
Republic Act No. 8749 - Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999

Chapter 1: General Provisions

Article One: Basic Air Quality PoliciesSection 1: Short TitleThis Act shall be known as the “Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999.”

Section 2: Declaration of Principles

  • The State shall protect the right to a balanced and healthful ecology.

  • Emphasizes sustainable development and local government responsibilities in environmental management.

  • Recognition of the principle that "polluters must pay."

  • Clean environment is a collective responsibility.

Section 3: Declaration of Policies

  • Aim to balance development and environmental protection.

  • Formulate a national air pollution management program with effective coordination.

  • Encourage self-regulation among citizens and industries.

  • Pollution prevention is prioritized over control.

  • Recognize the need for public participation in air quality management.

  • Set accountability mechanisms for environmental impact and establish funding for rehabilitation.

Section 4: Recognition of Rights

  • Right to clean air and to utilize natural resources sustainably.

  • Participation in environmental policy formulation and decision-making.

  • Right to be informed about environmental hazards and access public records.

  • Right to bring legal actions for environmental violations and seek damages.

Article Two: Definition of Terms

Section 5: Definitions

  • Air pollutant: Matter in the atmosphere harmful to health/environment.

  • Air pollution: Alterations to air properties causing harm to health and environment.

  • Ambient air quality guideline values: Goals for air quality protection.

  • Ambient air quality: General pollution levels in an area.

  • Certificate of Conformity: Certifies vehicle compliance with air standards.

  • Eco-profile: Evaluation tool for environmental quality.

  • Emission: Contaminants released into the atmosphere.

  • Greenhouse gases: Gases causing global warming.

  • Hazardous substances: Dangerous substances with acute or chronic health risks.

  • Medical waste and Infectious waste: Waste from medical activities with risk of transmitting diseases.

  • Stationary source: Any place emitting air pollutants.

Chapter 2: Air Quality Management System

Section 6: Air Quality Monitoring

  • Annual National Air Quality Status Report from the Department.

  • Involves monitoring pollution extent and evaluating trends.

Section 7: Integrated Air Quality Improvement Framework

  • Establish a comprehensive framework for pollution management.

  • Include emission reduction goals, control strategies, and economic incentives.

Section 8: Air Quality Control Action Plan

  • Develop enforceable emission limitations with public participation.

  • Ensure compliance with set air quality standards.

Section 9: Airsheds

  • Designate airsheds based on climate and pollutant diffusion.

  • Establishing a Governing Board to coordinate action plans.

Chapter 3: Stationary Sources

  • Regular reviews of emission standards for stationary sources.

Chapter 4: Pollution from Motor Vehicles

  • DOTC to set and enforce vehicle emission standards.

  • Implement an inspection and maintenance program for vehicles.

Chapter 5: Incentives and Penalties for Compliance

Section 15: Incentives for Compliance

  • Establish rewards for industries meeting or exceeding emissions standards.

  • Support for businesses adopting cleaner technologies and sustainable practices.

Section 16: Penalties for Non-compliance

  • Set fines for exceeding emissions limits.

  • Multiple penalties for entities failing to comply with air quality standards.

Chapter 6: Fines and Penalties

  • Established fines for exceeding air quality standards.

  • Provisions for penalties for various violations of the Act.

Chapter 7: Final Provisions

  • Establish procedures for enforcing compliance and reporting progress to Congress.

  • Monitor the effectiveness of the Act and make necessary amendments for improvement.

Chapter 8: Institutional Arrangements

  • Designate a lead agency responsible for implementing the Act and overseeing air quality management.

  • Allow for the creation of local air quality management offices.

Chapter 9: Civil Action

  • Authorize any person to file suits for the enforcement of the Act, seeking injunctions and the imposition of penalties.

Chapter 10: International Agreements

  • Encourage participation in regional and international air quality agreements.

Additional Sections (17-51):

  • Section 17-51 includes specific mechanisms, penalties, and enforcement strategies related to air quality management. Details of these sections will outline processes related to regulatory compliance, monitoring, research on air quality impacts, and support for affected communities, emphasizing transparency and public engagement in environmental governance.

Summary of Republic Act No. 8749 - Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 (Sections 1-51)

General Provisions

  • Short Title: Known as the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999.

  • Declaration of Principles: Protects the right to a balanced ecology, emphasizes sustainability, and recognizes that 'polluters must pay.'

  • Declaration of Policies: Aims to balance development with environmental protection, promotes self-regulation, and prioritizes pollution prevention. Public participation and accountability are fundamental.

  • Recognition of Rights: Ensures the right to clean air, participation in policy formulation, access to information about environmental hazards, and legal recourse for violations.


  • Air Pollution: Harmful alterations to atmospheric properties.

  • Air Quality: Guidelines and standards established to protect public health and the environment.

Air Quality Management System

  • Monitoring: Annual reports on air quality status, assessing pollution trends.

  • Improvement Framework: Goals for emission reductions, strategies for pollution management, and economic incentives.

  • Control Action Plan: Development of enforceable emission limits in collaboration with the public.

Stationary Sources & Motor Vehicles

  • Regular reviews of emissions standards and enforcement of vehicle emissions.

  • Implementation of vehicle inspections and maintenance programs.

Incentives and Penalties for Compliance

  • Incentives: Rewards for industries surpassing emissions standards and support for adopting cleaner technologies.

  • Penalties: Fines for breaches of air quality standards, with provisions for multiple penalties for non-compliance.

Institutional Arrangements

  • Designation of a lead agency for implementation and oversight, plus local offices for air quality management.

Civil Action & International Agreements

  • Citizens can enforce the Act legally, while promoting participation in global air quality initiatives.

Sections 17-51 Overview

  • Cover specific mechanisms, penalties, and strategies for air quality management, including compliance processes, monitoring, impacts research, and support for affected communities, with a focus on transparency and public engagement.
