The Cell Theory
All living things are made up of cells
All living things function through the activities of their cells (metabolism)
Cells come only from pre-existing cells
“Cell People”
Schleiden: Plants are made of cells
Schwann: Animals are made of cells
Virchow: Cells come only from cells
Hooke: Named the cell
van Leeuwenhoek: Invented a crude microscope; first to see living cells
Brown: Discovered the nucleus
Structure and Function
Nerve cells have long processes to transmit information over long distances
Epithelial Cells (Skin)
Epithelial cells are flat and platelike in order to form a protective covering over the organism
Prokaryotic Cells
Lack an organized nucleus
Lack membrane-bound organelles
Usually have a cell wall
Plant Cells
Have a cell wall
Contain a large central vacuole
Usually contain chloroplasts
Animal Cells
Do not have a cell wall
Have centrioles
Have smaller vacuoles
Have lysosomes
The Cell Wall
Made of cellulose
Gives support to the plant cell
Gives strength to the plant cell
Is permeable
Plasma Membrane
Controls what enters and leaves the cell
Made of a phospholipid bilayer
Found in all types of cells
The area of the cytoplasm outside of the individual organelles is called the cytosol
The cytosol contains thousands of enzymes
The cytosol takes molecules and breaks them down, so that the individual organelles can use them
The Nucleus
Contains the cell’s DNA
Is surrounded by its own nuclear envelope
Often referred to as the “control center” of the cell
The genetic material in the nucleus
Double helix
Forms chromatin (working DNA) and chromosomes (nonworking DNA)
The nucleolus is an approximately spherical region within the nucleus of eukaryotic cells
It stores RNA and ribosomal subunits
Mitochondria generate the cell’s energy through cellular respiration
Usually they are rod-shaped, however, they can be round
The inner membrane is thrown into folds or shelves called cristae
Mitochondria have their own DNA and ribosomes
They are capable of reproducing themselves
Humans inherit mitochondrial DNA only from the mother
Powerhouses of the cell
Site of cellular respiration
Breakdown of food to release energy and generate ATP
Chloroplasts are the site of photosynthesis, the process by which autotrophs make food
Chlorophyll is the light-trapping pigment in the chloroplast
Stroma is the semi-fluid filled space that contains enzymes
Thylakoids are hollow sacs that provide membrane for photosynthetic reactions
Grana are stacks of thylakoids
Lamellae connect the grana
Like mitochondria, chloroplasts have a double membrane, their own DNA, and ribosomes
Chloroplasts can reproduce themselves
Granular organelles
Site of protein synthesis
Attached to the rough ER or located in the cytoplasm
Manufactured in the nucleolus
Made of RNA and protein subunits
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
A complex network of membranes
Bears the ribosomes during protein synthesis
Processes and transports polypeptides to the Golgi complex
Hollow interior is known as the “lumen”
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
Smooth ER is associated with the production and storage of lipids, especially steroids
Releases calcium in cardiac and skeletal muscle cells so that contraction can occur
Detoxifies alcohol and poisons in the liver and kidney cells
Golgi Apparatus
Receives proteins from the rough ER
Processes, packages, and delivers the proteins
Packaging occurs via vesicles
Responsible for packaging proteins for the cell
Proteins produced by the rough ER pass into the Golgi cisternae
These proteins are then squeezed off into vesicles (small vacuoles) for transport out of the cell
Found in animal cells
Contains hydrolytic enzymes to digest almost everything in the cell
Manufactured by the Golgi Apparatus
Digestion of worn organelles
Digestion of damaged or extra cells
Not from the Golgi apparatus
Neutralize free radicals (Oxygen ions that damage cells) in the liver and kidneys
Detoxify alcohol and drugs
Break down fatty acids for the mitochondria to use for energy
Found in some seeds
Break down stored fats to provide energy for the developing plant embryo
Large fluid-filled vesicle surrounded by a membrane
Can store water, nutrients, wastes, and pigments
Larger in plant cells
Help plant cells create turgor, internal water pressure
Contractile Vacuoles
Membrane-bound sac
Plays roles in release of excess water from protists that live in watery environments
Other Vacuoles
Store starch in plant cells
Store pigments other than chlorophyll; give color to petals and leaves
For mobility and stability
Primary types of fibers comprising the cytoskeleton are microfilaments, microtubules, and intermediate filaments
In animal cells only
Two cylinders at right angles to one another
Close to the nucleus
Help to form the spindle fibers for cell division
Flagella and Cilia
Flagella are long and whiplike
Cilia are short and hairlike
Both are used for locomotion
Cilia are also used internally to sweep cells or particles
Animal Cell
Plant Cell
Organic Compounds
The Molecules of Life
Made of
Usually Oxygen
The Carbon Atom
Has four valence electrons
Forms strong covalent bonds
Can form single, double, and triple bonds
Likes to bond to itself
Carbon compounds take many shapes such as:
Branched Chains
Functional Groups
Groups of atoms sometimes bond to carbon chains
These “functional” groups give the carbon compound unique properties
Hydroxyl: OH
Carbonyl: CO
Carboxyl: CO2H
(R is a placeholder)
Amino: NH2
Methyl: CH3
Phosphate: PO4H2
Building Organic Compounds
Monomers are single units of an organic compound that have all the properties of the compound
Polymers are large organic compounds consisting of several monomers bonded together
Macromolecules refer to extremely large polymers
Glucose is the monomer of starch, glycogen, chitin, and cellulose
Organic Compounds
The four categories of Organic Compounds found in living things
Nucleic Acids
Used for energy
Produced by plants through photosynthesis
Simple sugars
Made of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen
The ratio of C:H:O is 1:2:1
Monosaccharides are the monomers of carbohydrates
C6H12O6 is the formula for a monosaccharide
Glucose: blood sugar
Fructose: fruit sugar
Galactose: found in milk
Are built from two monosaccharides
C12H22O11 is the general formula
Sucrose: table sugar; sweet
Lactose: milk sugar; nourishment for young mammals
Maltose: sugar in seeds; nourishment for embryo plants
Glucose + Glucose = Maltose + H2O
Glucose + Fructose = Sucrose + H2O
Glucose + Galactose = Lactose + H2O
Large molecules (polymers)
Made of many monosaccharides bonded together
Starch: energy storage in plants
Glycogen: energy storage in animals
Cellulose: cell wall construction
Chitin: cell walls in fungi and exoskeletons in arthropods
Compounds that have the same molecular formula but different structures are called isomers
Each isomer has its own properties because the shape of the molecule determines its characteristics
Shape determines properties
Condensation Reaction (Dehydration Synthesis)
Building a large organic molecule from two smaller organic molecules by removing a molecule of H2O through a process called condensation reaction
The water is produced by removing an OH group from one molecule and a H from a hydroxide group in the other molecule
The breaking of polymers into monomers through the addition of water
Made of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen
Monomers are glycerol and fatty acids
The high Carbon:Hydrogen ratio enables the molecules to store more energy than carbohydrates
Fatty Acids
Made of long hydrocarbon chains
Attached to a carboxyl functional group
Saturated Fatty Acids
Have only single Carbon to Carbon bonds
Fatty acid tails are straight
Can cause Cardiovascular disease
The bad fat
Unsaturated Fatty acids
Have one or more double Carbon to Carbon bonds
Fatty acid tails are “kinked”
Less likely to cause cardiovascular problems
The good fat
Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature
Olive oil and corn oil are unsaturated fats
Most saturated fats are solid at room temperature
Butter and lard are saturated fats
Coconut oil is an exception
Trans Fat
The new health threat
Types of Lipids
3 fatty acids:1 glycerol
Used for insulation under the skin and around organs
Store energy for future use
Composed of
Two fatty acids
One glycerol
One phosphate group
Phospholipid Structure
Hydrophilic head
Hydrophobic tails
The unsaturated fatty acid tails create kinks that enable the phospholipid to spin freely
Allow our membranes to be fluid
Chemical messengers
Composed of four fused Carbon rings
Keeps membrane’s fluid at low temperatures
Stabilizes membranes at high temperatures (keeps them together)
Estrogen and Testosterone
Responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics
Form a protective coating on plants
Form protective layers in animals
Earwax prevents bacteria from entering the ear
Made of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen
Monomers are called amino acids
Amino acids are help together by peptide bonds
Amino Acids
Cannot be made by the body
Must be supplied in the diet
Can be made by the body
The alpha carbon is in the center
A hydrogen atom, a carboxyl group (acid group), and an amino group are bonded to the alpha carbon in all amino acids
The rest of the amino acid referred to as the “R” group is unique to each of the 20 amino acids
Condensation Reaction
Polypeptide is the name given to protein polymers
They can be built by removing a molecule of water from every two amino acids bonded together
Peptide Bonds
H is removed from the amino group of one amino acid, and the OH is removed from the carboxyl group of the other amino acid
Polypeptides can be broken down into amino acids by adding back the H2O
Structural Proteins
Uniquely made in each person
Used for skin, hair, nails, muscles, bones
Examples: collagen and keratin
Transport Proteins
Found in the cell membrane to bring molecules in and out
Some are unique to particular cells
Example: Hemoglobin- carries oxygen
Messenger Proteins
Hormones are chemical messengers
Example: Insulin- regulates blood sugar
Motile Proteins (Mobility)
Found in cytoskeleton and muscles
Examples: actin and myosin
Storage Proteins
Proteins that remain in supply for growth and development
Example: egg white
Defense Proteins
Antibodies fight specific infections
Controls every activity in the cell
Speed up reactions at least one-million times
Examples: lactase and sucrase
Heat can change protein structure
Other agents that denature proteins are:
Extreme pH
Exposure to Lead (Pb) and Mercury (Hg)
Nucleic Acids
Made of monomers called nucleotides
One 5-Carbon sugar
One phosphate group
One Nitrogen base
Transmits genetic information from one generation to the next
Contains the information necessary to tell the cell how to make proteins
The genetic material in the nucleus
Double Helix
Forms chromatin and chromosomes
Sugar in DNA is deoxyribose
Always in a double strand called a helix
Has four bases:
Watson and Crick
Used the research of many people
Put together the double helix model of DNA
Won the Nobel Prize with Wilkins for the model
Rosalind Franklin
Took the x-ray pictures of DNA that enabled Watson and Crick to figure out the double helix model
Died before the Nobel Prize was awarded
Copies the DNA genetic code
Controls protein synthesis according to directions from DNA
Sugar in RNA is ribose
Exists as a single strand
Has four bases:
Adenosine Triphosphate
Composed of
Adenine- a nitrogen base
Ribose- a five carbon sugar
Three phosphate groups
The molecule is the energy storage mechanism for all living things
Recycling ATP
When energy is needed, the cell breaks down ATP molecules
ATP → Energy + ADP + Phosphate
During cellular respiration, energy is released and used to replace the phosphate
ADP + Energy + Phosphate → ATP