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World War 2

  • Italy attacks Ethiopia in 1935

  • Axis powers are formed

  • Spanish civil war

    • Popular unrest against old order -> forced the king to leave spain

    • The national front (nationalist) vs the ____

  • German bombers struck the town of Guernica  to test their new weapons

  • Germany Invaded the Rhineland in 1936

  • Hitlers plan was to bring all German speaking people into the third Reich – annexes Austria

  • League of Nations is ineffective

    • No control of major conflicts

    • No progress in disarmament

    • No effective military force

  • Annexation of the Sudetenland

    • The policy of appeasement – chamberlain and Hitler meet at the Munich conference 1938

  • Czechoslovakia becomes part of the 3rd Reich

    • Hitler broke the Munich agreement

  • The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact 1939

  • Germany invaded Poland

    • Britain and France declare war on Germany in turn (allied powers)

    • Blitzkrieg – flash lightning fighting by Germany

  • Nye Committee concluded that ww1 was a result of the greed of bankers and military contractors

    • US needed to adopt a policy of isolationism to avoid war in Europe

    • Paved the way for the US neutrality acts

  • US Neutrality Acts

    • Prohibited US travel on ships of fighting countries

    • Prohibited loans and credits to nations at war

    • Prohibited arms sale to nations at war

    • Cash and carry act: the US would sell arms to nations at war but ships must meet merchant ships and nations must pay at time of delivery

    • "Good Neighbor" Policy – undoing the tension of the Roosevelt corollary. With he threat of the US intended to gain Latin American support if war broke out.


France Surrenders June 1940

  • Poland fell in 16 days

  • Norway and Denmark fell in 1 day in April 10, 1940

    • Norway had mines they wanted

    • Denmark had German speaking ppl and hitler wanted all german speakers under 1 reich

      • Also for convenience to invade Britain

  • Luxembourg in 1 day, may 11 1940

  • Netherlands in 5 days, may 16 1940

  • Belgium in 10 days , may 30, 1940

  • France in 14 days, june 30, 1940

Dunkirk Evacuated: June 4

  • When Germans invade France

  • Allied troops trapped

  • Rescue mission from England

  • 240000 men to safety

France Divided: Germans set up a puppet state

  • Vichy France was the new French govt after German occupation led by henry Petian

The French Resistance

  • They made the free French flag

  • General charles degaulle led resistance from HQ in London

  • The french resistance fought to free themselves of nazi occupation and also fought against the vichy govt

Now britain is all alone

  • Winston Churchill becomes the new prime minister

Battle of Britain: "The Blitz"

  • In the summer and fall of 1940

  • German and british air forces clashed in the skies over the UK locked in the larges sustained bombing compaign to that date

  • A lot of ppl hid in the London "tube" during the Blitz air raid

The Royal Air Force

  • The Luftwaffe

Lend-Lease Act

  • US transfers arms or any other defense materials to ""the government of any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the US

  • Made america the "great arsenal of democracy"

  • Lent weapons to the US, USSR, africa, middle east, china, india, etc

The Atlantic Charter

  • Roosevelt and Churchil treaty of friendship

  • Solidifies alliance

  • Final destruction of a nazi tyranny and a permanent system of general security

  • Collective war strategy -> long term plans for US and GB

US Response to Japanese Aggression

  • Gunboat panay, japan apologized

    • During raping of nanjing, japan though chinese ppl were trying to escape on US ship so they bombed it but later apologized and paid off the US

  • Strategic arms embargo act – US stopped selling oil and scrap metal to japan

  • 1941 US froze all Japanese financial asses within the US

Pear Harbor

  • Attack on Pearl Harbor proves that a single event can impart the publics opinion

  • The next day, FDR called congress to declare war against Japan

  • Following pearl harbor, japanese americans were suspected of being potentioal spies and terrorists

  • Executive order 9066: FDR ordered the army to round up citizens and aliens of japanese ancestry on the west coast and put them in replacement centers (internment camps)

  • In 1988 congress apologized for wartime mistreatment and voted to pay 20000 dollars


  • Japan takes the Philippines and US surrenders

  • General Douglas Mac Arthur forced to retreat to Australia, leaving army behind

  • Thousands of soldiers captured

  • Forced to march 65 miles to a concentration camp

  • A lot of ppl died on the way and ppl also died in the camps

Battle of Midway Island

  • Yamamoto wants to annihilate the US fleet on midway island

  • US intelligence team found out what the japanese ppl were doing

  • The US got their carrier ships in place

  • Bombers kept getting shot down by the japanese and then they got lost twice

  • Americans then found japanese and bombed them all sinking them

Turning point of war

  • Crushing defeat for the japanese and is widely regarded as the most important naval battle of ww2

  • Permanently weakened the Japanese Navy, costing them over 200 naval aviators

  • Allowed US navy the seize initiative and go offensive

Island hopping

  • War strategy of US to cross ocean toward Japan for a mainland invasion fighting the japanese at every island shrinking their territorial control


Gen MacArthur "returns" to the Philippines

US Marines Iwo Jima

  • Strategic ally victory

  • Used volcanic island as fueling place

Kamikaze Pilots: Terror of Okinawa

  • One of the bloodiest battle sin the pacific

  • Kamikaze pilots are suicide bombers


Operation Barbarossa

  • Hitler broke non-aggression pact by invading soviet union

  • Soviets are officially at war with the axis powers

  • 4million troops spread over 2,000 miles

  • Nazis are now fighting too many fronts

  • Support of Nazi regime starts to decline

Casablanca Conference

  • Churchill and FDR met in Morocco

  • Decision was made to deal with Europe first

  • Allies would attack Italy because it is the weakest part of axis powers

  • Accept nothing less than unconditional surrender of the axis powers

The Italian campaign

  • Germany sends troops to help Italy

  • Allies plan assault on weakest axis area

  • Cin C of AFHQ Eisenhower, Henry Wilson  and Harold

  • Result – Mussolini was forced to resign

The "Big Three" at the Tehran conference

  • FDR, Winston Churchill and Stalin agree to invade Europe across the English channel

Operation Overlord

  • Drive Germans out of France

  • D-Day the largest amphibious invasion in history

  • Planned by general Dwight D Eisenhower

  • The allies landed over 1 million men and liberated France and Belgium by August

The Liberation of Paris

  • Allies landed over 1 million men

  • Allies liberated France and Belgium

Assassination Plot

  • Major Claus von Stauffenberg

    • Was not ok with what Germany was doing

  • "Operation Valkyrie"

Election of 1944

  • Roosevelts 4th Term

  • Americans did not want to switch leaders in the middle of the war

  • Harry S Truman is the VP

Battle of the Bulge

  • Germany launched one last attack against allies

  • The allies won and now had a clear path to Germany

    • Soviets pushed into Germany from the East

    • US pushed into Germany from the West

Yalta Conference


  • Agree to free elections in Eastern Europe

  • Stalin demands influence in Eastern Europe...scares US b/c of communist expansion

  • Split Germany into 4 occupation zones

  • US convinces Soviets to fight in Asia

  • Discussed First UN Meeting place of San Francisco

  • US and British troops meet Russian soldiers in Germany in late April 1945

Hitler Commits Suicide

German Prime Minister also commits suicide

V-E Day

  • On may 8, Germanys unconditional surrender took effect, and the European war came to a close.

  • American soldiers and civilians celebrated V-E Day (Victory Day)

Potsdam Conference

  • Stalin only original

  • The United States has the A-bomb

  • Japan must surrender or face destruction

The Manhattan Project:

  • The Manhattan project was the secret research and development of the atomic bomb

  • "Now I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds!"


  • 70,000 killed immediately

  • Buildings destroyed

  • Ppl dies of radiation poisoning and cancer later


  • 40,000 killed immediately

  • 60,000 injured

  • 100,000 died of radiation poisoning and cancer later

V-J Day

  • Japan formally and unconditionally surrendered


The destruction of Europe

  • The Marshall plan was instituted by the US to rebuild war-torn Europe

  • Economic plan to rebuild and reestablish trade


World War 2

  • Italy attacks Ethiopia in 1935

  • Axis powers are formed

  • Spanish civil war

    • Popular unrest against old order -> forced the king to leave spain

    • The national front (nationalist) vs the ____

  • German bombers struck the town of Guernica  to test their new weapons

  • Germany Invaded the Rhineland in 1936

  • Hitlers plan was to bring all German speaking people into the third Reich – annexes Austria

  • League of Nations is ineffective

    • No control of major conflicts

    • No progress in disarmament

    • No effective military force

  • Annexation of the Sudetenland

    • The policy of appeasement – chamberlain and Hitler meet at the Munich conference 1938

  • Czechoslovakia becomes part of the 3rd Reich

    • Hitler broke the Munich agreement

  • The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact 1939

  • Germany invaded Poland

    • Britain and France declare war on Germany in turn (allied powers)

    • Blitzkrieg – flash lightning fighting by Germany

  • Nye Committee concluded that ww1 was a result of the greed of bankers and military contractors

    • US needed to adopt a policy of isolationism to avoid war in Europe

    • Paved the way for the US neutrality acts

  • US Neutrality Acts

    • Prohibited US travel on ships of fighting countries

    • Prohibited loans and credits to nations at war

    • Prohibited arms sale to nations at war

    • Cash and carry act: the US would sell arms to nations at war but ships must meet merchant ships and nations must pay at time of delivery

    • "Good Neighbor" Policy – undoing the tension of the Roosevelt corollary. With he threat of the US intended to gain Latin American support if war broke out.


France Surrenders June 1940

  • Poland fell in 16 days

  • Norway and Denmark fell in 1 day in April 10, 1940

    • Norway had mines they wanted

    • Denmark had German speaking ppl and hitler wanted all german speakers under 1 reich

      • Also for convenience to invade Britain

  • Luxembourg in 1 day, may 11 1940

  • Netherlands in 5 days, may 16 1940

  • Belgium in 10 days , may 30, 1940

  • France in 14 days, june 30, 1940

Dunkirk Evacuated: June 4

  • When Germans invade France

  • Allied troops trapped

  • Rescue mission from England

  • 240000 men to safety

France Divided: Germans set up a puppet state

  • Vichy France was the new French govt after German occupation led by henry Petian

The French Resistance

  • They made the free French flag

  • General charles degaulle led resistance from HQ in London

  • The french resistance fought to free themselves of nazi occupation and also fought against the vichy govt

Now britain is all alone

  • Winston Churchill becomes the new prime minister

Battle of Britain: "The Blitz"

  • In the summer and fall of 1940

  • German and british air forces clashed in the skies over the UK locked in the larges sustained bombing compaign to that date

  • A lot of ppl hid in the London "tube" during the Blitz air raid

The Royal Air Force

  • The Luftwaffe

Lend-Lease Act

  • US transfers arms or any other defense materials to ""the government of any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the US

  • Made america the "great arsenal of democracy"

  • Lent weapons to the US, USSR, africa, middle east, china, india, etc

The Atlantic Charter

  • Roosevelt and Churchil treaty of friendship

  • Solidifies alliance

  • Final destruction of a nazi tyranny and a permanent system of general security

  • Collective war strategy -> long term plans for US and GB

US Response to Japanese Aggression

  • Gunboat panay, japan apologized

    • During raping of nanjing, japan though chinese ppl were trying to escape on US ship so they bombed it but later apologized and paid off the US

  • Strategic arms embargo act – US stopped selling oil and scrap metal to japan

  • 1941 US froze all Japanese financial asses within the US

Pear Harbor

  • Attack on Pearl Harbor proves that a single event can impart the publics opinion

  • The next day, FDR called congress to declare war against Japan

  • Following pearl harbor, japanese americans were suspected of being potentioal spies and terrorists

  • Executive order 9066: FDR ordered the army to round up citizens and aliens of japanese ancestry on the west coast and put them in replacement centers (internment camps)

  • In 1988 congress apologized for wartime mistreatment and voted to pay 20000 dollars


  • Japan takes the Philippines and US surrenders

  • General Douglas Mac Arthur forced to retreat to Australia, leaving army behind

  • Thousands of soldiers captured

  • Forced to march 65 miles to a concentration camp

  • A lot of ppl died on the way and ppl also died in the camps

Battle of Midway Island

  • Yamamoto wants to annihilate the US fleet on midway island

  • US intelligence team found out what the japanese ppl were doing

  • The US got their carrier ships in place

  • Bombers kept getting shot down by the japanese and then they got lost twice

  • Americans then found japanese and bombed them all sinking them

Turning point of war

  • Crushing defeat for the japanese and is widely regarded as the most important naval battle of ww2

  • Permanently weakened the Japanese Navy, costing them over 200 naval aviators

  • Allowed US navy the seize initiative and go offensive

Island hopping

  • War strategy of US to cross ocean toward Japan for a mainland invasion fighting the japanese at every island shrinking their territorial control


Gen MacArthur "returns" to the Philippines

US Marines Iwo Jima

  • Strategic ally victory

  • Used volcanic island as fueling place

Kamikaze Pilots: Terror of Okinawa

  • One of the bloodiest battle sin the pacific

  • Kamikaze pilots are suicide bombers


Operation Barbarossa

  • Hitler broke non-aggression pact by invading soviet union

  • Soviets are officially at war with the axis powers

  • 4million troops spread over 2,000 miles

  • Nazis are now fighting too many fronts

  • Support of Nazi regime starts to decline

Casablanca Conference

  • Churchill and FDR met in Morocco

  • Decision was made to deal with Europe first

  • Allies would attack Italy because it is the weakest part of axis powers

  • Accept nothing less than unconditional surrender of the axis powers

The Italian campaign

  • Germany sends troops to help Italy

  • Allies plan assault on weakest axis area

  • Cin C of AFHQ Eisenhower, Henry Wilson  and Harold

  • Result – Mussolini was forced to resign

The "Big Three" at the Tehran conference

  • FDR, Winston Churchill and Stalin agree to invade Europe across the English channel

Operation Overlord

  • Drive Germans out of France

  • D-Day the largest amphibious invasion in history

  • Planned by general Dwight D Eisenhower

  • The allies landed over 1 million men and liberated France and Belgium by August

The Liberation of Paris

  • Allies landed over 1 million men

  • Allies liberated France and Belgium

Assassination Plot

  • Major Claus von Stauffenberg

    • Was not ok with what Germany was doing

  • "Operation Valkyrie"

Election of 1944

  • Roosevelts 4th Term

  • Americans did not want to switch leaders in the middle of the war

  • Harry S Truman is the VP

Battle of the Bulge

  • Germany launched one last attack against allies

  • The allies won and now had a clear path to Germany

    • Soviets pushed into Germany from the East

    • US pushed into Germany from the West

Yalta Conference


  • Agree to free elections in Eastern Europe

  • Stalin demands influence in Eastern Europe...scares US b/c of communist expansion

  • Split Germany into 4 occupation zones

  • US convinces Soviets to fight in Asia

  • Discussed First UN Meeting place of San Francisco

  • US and British troops meet Russian soldiers in Germany in late April 1945

Hitler Commits Suicide

German Prime Minister also commits suicide

V-E Day

  • On may 8, Germanys unconditional surrender took effect, and the European war came to a close.

  • American soldiers and civilians celebrated V-E Day (Victory Day)

Potsdam Conference

  • Stalin only original

  • The United States has the A-bomb

  • Japan must surrender or face destruction

The Manhattan Project:

  • The Manhattan project was the secret research and development of the atomic bomb

  • "Now I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds!"


  • 70,000 killed immediately

  • Buildings destroyed

  • Ppl dies of radiation poisoning and cancer later


  • 40,000 killed immediately

  • 60,000 injured

  • 100,000 died of radiation poisoning and cancer later

V-J Day

  • Japan formally and unconditionally surrendered


The destruction of Europe

  • The Marshall plan was instituted by the US to rebuild war-torn Europe

  • Economic plan to rebuild and reestablish trade