Macro 2/3/25

Introduction to Macroeconomics

  • Overview of Course

    • Macroeconomics focuses on economy-wide phenomena.

    • Continuous learning is encouraged; even the instructor is constantly expanding their knowledge.

    • Commitment to stay within the framework of introductory principles of economics.

Structure of the Course

  • Weekly Topics

    • Deep dive into various topics step-by-step throughout the semester.

    • Future chapters will address:

      • Long-run economic growth

      • Inflation, deflation, and price stability

      • International macroeconomics and trade deficits.

  • Key Learning Expectations

    • Students are responsible for homework and assignments based on the primary textbook by Krugman (7th edition).

Macroeconomic Fundamentals

  • Distinction Between Macro and Micro

    • Macroeconomics: Studies the economy as a whole (aggregate focus).

    • Microeconomics: Examines individual consumer and producer behaviors.

  • Business Cycles

    • Understanding fluctuations in economic output, including recessions and expansions.

    • Policymakers' roles in stabilizing economic fluctuations.

Key Economic Indicators

  • Current Economic Health Discussion

    • Class engagement discusses the current state of the U.S. economy.

    • Factors influencing economic conditions include market performance and inflation in grocery goods.

Economic Recession and Recovery

  • Identifying Economic Trends

    • Recognizing signs of a recession versus a boom; questioning whether the economy is in decline or stable.

    • Past case studies include the 2008 recession and historical references to economic downturns.

  • Recession Characteristics

    • GDP decline and rising unemployment indicates recessionary periods.

    • Recovery involves policies aimed at stimulating economic growth.

AS-AD Model Introduction

  • Aggregate Supply and Demand Model (AS-AD)

    • Foundation for understanding how macroeconomic theory maps out economic conditions.

    • Interaction of aggregate supply and demand determines overall output and price levels.

Business Cycle Components

  • Expansion, Peak, Recession, Trough

    • Expansion: Period of growth in economic output;

    • Peak: Max economic performance before a decline;

    • Recession: Decline in national output;

    • Trough: Lowest point in economic activity before recovery.

Demand and Supply Response

  • Policy Responses to Economic Changes

    • Policymakers use fiscal and monetary policy to stimulate economies during downturns.

    • Policies include adjusting interest rates and government spending.

Historical Context and Economic Theories

  • Classical vs. Keynesian Economics

    • Classical economists believed in limited government intervention.

    • Keynesians argue for government spending to reactivate economic activity during slumps.

  • Impact of Government Policies

    • Notable historical movements include responses to the Great Depression and recent events.

    • Understanding the role of fiscal stimulus during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Long-Run Economic Growth

  • Importance of Sustained Growth

    • Long-run growth leads to improved living standards and technological advancements.

    • Historical growth comparisons highlight the U.S.'s development trajectory relative to other nations.


  • Further Exploration

    • Upcoming classes will delve deeper into inflation and changes in economic activity.

    • Continuous encouragement to engage and understand the broader economic environment.

  • Closing Encouragement

    • Students are thanked for participation and reminded of the importance of questioning and critical thinking in economics.
