Dr. Alice Marwick on Media Manipulation and Disinformation Online - Oslo November 2017


  • Speaker: Doctor Alice Marwick

  • Current roles: Assistant professor at UNC, Fellow at Data and Society Research Institute

  • Previous roles: Director of McGannan Centre for Communication Research, Assistant professor at Fordham University

  • Research focus: Social media and alt-right media manipulation.

Overview of Research

  • Studies the coordination of far-right groups in the U.S. via social media.

  • Explores how social media spreads messages and news frames.

Case Study: Mike Cernovich

  • Identifies as part of the alt-right, which incorporates white nationalism, xenophobia, misogyny, and anti-Semitism.

  • Known for using media and technology effectively.

  • Example: In 2017, Cernovich linked the Chicago kidnapping case of a disabled man to the Black Lives Matter movement.

    • Created the hashtag #BLMkidnapping, which trended with 480,000 usages in 24 hours.

    • Resulted in media needing to disclaim links to Black Lives Matter in subsequent reports.

  • Demonstrates media manipulation through repetition and no concern for debunking.

Media Manipulation Mechanics

  • Chain of Influence: Messages flow from alt-right organizing spaces to mainstream media.

    • Alt-Tech Platforms: Board sites like 4chan and 8chan, far-right clones of Reddit (Vote) and Twitter (Gab).

    • Hyper-Partisan Press: Sites like Breitbart, The Daily Caller, and Infowars relay ideologically slanted narratives.

  • Here's how ideas transition to mainstream media:

    1. Discussion in underground spaces.

    2. Spread via mainstream social media.

    3. Amplified by hyper-partisan outlets.

    4. Finally reaching mainstream media.

Motivations for Far-Right Media Actors

  • Financial Gain: Fake news generates revenue; studies showed pro-Trump stories were profitable for creators in the Balkans.

  • Pursuit of Fame: Figures like Milo Yiannopoulos gain notoriety through alt-right affiliation.

  • Trolling: Individuals enjoy causing controversy and disrupting mainstream media narratives.

  • Ideological motivations:

    • Different groups share a common anti-liberal culture ideology, pushing back on perceived attacks on their identities and beliefs.

Red Pilling

  • Concept Definition: Inspired by The Matrix, "red-pilling" refers to awakening one’s awareness of the supposed truths underlying societal deceptions.

  • It becomes a means of recruiting others to far-right beliefs and spreading ideologies such as anti-feminism and anti-immigration.

Conspiracy Theories and their Impact

  • Once individuals accept one conspiracy, they are more inclined to embrace others, impacting their perception of the media as inherently deceptive.

  • Common beliefs include ideas that media is controlled by Jewish interests or globalists.

Media Tactics and Strategies Used by the Far-Right

  1. Exploitation of Novelty and Sensationalism: Media outlets obsess over sensationalist topics.

  2. Opening the Overton Window: Far-right ideas are framed as novel, allowing them entry into mainstream dialogue.

  3. Algorithmic Gamification: Some outlets use media algorithms to gain attention but risk promoting unfounded narratives.

    • Example: The amplification of false narratives after events like mass shootings.

  4. Strategic Ambiguity: Outlets like Breitbart utilize ambiguous messaging to distance themselves from radical elements while collaborating with them.

  5. Collaborative Content Creation: Far-right users actively participate in creating and spreading shared narratives online.

Effects of Far-Right Influence on Media

  • Changing viewpoints and agendas through strategic media manipulation can reframe public perception.

  • Research shows misinformation can entrench existing beliefs rather than change them.

  • Trust in mainstream media has dropped significantly, particularly among conservative audiences.

Final Thoughts on Future Directions

  • Need for conclusions on far-right narratives in global contexts and the influence of state actors like Russia.

  • Importance of intervention strategies to prevent radicalization, especially among young men.

  • Journalistic responsibility in avoiding inadvertent propagation of harmful narratives.


  • Acknowledgment of collaborators and ongoing efforts in researching these phenomena.
