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Types of Error and Fraud
  • Fail to detect erroneous input

  • Improperly correct input errors

  • Process erroneous input

  • Improperly Distribute or disclose output

Control Procedures
  • Computer data editing routines

  • Proper use of internal and external file labels

  • Reconciliation of batch totals

  • Effective error correction procedures

  • Understandable operating documentation and run manuals

  • Competent supervision of computer operations

  • Effective handling of data input and output by data control personnel

  • File change listings and summaries prepared for user department review

  • Maintenance of proper environmental conditions in computer facility

Audit Process: Systems Review
  • Review administrative documentation for processing control standards

  • Review systems documentation for data editing and other processing controls

  • Review operating documentation for completeness and clarity

  • Review copies of error listings, batch total reports, and file change lists

  • Observe computer operations and data control functions

  • Discuss processing and output controls with operations and IS supervisory personnel

Audit Procedures: Test of Controls
  • Evaluate adequacy of processing control standards and procedures

  • Evaluate adequacy and completeness of data editing controls

  • Verify adherence to processing control procedures by observing computer operations and the data control function

  • Verify that selected application system output is properly distributed

  • Reconcile a sample batch totals, and follow up on discrepancies

  • Trace disposition of a sample of errors flagged by data edit routines to ensure proper handling

  • Verify processing accuracy for a sample of sensitive transactions

  • Verify processing accuracy for selected computer-generated transactions

  • Search for erroneous or unauthorized code via analysis of program logic

  • Check accuracy and completeness of processing controls using test data

  • Monitor online processing systems using concurrent audit techniques

  • Recreate selected reports to test for adequacy and completeness

Compensating Controls
- Auditors must periodically reevaluate processing controls to ensure their continued
  • If controls are unsatisfactory, user and source data controls may be strong enough to compensate.

  • If not, a material weakness exists, and steps should be taken to eliminate the control deficiencies.

The purpose of the preceding audit procedures is to gain an understanding of the controls, evaluate its adequacy, and observe operations for evidence that the controls are in use.

  • Several specialized techniques allow the auditor to use the computer to test processing controls:

    • Processing test data

    • Using concurrent audit techniques

    • Analyzing program logic

  • Each has its own advantages and disadvantages:

    • Appropriateness of each technique depends on the situation

    • No one technique is good for all circumstances

  • Auditors should not disclose which technique they use.

Processing Test Data
  • Involves testing a program by processing a hypothetical series of valid and invalid transactions.

  • The program should:

    • Process all the valid transactions correctly

    • Identify and reject the invalid ones

  • All logic paths should be checked for proper functioning by one or more test transactions, including:

    • Records with missing data

    • Fields containing unreasonably large amounts

    • Invalid amount numbers or processing codes

    • Non-numeric data in numeric fields

    • Records out of sequence

The following resources are helpful when preparing test data:

  • A listing of actual transactions

  • The transactions that the programmer used to test the program

  • A test data generator program, which automatically prepares test data based on program specifications

In a batch processing system, the company’s program and a copy of relevant files are used to process the test data.

  • Results are compared with the predetermined correct output.

  • Discrepancies indicate processing errors or control deficiencies that should be investigated.

In an online system, auditors enter test data using a data entry device, such as a PC or terminal.

  • The auditor observes and logs the system’s response.

  • If the system accepts erroneous or invalid test transactions, the auditor reverses the effects of the transactions, investigates the problem, and corrects the deficiency.

Although processing test transactions is usually effective, it has the following disadvantages:
  • The auditor must spend considerable time understanding the system and preparing an adequate set of test transactions.

  • Care must be taken to ensure test data do not affect the company’s files and databases.

    • The auditor can reverse the effects of the test transactions or process them in a separate run, using a copy of the file or database.

      • Reversal procedures may reveal the existence and nature of the auditor’s test to key personnel.

      • A separate run removes some of the authenticity

Concurrent Audit Techniques
  • Millions of dollars of transactions can be processed in an online system without leaving a satisfactory audit trail.

  • In such cases, evidence gathered after data processing is insufficient for audit purposes.

  • Also, because many online systems process transactions continuously, it is difficult or impossible to stop the system to perform audit tests.

  • Consequently, auditors use concurrent audit techniques to continually monitor the system and collect audit evidence while live data are processed during regular operating hours.

Concurrent audit techniques use embedded audit modules.

  • These are segments of program code that:

    • Perform audit functions;

    • Report test results to the auditor; and

    • Store collected evidence for auditor review.

  • Are time-consuming and difficult to use, but less so if incorporated when programs are developed.

Auditors commonly use five concurrent audit techniques:

  • (1) An integrated test facility (ITF) technique

    • May represent a fictitious division, department, office, customer, or supplier.

    • Processing test transactions to update these dummy records will not affect actual records.

    • Because real and fictitious transactions are processed together, company employees don’t know the testing is taking place.

    • The system must:

      • Distinguish ITF from actual records;

      • Collect information on the effects of test transactions;

      • Report the results.

    • The auditor compares processing with expected results to verify system and controls are operating correctly.

    • In a batch processing system, the ITF technique

      • Eliminates the need to reverse test transactions

      • Is easily concealed from operating employees because test transactions don’t need to be reversed.

    • In online processing systems, test transactions can be:

      • Submitted on a frequent basis

      • Processed with actual transactions

      • Traced through every processing stage

    • Can all be accomplished without disrupting regular processing operations.

    • Care must be taken not to include dummy records in the reporting process.

  • (2) A snapshot technique - examines the way transactions are processed

    • Selected transactions are marked with a special code that triggers the snapshot process.

    • Audit modules in the program record these transactions and their master file records before and after processing.

    • The selected data are recorded in a special file and reviewed by the auditor to verify that all processing steps were properly executed.

  • (3) A system control audit review file (SCARF) - uses embedded audit modules to continuously monitor transaction activity and collect data on transactions with special audit significance.

    • Data recorded in a SCARF file or audit log include transactions that:

      • Exceed a specified dollar limit;

      • Involve inactive accounts;

      • Deviate from company policy; or

      • Contain write-downs of asset values.

    • Periodically the auditor:

      • Receives a printout of SCARF transactions;

      • Looks for questionable transactions among them; and

      • Investigates.

  • (4) Audit hooks - are audit routines that flag suspicious transactions.

    • • Example: State Farm Life Insurance looking for policyholders who change their name or address and then subsequently withdraw funds.

    • When audit hooks are used, auditors can be informed of questionable transactions as they occur via real-time notification, which displays a message on the auditor’s terminal.

  • (5) Continuous and intermittent simulation (CIS) - embeds an audit module in a database management system.

    • The module examines all transactions that update the Database Management System (DBMS) using criteria like those of SCARF.

    • When a transaction has audit significance, the module:

      • Processes the data independently (similar to parallel simulation);

      • Records the results;

      • Compares results with those obtained by the DBMS.

    • If there are discrepancies, details are written to an audit log for subsequent investigation.

    • Serious discrepancies may prevent the DBMS from executing the update.

Analysis of Program Logic
  • If an auditor suspects that a particular program contains unauthorized code or serious errors, a detailed analysis of the program logic may be necessary.

  • Done only as a last resort because:

    • It’s time-consuming

    • Requires programming language proficiency

  • To perform the analysis, auditors' reference:

    • Program flowcharts

    • Program documentation

    • Program source code.

The following software packages can help:

  • Automated Flowcharting programs

    • Interpret program source code and generate a corresponding flowchart.

  • Automated Decision Table Program

    • Generate a decision table that represent s a program logic.

  • Scanning Routines

    • Search programs for specified variable names or character combinations.

  • Mapping Programs

    • Identify unexecuted program code.

  • Program Tracing

    • Sequentially prints all programs steps executed during a program run.

    • This list is intermingled with regular output of auditors can observe the precise sequence of events that unfold during program execution.

    • Helps the auditor detect:

      • Unauthorized program instructions

      • Incorrect logic paths

      • Unexecuted program code


Types of Error and Fraud
  • Fail to detect erroneous input

  • Improperly correct input errors

  • Process erroneous input

  • Improperly Distribute or disclose output

Control Procedures
  • Computer data editing routines

  • Proper use of internal and external file labels

  • Reconciliation of batch totals

  • Effective error correction procedures

  • Understandable operating documentation and run manuals

  • Competent supervision of computer operations

  • Effective handling of data input and output by data control personnel

  • File change listings and summaries prepared for user department review

  • Maintenance of proper environmental conditions in computer facility

Audit Process: Systems Review
  • Review administrative documentation for processing control standards

  • Review systems documentation for data editing and other processing controls

  • Review operating documentation for completeness and clarity

  • Review copies of error listings, batch total reports, and file change lists

  • Observe computer operations and data control functions

  • Discuss processing and output controls with operations and IS supervisory personnel

Audit Procedures: Test of Controls
  • Evaluate adequacy of processing control standards and procedures

  • Evaluate adequacy and completeness of data editing controls

  • Verify adherence to processing control procedures by observing computer operations and the data control function

  • Verify that selected application system output is properly distributed

  • Reconcile a sample batch totals, and follow up on discrepancies

  • Trace disposition of a sample of errors flagged by data edit routines to ensure proper handling

  • Verify processing accuracy for a sample of sensitive transactions

  • Verify processing accuracy for selected computer-generated transactions

  • Search for erroneous or unauthorized code via analysis of program logic

  • Check accuracy and completeness of processing controls using test data

  • Monitor online processing systems using concurrent audit techniques

  • Recreate selected reports to test for adequacy and completeness

Compensating Controls
- Auditors must periodically reevaluate processing controls to ensure their continued
  • If controls are unsatisfactory, user and source data controls may be strong enough to compensate.

  • If not, a material weakness exists, and steps should be taken to eliminate the control deficiencies.

The purpose of the preceding audit procedures is to gain an understanding of the controls, evaluate its adequacy, and observe operations for evidence that the controls are in use.

  • Several specialized techniques allow the auditor to use the computer to test processing controls:

    • Processing test data

    • Using concurrent audit techniques

    • Analyzing program logic

  • Each has its own advantages and disadvantages:

    • Appropriateness of each technique depends on the situation

    • No one technique is good for all circumstances

  • Auditors should not disclose which technique they use.

Processing Test Data
  • Involves testing a program by processing a hypothetical series of valid and invalid transactions.

  • The program should:

    • Process all the valid transactions correctly

    • Identify and reject the invalid ones

  • All logic paths should be checked for proper functioning by one or more test transactions, including:

    • Records with missing data

    • Fields containing unreasonably large amounts

    • Invalid amount numbers or processing codes

    • Non-numeric data in numeric fields

    • Records out of sequence

The following resources are helpful when preparing test data:

  • A listing of actual transactions

  • The transactions that the programmer used to test the program

  • A test data generator program, which automatically prepares test data based on program specifications

In a batch processing system, the company’s program and a copy of relevant files are used to process the test data.

  • Results are compared with the predetermined correct output.

  • Discrepancies indicate processing errors or control deficiencies that should be investigated.

In an online system, auditors enter test data using a data entry device, such as a PC or terminal.

  • The auditor observes and logs the system’s response.

  • If the system accepts erroneous or invalid test transactions, the auditor reverses the effects of the transactions, investigates the problem, and corrects the deficiency.

Although processing test transactions is usually effective, it has the following disadvantages:
  • The auditor must spend considerable time understanding the system and preparing an adequate set of test transactions.

  • Care must be taken to ensure test data do not affect the company’s files and databases.

    • The auditor can reverse the effects of the test transactions or process them in a separate run, using a copy of the file or database.

      • Reversal procedures may reveal the existence and nature of the auditor’s test to key personnel.

      • A separate run removes some of the authenticity

Concurrent Audit Techniques
  • Millions of dollars of transactions can be processed in an online system without leaving a satisfactory audit trail.

  • In such cases, evidence gathered after data processing is insufficient for audit purposes.

  • Also, because many online systems process transactions continuously, it is difficult or impossible to stop the system to perform audit tests.

  • Consequently, auditors use concurrent audit techniques to continually monitor the system and collect audit evidence while live data are processed during regular operating hours.

Concurrent audit techniques use embedded audit modules.

  • These are segments of program code that:

    • Perform audit functions;

    • Report test results to the auditor; and

    • Store collected evidence for auditor review.

  • Are time-consuming and difficult to use, but less so if incorporated when programs are developed.

Auditors commonly use five concurrent audit techniques:

  • (1) An integrated test facility (ITF) technique

    • May represent a fictitious division, department, office, customer, or supplier.

    • Processing test transactions to update these dummy records will not affect actual records.

    • Because real and fictitious transactions are processed together, company employees don’t know the testing is taking place.

    • The system must:

      • Distinguish ITF from actual records;

      • Collect information on the effects of test transactions;

      • Report the results.

    • The auditor compares processing with expected results to verify system and controls are operating correctly.

    • In a batch processing system, the ITF technique

      • Eliminates the need to reverse test transactions

      • Is easily concealed from operating employees because test transactions don’t need to be reversed.

    • In online processing systems, test transactions can be:

      • Submitted on a frequent basis

      • Processed with actual transactions

      • Traced through every processing stage

    • Can all be accomplished without disrupting regular processing operations.

    • Care must be taken not to include dummy records in the reporting process.

  • (2) A snapshot technique - examines the way transactions are processed

    • Selected transactions are marked with a special code that triggers the snapshot process.

    • Audit modules in the program record these transactions and their master file records before and after processing.

    • The selected data are recorded in a special file and reviewed by the auditor to verify that all processing steps were properly executed.

  • (3) A system control audit review file (SCARF) - uses embedded audit modules to continuously monitor transaction activity and collect data on transactions with special audit significance.

    • Data recorded in a SCARF file or audit log include transactions that:

      • Exceed a specified dollar limit;

      • Involve inactive accounts;

      • Deviate from company policy; or

      • Contain write-downs of asset values.

    • Periodically the auditor:

      • Receives a printout of SCARF transactions;

      • Looks for questionable transactions among them; and

      • Investigates.

  • (4) Audit hooks - are audit routines that flag suspicious transactions.

    • • Example: State Farm Life Insurance looking for policyholders who change their name or address and then subsequently withdraw funds.

    • When audit hooks are used, auditors can be informed of questionable transactions as they occur via real-time notification, which displays a message on the auditor’s terminal.

  • (5) Continuous and intermittent simulation (CIS) - embeds an audit module in a database management system.

    • The module examines all transactions that update the Database Management System (DBMS) using criteria like those of SCARF.

    • When a transaction has audit significance, the module:

      • Processes the data independently (similar to parallel simulation);

      • Records the results;

      • Compares results with those obtained by the DBMS.

    • If there are discrepancies, details are written to an audit log for subsequent investigation.

    • Serious discrepancies may prevent the DBMS from executing the update.

Analysis of Program Logic
  • If an auditor suspects that a particular program contains unauthorized code or serious errors, a detailed analysis of the program logic may be necessary.

  • Done only as a last resort because:

    • It’s time-consuming

    • Requires programming language proficiency

  • To perform the analysis, auditors' reference:

    • Program flowcharts

    • Program documentation

    • Program source code.

The following software packages can help:

  • Automated Flowcharting programs

    • Interpret program source code and generate a corresponding flowchart.

  • Automated Decision Table Program

    • Generate a decision table that represent s a program logic.

  • Scanning Routines

    • Search programs for specified variable names or character combinations.

  • Mapping Programs

    • Identify unexecuted program code.

  • Program Tracing

    • Sequentially prints all programs steps executed during a program run.

    • This list is intermingled with regular output of auditors can observe the precise sequence of events that unfold during program execution.

    • Helps the auditor detect:

      • Unauthorized program instructions

      • Incorrect logic paths

      • Unexecuted program code