Monosaccharide Glucose: A crucial metabolic intermediate in human metabolism.
Glycolysis: Pathway converting glucose to pyruvate or lactate, core mechanism for energy production.
Gluconeogenesis: Reverses glycolysis, converting lactate or pyruvate back to glucose.
Combined pathways of glycolysis and citric acid cycle form the basic energy-yielding mechanisms.
Various substrates like amino acids and glycerol feed into glycolysis.
Aerobic Conditions: Glycolysis produces pyruvate, converted to acetyl-CoA and CO2 by pyruvate dehydrogenase, then oxidized in TCA cycle.
Glucose is a primary fuel, rich in potential energy due to reduced carbon.
Process Phases:
Phase 1: Glucose (6 carbons) → 2 Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (3 carbons) using 2 ATP.
Phase 2: 2 Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate → 2 Pyruvate generating 4 ATP.
Glycolysis Steps:
Glucose converts into 2 Pyruvate with net output:
2 Pyruvate
Divided for visualization, involves:
Five Steps and Enzymes: Converts glucose to G3P.
ATP used: 2 ATP equivalents.
Final step interconverts DHAP and G3P producing 2 G3P.
Also consists of five steps mirroring Part I.
Key Step: G3P to 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate produces NADH, enters oxidative phosphorylation for ATP production.
ATP Yield:
ATP generation occurs at multiple sites, additional 2 ATP produced.
Net Yield: 2 ATP and 2 Pyruvate from glycolysis.
Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase introduces phosphate, produces NADH.
Phosphoglycerate kinase reaction: First ATP production via substrate-level phosphorylation.
Phosphorylation requires energy while dephosphorylation releases energy, ensuring favorable reaction conditions.
Key points include:
Overall negative free energy change for glucose to CO2 is critical for product formation.
Slightly uphill reactions must theoretically release energy for pathway continuity.
Validity of free energy data affects reaction predictions.
Glycolysis generates 2 ATP, gluconeogenesis requires 6 ATP.
Each step in gluconeogenesis corresponds to reversed glycolysis reactions, ensuring ΔG remains negative.
Aerobic Glycolysis: Two pyruvate yield and potential for additional ATP via NADH.
Anaerobic Glycolysis: Converts pyruvate to lactate to regenerate NAD+ without gaining additional ATP.
Describes lactate conversion back to glucose post-exercise in liver.
Sucrose: Converted to glucose and fructose by invertase.
Fructose Integration: Enters via fructokinase, resulting in glyceraldehyde and dihydroxyacetone phosphate.
Galactose: Converted to glucose 6-phosphate through a series of reactions involving galactose kinase and UDP-glucose.
Reciprocal Regulation: Prevents simultaneous operation of pathways.
Enzyme regulation is essential for controlling metabolic processes under different energy requirements.
Measures availability of high-energy phosphates in the cell; governs regulation of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis.
Negative Feedback: High ATP levels inhibit glycolysis.
Positive Feedback: Low energy charge boosts glycolysis activity.
Careful regulation ensures metabolic efficiency without wasteful ATP expenditure.