which cells become specialized into particular types with distinctive structure and functions

  • Gene regulation is responsible for producing different cell types

Gene regulation in developmental stages

  • Certain genes are expressed throughout developmental stages

    • different hormones are released during embryo stage, fetus stage, and from birth to adult

Gene Regulation occurs at different points

  • Bacterial gene regulation

    • Transcription: most common during transcription, regulates amount of mRNA made from genes

      • transcriptional regulation is an efficient way to regulate genes

    • Translation: can control ability of mRNA translated into protein

    • Post translation: protein amount or function may be regulated

  • Eukaryotic Gene expression

    • Transcription: common during transcription

    • RNA Modification: Eukaryotes modify mRNA transcripts differently than bacteria

    • Translation: another fairly common way of gene expression

12.2 Regulation of Transcription in Bacteria

  • Regulation of transcription involves regulatory transcription factors

    • proteins that bind to regulatory sequences rate of transcription

  • Repressors

    • binds to DNA and decrease the rate of transcription, known as negative control

  • Activators

    • increase rate of transcription, known as positive control

  • Operon

    • arrangement of 2 or more genes under a single promoter

      • lac operon in E.coli

  • Gene is an operon results in production of polycistronic RNA

    • mRNA that codes more than one polypeptide

12.3 Regulation of Transcription in Eukaryotes: Rules of Transcription Factor

  • Transcription regulation in eukaryotes have characteristics seen in bacteria

  • Combinatorial Control

    • many factors control expression of any given gene

  • Four steps

    • Activators stimulate ability of RNA polymerase to initiate transcription

    • repressors inhibit ability of transcriptions

    • Function of activators/repressors may be motivated in several ways

    • Activators are necessary to alter chromatin structure in region where gene is regulated

    • DNA methylation usually inhibits transcription

Eukaryotic Protein coding genes have a core promoter and regulatory elements

  • Core Product: TATA box and transcriptional start site form the core promoter

    • Transcriptional start site is the place in the DNA and where transcription actually begins

    • TATA box determines precise starting point for transcription

      • results in lowest level transcription known as basal transcription

  • Regulatory Elements: DNA segments that regulate eukaryotic genes

    • comes in two general steps

      • enhancers: play a role in RNA polymerase transcription

        • enhances rate of transcription

      • Silencers: prevents transcription of a given gene when expression isn’t needed

RNA polymerase II

  • There are three forms of RNA polymerase (I,II, and III)

    • Requires 5 different proteins to initiate transcription

      • known as general transcription factors (GTFs)

  • Preinitiation box: completed assembly of RNA polymerase II and GTFs at the TATA box

Activators and Repressors May Influence the functions of GTFs

  • Three steps to start of eukaryotic translation

    • activators bind to an enhancer

      1. activator also interacts with coactivator

    • activator/coactivator complex improves ability of GTF

    • Function of TFIID is to promote the assembly of other GTFs

12.4 Regulation of Transcription in Eukaryotes

  • region of chromatin containing a gene may be in closed formation

    • makes transcription difficult to impossible

  • Open conformation is accessible to GTFs and RNA polymerase I

Transcription controlled by changes in chromatin structure

  • Chromatin remodeling complex: complexes of proteins that alter chromatin structure

    • uses ATP to drive a change

  • 3 effects possible

    • It may bind to chromatin changing locations of nucleosomes

    • May evict histone octamer from DNA, creating gaps where nucleosomes aren’t found

    • May remove histone and replace it with variant histone

Histone Modifications Affect Gene Transcription

  • Histone acetyl transferase: an example of amino terminal tail undergoing modifications

  • Effects of covalent modifications of histones

    • may influence interactions between DNA and histone proteins

    • Provides binding sites that are recognized by other proteins

      • histone code hypothesis

Eukaryotic Genes are flanked by nucleosome free regions

  • Core promoter is found within nucleosome free region

  • Recruiting appears to be critical

    • activator binds to an enhancer in the NFR

    • activator then recruits chromatin-remodeling complexes and histone modifying complexes in the region

    • Actions of chromatin-remodeling complexes histone-modification

    • Histones are evicted, partially displaced, or destabilized so that RNA polymerase II can pass

DNA Methylation Inhibits Gene Transcription

  • DNA structure can be modified by covalent attachment of methyl groups

    • done via enzyme DNA methyltransferase

  • DNA methylation inhibits transcription in two ways

    • may prevent activator from binding to an enhancer

    • altering chromatin structure

Facultative Heterochromatin is a way to silence genes

  • Facultative heterochromatin: differs among different cells of body

    • thought to play a big role in silencing genes in a tissue specific manner

12.5 Regulation of RNA splicing and translation in eukaryotes

  • Alternative splicing: a form of regulation that allows an organism to use the same gene to make different proteins

  • This process is regulated

    • each cell type produces a unique set of splicing factors

Prevention of Ion Toxicity

  • Iron Regulatory Protein: RNA binding protein that controls mRNA that codes ferritin

    • Low Iron: IRP binds to regulatory element known as Iron regulatory element

    • High Iron: When ferritin is needed, Iron binds to IRP, causing a conformational change to IRE, causing ferritin to be released
