apparent change in the frequency of a wave caused by relative motion between the source of the wave and the observer
thing emitting waves (ex star emitting light)
the thing that is emitting waves moves
in front, it bunches up, behind the thing, it spreads out
when it’s moving towards a stationary object, these bunched up waves are observed at a high frequency
moving away - waves observed at a low frequency
look out observatory, see star
light waves emitted are emitted at higher frequency
if a star is moving, spectrum is shifted
blue shift - star moving towards earth, wavelengths of light have been compressed, spectral lines shifted towards blue end
red shift - star moving away from earth, wavelengths of light become longer, spectral lines shifting towards red end
shift in colour of distant objects not visible with naked eye
elemental fingerprints
each element gives off unique spectral signature/fingerprint
can analyze light coming from different objects in space and determine their composition by comparing fingerprints
emission spectrum - spectrum consisting of several narrow, bright, bands of light
different elements emit different wavelengths of light