Phobias Definitions Test

**Achulophobia:** fear of darkness

**Acrophobia:** fear of heights

**Aerophobia:** fear of flying

**Algophobia:** fear of pain

**Agoraphobia:** fear of leaving their house

**Ailurophobia:** fear of cats

**Aichmophobia:** fear of sharp objects

**Amaxophobia:** fear of driving

**Amathophobia:** fear of dust

**Amychophobia:** fear of being scratched, clawed, or lacerated

**Anatidaephobia:** fear that a duck or goose is watching you

**Androphobia:** fear of men

**Anemophobia:** fear of hard winds

**Anginophobia:** fear of choking

**Antlophobia:** fear of floods

**^^Aquaphobia:^^** fear of water

**Antropophobia:** fear of people

**Astraphobia:** fear of thunder and lightning

**Ataxophobia:** fear of disorder or untidiness

**Atelophobia:** fear of imperfection

**Automatonophobia:** fear of human-like figures

**Aphenphosmphobia:** fear of being touched

**Apiphobia:** fear of bees

**Arachibutyrophobia:** fear of peanut butter getting stuck on the roof of your mouth

**Arachnophobia:** fear of spiders

**Arithmophobia:** fear of numbers

**Autophobia:** fear of being alone

**Bacteriophobia:** fear of germs

**Ballistophobia:** fear of projectiles

**Barophobia:** fear of gravity

**Bathophobia:** fear of depths

**Batrachophobia:** fear of frogs

**Belonephobia:** fear of needles

**Bibliophobia:** fear of books

**Bromidrosiphobia:** fear of perceived odors

**Brontophobia:** fear of natural noises like thunderstorms

**Cacophobia:** fear of being ugly

**Carnophobia:** fear of meat

**Catagelophobia:** fear of being ridiculed

**Chronophobia:** fear of time

**Chronmophobia:** fear of colors

**Chronomentrophobia:** fear of clocks

**Claustrophobia:** fear of confined spaces

**Coulrophobia:** fear of clowns

**Cyberphobia:** fear of computers or technology

**Cynophobia:** fear of dogs

**Coronaphobia**: fear of getting covid-19

**Chemophobia:** fear of synthetic substances / chemicals

**Chirotophobia**: fear of bats

**Chromophobia:** fear of colors

**Cibophobia:** fear of food

**Coimetrophobia:** fear of cemeteries

**Dendrophobia:** fear of trees

**Dentrophobia:** fear of going to the dentist

**Dextrophobia:** fear of things located on the right side of the body

**Domatophobia:** fear of being inside a house

**Dysmorphophobia:** fear of your own body

**Eisotrophobia:** fear of trophobias

**Emetophobia:** fear of vomiting

**Enochlophobia:** fear of crowds

**Equinophobia:** fear of horses

**%%Entomophobia:%%** fear of insects

**Erythrophobia:** fear of blushing

**Frigophobia:** fear of death

**Gamophobia:** fear of marriage

**Genuphobia:** fear of knees

**Globophobia:** fear of balloons

**Glossophobia:** fear of public speaking

**Gerascophia:** fear of aging

**Gynophobia:** fear of women

**Haphephobia:** fear of being touched

**Halitophobia:** fear of bad breath

**Heliophobia:** fear of the sun

**Hemophobia:** fear of blood

**Heptadekaphobia:** fear of the number 17

**Herpetophobia:** fear of reptiles

**Hippophobia:** fear of horses

**Hodophobia:** fear of traveling

**Hypnophobia:** fear of sleeping

**^^Hydrophobia:^^** fear of water

**Iatrophobia:** fear of doctors

**Ichthyophobia:** fear of fish

**%%Insectophobia:%%** fear of insects

**Leukophobia:** fear of the color white

**Lilapsophobia:** fear of tornados or hurricanes

