Definition: The process of exchanging information, ideas, and feelings between two or more individuals through verbal and non-verbal methods.
Forms: Includes face-to-face communication using voice, facial expressions, body language, and gestures.
“Speak well of others, not of their faults.” – Lord Buddha
“Communication must be HOT: Honest, Open, and Two-way.” – Dan Oswald
Teachable abilities or skill sets that are quantifiable, such as:
Proficiency in a foreign language
A degree or certificate
Typing speed
Machine operation
Computer programming
Also known as "people skills" or "interpersonal skills," include:
Time Management
Communication Skills / Soft Skills
Verbal Communication
Assertiveness / Boldness
Non-verbal Communication
Listening Skills
Promotes effective coordination
Motivates individuals
Facilitates teamwork and collaboration
Creates a supportive work environment
It’s Inescapable: You cannot avoid communicating; body language also sends a message.
It’s Irreversible: Once something is said, it cannot be taken back or rephrased.
It’s Complicated: Words are symbols with meanings that can differ depending on perspectives and context.
It’s Contextual: The environment, cultural background, and situation influence the meaning of messages.
Open Self: Known to self and others.
Blind Self: Known to others but not to self.
Hidden Self: Known to self but not to others.
Unknown Self: Not known to self or others.
Forming: Initial formation with unclear purpose and need for guidance.
Storming: Conflict phase where clarity improves and power struggles may occur.
Norming: Agreement and consensus establish clear roles and responsibilities.
Performing: Focus on goal achievement and successful task completion.
Adjourning: Closing stages of team collaboration.
Transparency: Essential for effective communication.
Multiple Channels: Variety of methods to communicate effectively.
Clarity in Communication: Precise messaging is crucial for success.
Feedback: Open attitudes towards feedback improve communication.
Communicate Clearly
Be Appreciative
Practice Active Listening: Engaging with good listening is vital for conversations.
Bring People Together
Resolve Conflicts
Use Humor
Maintain Emotional Balance: Balance IQ and EQ for effective interpersonal relationships.
"Every person, all the events of your life, are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you." – Richard Bach