1. Baker v. Carr

  • Answer: Established "one person, one vote" and allowed federal courts to intervene in redistricting issues.

2. Barry Goldwater

  • Answer: Republican senator and 1964 presidential candidate, known for his conservative views and strong anti-communist stance.

3. Bay of Pigs

  • Answer: A failed 1961 U.S. attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro in Cuba, leading to embarrassment for the Kennedy administration.

4. Berlin Wall

  • Answer: A barrier built in 1961 by East Germany to prevent East Germans from fleeing to West Berlin, symbolizing Cold War division.

5. Brinkmanship

  • Answer: A strategy of pushing dangerous situations to the edge of disaster, particularly in Cold War nuclear diplomacy.

6. Castro

  • Answer: Fidel Castro, communist leader of Cuba, who aligned with the Soviet Union and led to U.S. tensions, including the Cuban Missile Crisis.

7. Cuban Missile Crisis

  • Answer: A 13-day standoff in 1962 over Soviet missiles in Cuba, resolved when the USSR agreed to remove them in exchange for U.S. non-invasion promises.

8. Domino Theory

  • Answer: The belief that if one country fell to communism, nearby countries would follow suit, particularly in Southeast Asia.

9. Eisenhower's Warning about the Military-Industrial Complex

  • Answer: Eisenhower warned in 1961 that the growing influence of the military-industrial complex could lead to excessive spending and unnecessary conflict.

10. Election of 1960

  • Answer: The first televised presidential debates, where John F. Kennedy's performance helped him defeat Richard Nixon.

11. Flexible Response

  • Answer: JFK’s policy to have a range of responses to international conflicts, from conventional forces to nuclear options.

12. Gideon v. Wainwright

  • Answer: The Supreme Court ruled that criminal defendants have a right to an attorney, even if they cannot afford one.

13. Great Society

  • Answer: LBJ’s domestic programs aimed at eliminating poverty and racial injustice, including Medicare and Medicaid.

14. Hubert Humphrey

  • Answer: Vice President under LBJ and a key advocate for civil rights and social welfare reforms.

15. JFK Foreign Policy

  • Answer: Focused on containment, confronting the USSR, and promoting democracy, including the Peace Corps and the Alliance for Progress.

16. Khrushchev

  • Answer: Soviet Premier who led during key Cold War events like the Cuban Missile Crisis and the construction of the Berlin Wall.

17. LBJ (Lyndon B. Johnson)

  • Answer: U.S. President who promoted civil rights, the Great Society programs, and escalated U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War.

18. Medicaid

  • Answer: A program that provides health coverage to low-income individuals, established as part of the Great Society in 1965.

19. Medicare

  • Answer: A federal program providing health insurance for Americans over 65 and certain younger people with disabilities, created in 1965.

20. Miranda v. Arizona

  • Answer: The Supreme Court ruled that suspects must be informed of their rights before interrogation, leading to the establishment of "Miranda rights."

21. Mapp v. Ohio

  • Answer: The Supreme Court ruled that evidence obtained illegally cannot be used in state courts, enforcing the Fourth Amendment.

22. Peace Corps

  • Answer: A volunteer program created by JFK in 1961 to assist in development and peace-building efforts abroad.

23. Richard Nixon

  • Answer: U.S. President known for ending the Vietnam War, opening relations with China, and resigning due to the Watergate scandal.

24. S.E.A.T.O.

  • Answer: A defense pact created in 1954 aimed at preventing the spread of communism in Southeast Asia, similar to NATO.

25. Analysis of the Great Society and Rulings of the Warren Court

  • Answer: The Great Society aimed to eliminate poverty and injustice, and the Warren Court expanded civil rights and liberties, such as in Gideon v. Wainwright and Miranda v. Arizona.

26. JFK's Handling of Cold War Crises

  • Answer: JFK handled crises like the Cuban Missile Crisis by negotiating with the USSR and supported West Berlin during the Berlin Wall construction, emphasizing U.S. commitment to freedom.
