Session-4-Interpersonal-Communication (2)

Interpersonal Communication

  • Definition: The process of exchanging information, ideas, and feelings between two or more individuals through verbal and non-verbal methods.

  • Forms: Includes face-to-face communication using voice, facial expressions, body language, and gestures.

Importance of Communication

  • Quotes:

    • “Speak well of others, not of their faults.” – Lord Buddha

    • “Communication must be HOT: Honest, Open, and Two-way.” – Dan Oswald

Skills in Interpersonal Communication

Hard Skills

  • Teachable abilities or skill sets that are quantifiable, such as:

    • Proficiency in a foreign language

    • A degree or certificate

    • Typing speed

    • Machine operation

    • Computer programming

Soft Skills

  • Also known as "people skills" or "interpersonal skills," include:

    • Communication

    • Flexibility

    • Leadership

    • Teamwork

    • Time Management

Key Components of Interpersonal Communication Skills

  • Communication Skills / Soft Skills

  • Verbal Communication

  • Assertiveness / Boldness

  • Non-verbal Communication

  • Listening Skills

Functions of Healthy Interpersonal Relationships

  • Promotes effective coordination

  • Motivates individuals

  • Facilitates teamwork and collaboration

  • Creates a supportive work environment

Four Principles of Interpersonal Communication

  1. It’s Inescapable: You cannot avoid communicating; body language also sends a message.

  2. It’s Irreversible: Once something is said, it cannot be taken back or rephrased.

  3. It’s Complicated: Words are symbols with meanings that can differ depending on perspectives and context.

  4. It’s Contextual: The environment, cultural background, and situation influence the meaning of messages.

The Johari Window

  • Open Self: Known to self and others.

  • Blind Self: Known to others but not to self.

  • Hidden Self: Known to self but not to others.

  • Unknown Self: Not known to self or others.

Tuckman's Stages of Team Development

  • Forming: Initial formation with unclear purpose and need for guidance.

  • Storming: Conflict phase where clarity improves and power struggles may occur.

  • Norming: Agreement and consensus establish clear roles and responsibilities.

  • Performing: Focus on goal achievement and successful task completion.

  • Adjourning: Closing stages of team collaboration.

Gateways to Effective Interpersonal Communication

  • Transparency: Essential for effective communication.

  • Multiple Channels: Variety of methods to communicate effectively.

  • Clarity in Communication: Precise messaging is crucial for success.

  • Feedback: Open attitudes towards feedback improve communication.

Interpersonal Communication Skills Development Tips

  1. Communicate Clearly

  2. Be Appreciative

  3. Practice Active Listening: Engaging with good listening is vital for conversations.

  4. Bring People Together

  5. Resolve Conflicts

  6. Use Humor

  7. Maintain Emotional Balance: Balance IQ and EQ for effective interpersonal relationships.

Inspirational Quote

  • "Every person, all the events of your life, are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you." – Richard Bach
