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Omnipotent – All powerful, almighty + unlimited nature of God

Omnibenevolent – All loving God

Trinity – Three persons God unity: One God Father transcendent creator, Son God divine human flesh + Holy Spirit​ seed in all Christians guide

Incarnation – Act of God human form of Jesus flesh

Atonement – Belief Jesus death cross healed rift between humans + God

Sacraments – Outward sign of visible + inward blessing God

Evangelism – Preach gospel w intention of convert other

Crucifixion – Ancient capital roman punishment

Salvation – Saving of consequences of sin

Resurrection – Rising from dead

Ascension – Jesus return to heaven mission fulfil

Omnipresent – God in all places

Transcendent – God outside earth space + immanent (acting in world)


God is omnipotent

(Exodus 7-11) ‘Plagues were so that you know there is no-one like our God’

God is omnibenevolent

(Romans 8:37-39) ‘Nothing can separate people from love of God’

God is three in one

(John 10:30) ‘Jesus said He + God were one’

Evil + suffering in world

(Job 1: 8-12) ‘Job curse God if he experienced pain’

(Job 42:1-6) ‘Job admits belief God can do all, no plan of his can be de-railed’

Problem: Evil and Suffering

Epicurus Greek philosopher

  • Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? he is not omnipotent

  • Is he able, but not willing? he is malevolent

  • Is he both able and willing? whence cometh evil?

  • Is he neither able nor willing? why call him God

Christian responses

  • Free will given choices humans make = evil + suffering.

  • Satan = of evil + suffering.

  • Suffering result original sin.

  • Suffering help us develop + grow 'soul-making'.

  • Existence of evil helps us appreciate good

  • Without suffering - not goodness

Problem: Believing ‘Original sin’

  • Not explicit state in bible: bad translation

  • Old Testament - please God = obedience expected


Gen 1 - day…

  1. ‘Let there be light’ God divide light from darkness day + night

  2. God made sky, land + seas

  3. God made land grow plants + trees

  4. God created sun, moon + stars

  5. God created animals for sky + seas

  6. God created animals, all living creatures, man in his image

Gen 2

  • God created Adam put in Eden

  • Adam keep God company/look after world

  • God took rib from Adam - woman

  • Job - take care of new home

Gen 3

  • God warned Adam + Eve of tree

  • Eve tempted by snake

  • Eve become ‘Like God’

  • Disobeyed God - unhappy + fearful of God

  • Leave Garden of Eden ‘Nothing will come easily not even childbirth, one day, you will die’



Truth of Bible in literal + direct sense

  • God spirit move across waters

  • Six days x 24 hours God created universe

  • Adam formed - dust of earth

  • Eve formed - Adams rib

  • Conflict between science + religion


Bible has some truths - metaphorical

  • God created world

  • Used natural processes he created

  • 6 periods of creation not 24 hours

  • No conflict scientific + religion: weave together give full picture life + earth

  • Creation story mythical, no literal truth, describe writers of time believe

  • Scientific - based on evidence + research, no questions

ROLE OF WORD (John 1:1-5​)

  • ‘In beginning was Word, And Word was w God’

  • ‘Word was God’

  • ‘He was w God in beginning’

  • ‘Through him all things were made’

  • ‘W/o him nothing was made’


(Genesis 1:1-2) ​‘Spirit of god was hovering over waters’

Waters - vast expanse of creation given by spirit

Spirits omniscience + omnipotence maintains order in universe

(John 1: 1-15) ‘In beginning was Word, Word was w God, Word was God word became flesh + made his dwelling among us' ​

(Job 33:4) 'Spirit of god made me’

Eternal spirit spend eternity heaven or hell:

  • Made in his image: we are eternal

  • Choose good from evil

  • Free will like creator


(John 1) - incarnation Word (Jesus) became flesh

(Luke 1) - Jesus born of Virgin Mary

  • Mary virgin birth – immaculate conception

  • Jesus heal blind man: miracles

  • Jesus second 'person' (Son of the Trinity)

  • Messiah

  • Both fully human + divine

  • Jesus as human:

(Romans 5:8) ‘God demonstrates His love, while we are sinners, Christ died for us’

Jesus as divine:

(John 14:6-7) ‘No one comes to Father except through me’

  • Save humanity from original sin + repair broken relationship between God +man


  • Show God omnibenevolence

  • Show God omnipotence

  • Miracle birth - affirm divine characteristic of Jesus fully human + fully God

  • Essential part to trinity

  • W/o incarnation - couldn’t achieve salvation: separation of God + man remains

  • Coming of Messiah foretold in Old testament: affirms validity of Bible

  • God present w his people in a new + decisive way


What is it?

  • Roman form execution - design make criminals suffer nailed wooden cross until death Golgotha

  • Death Jesus: part of divine plan bring salvation

(Luke 18: 31) Fulfilment of Old Testament - Jesus referred to crucifixion as a fulfilment of prophecies

  • Temple curtain tore - mirroring end of segregation between God + man

  • Felt pain: human + divine

  • Killed on charge blasphemy sentenced by Pontius Pilate


  • Death act of atonement for sins part of process for redemption/salvation of humanity

  • Necessary to allow resurrection take place

  • Allows humans reach salvation + eternal life heaven

  • Saves human from eternal damnation: solution for original sin

  • Shows Gods omnibenevolence

  • Comforts Christians know God shared their pain

MATTHEW 27:28-50

  • Crown of thorns on his head

  • Staff in hand

  • Knelt + mocked him ‘Hail, king of the Jews!’

  • Spit on him + struck him

What happend during it?

  • Carry cross to Golgotha

  • Crucified him above head placed written : Jesus, king of Jews

  • Two rebels crucified w him

  • Hurled insults at him ‘Save yourself! Come down from cross, if you are Son of God!’


(Matthew 26:26-29) ‘Until day when I drink it w you in my Father's kingdom'

(Isaiah 53:3-9) ‘We all, like sheep, have gone astray’

Salvation importance

  • Key to eternal life w God

  • Brought forgiveness of sins + assurance of eternal life

  • Reunited w Father in heaven

  • Origin: Adam + Eves sin

  • Humans sin: punishment justice maintained: all fall short of Gods standard

  • God sends himself: punished instead of Christians

Atonement importance

  • Repair broken relationship God + man

  • Forgiveness of sins possible

  • Born original sin: incapable of entering heaven separating from God

  • Reunited w God

  • Eternal life


  • (Luke 24: 5-6) ‘He has risen!’

  • (1 Corinthians 15:3-8) ‘Christ died for our sins’

  • (1 Corinthians 12-14) ‘We all baptised by one Spirit to form one body."


  • Gods omnipotence

  • To believe in resurrection = believe in god

  • Reminds Christians his absolute sovereignty over life + death

  • Validates who Jesus claimed to be

  • Proof Saviour of the world

  • Validates Old Testament foretold of Jesus' suffering + resurrection

  • W/o: Christian faith useless

  • We know we resurrect to new life: we can endure persecution + danger for Christ's sake


(Luke 24: 50-53: 50) ‘ He left them and was taken up into heaven’


  • Signalled end of His earthly ministry.

  • God Father lovingly sent His Son into world now Son was returning to Father

  • Signified success in His earthly work

  • All He come to do accomplished.

  • Marked return of his heavenly glory.

  • God was pleased w work

(John) Prepare a place for us

  • He will return just as He left-literally, bodily, visibly in clouds.

  • Left holy spirit - guide Christians

  • Reinforces belief of trinity

  • Reminds Christians of Jesus' second coming: Parousia


Different ways of achieving:

  • Protestant Grace - freely given to those who accept it

  • 'Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ you will be saved'

  • Roman Catholic Sacraments - living good life like Jesus w sacraments

(James 2:17) ‘Faith by itself, not accompanied by action, is dead’

  • Word of God - Bible: a record of Divine Law: rules + law of God Christians choose to live

  • Bible: inspired by God a revelation from God

  • Interpreted in different ways: literal/liberal

  • Other sources of authority Christians refer to:

    • Minister

    • Priests

    • Teachings of church

    • Holy Spirit

    • Conscience

Sin ​

  • God's law everyone affected

  • Separates from God

  • Salvation: rescue, deliverance​

  • God sends Holy Spirit to​

  • Bring grace + help lives of faith ​

  • Prayer 'gifts of Spirit' help believe evangelical worship

Sacraments ​

  • Special 'rites' Holy Spirit comes on believers

  • help encourage faith

(Acts 2: 1-6) Apostles visit Holy Spirit = grace of God - speak in other languages "filled w Holy Spirit”


Eschatological beliefs: death, judgement, resurrection

(John 11:25-26)"One who believes in me will live, even though they die"

(John 14: 2-7) "My Father's house has many rooms... l am going there to prepare a place for you”

Judgement day second coming of Jesus: Parousia

  • Death isn't end, resurrected like Jesus - come back spiritually/new body - Judged on lifestyle

(Matthew 25:31-46)"Whatever you did for least of brothers , you did for me"

(Luke 16: 19-31)Lazarus was w Abraham in heaven, rich man "in agony in fire."


(1 Corinthians 15: 42-55)"Dead raised imperishable''

How important is belief in afterlife? ​

  • Faith in God gives - afterlife: centred + focused on God goodness

  • Christians - not fear death: God prepared afterlife reward faithfulness in life

  • No afterlife, only heritage leave is memories

  • Teach Christians follow sacraments


Heaven beliefs

  • Physical place

  • Spiritual dimension

  • No sorrow/death

  • Paradise reward for life of faith + good works

Eternal life

  • Catholics - good believers heaven

  • Anyone believes in Jesus go heaven despite actions

  • Gods omnibenevolence: all forgiven + go heaven

Hell beliefs

  • Place of suffering

  • Absolute separation God: ultimate punishment

  • Physical place - burn physical

  • Spiritual dimension doesn’t include God

  • Punishment for life w/o atonement


  • Rest purgatory: cleansed ready for heaven ​

  • Prayers said shorten stay - penance​


  • Liturgical: Structured set routine patterns of prayer established rituals service book

  • When: Sunday

  • Who: Members of church eucharist for baptised/christened

  • Informal: Varied spontaneous elements no pattern society evangelicals

  • When: Sundays

  • Who: Members of church + public

  • Individual: Alone prayer personal reading bible/pattern

  • When: Everyday

  • Who: Individuals

Importance of prayer

  • Follows Jesus

  • Communication w Jesus

  • Any time feels need to pray

  • Types of prayer

    • Adoration (praise)

    • Confession (sorry)

    • Thanksgiving (thank you)

    • Supplication (asking for others)

(Matthew 18:20) ‘‘How glorious to know that the Lord Jesus is my living head’

Lord's prayer

  • What: Pattern Jesus disciples

  • When: Recited or sung in services, or individually

  • Importance: Pattern Jesus gave, perfect prayer, completely selfless

Charismatic worship

  • What: Informal worship - Holy Spirit w them prayer free-flowing services.

  • Importance: Gospel of John ‘Worshippers must worship in Spirit'

  • Spirit guides ceremony: carry out God's wishes


  • What: Christians clap + shout services worship w whole bodies speak in tongues

  • Importance: Creates a relationship between god and believer

  • God sets them free, parent figure

Society of friends (Quakers)

  • What: Private meditation and personal reflection

  • Importance: Being in the presence of God



  • Baptism

  • Confirmation

  • Eucharist

  • Marriage

Catholic/Orthodox :

  • Baptism: Beginning of spiritual life, infants free from original sin

  • Confirmation: Bishop anoints chrism oil gifts of holy spirit received, affirming baptism

  • Eucharist: Receiving body + blood wine + bread commemorate last supper

  • Penance: Confess to priest: purification

  • Anointing sick: Priest anoints sick w blessed oil

  • Holy orders: Men ordained priests serve God + spread word

  • Marriage: Unites man + woman, man need partnership - Adam



  • Anglican & Catholic: sacrament

  • Entry child Christian family

  • Parents & Godparents promise bring up in Christian life

  • Rite indicates choosing member church: obedience example of Jesus


  • Anglicans or Catholics babies or young children

  • Baptists or Pentecostals baptism immersion during service any age


  • Rite of entry mark membership Christian church

  • Remove sin Jesus baptised as adult Presentation



  • Service memory death Jesus bread + wine last supper w disciples

  • Bread symbolise - body of Jesus

  • Wine symbolise - blood of Jesus

  • Anglican & Catholic sacrament

  • Catholics mass

  • Protestants communion


  • Anglicans Catholics Sunday

  • Protestants service less twice monthly Easter + Christmas


  • Instituted by Jesus at last supper

  • Bread and wine symbols of blood and body of Jesus

  • Humans receive salvation

  • Jesus told followers share bread memory of death

  • Eucharist - thanksgiving

  • Anglicans Catholics liturgical service: set pattern structure followed


  • Bread + wine significant, not just symbol of body + blood of Jesus

  • Symbols of need for spiritual food

  • Catholics (transubstantiation)

  • Protestant bread + wine symbols only of body and blood of Jesus,

  • Presence of Jesus spiritual

  • Baptists + Pentecostals - spiritual presence

  • Communion Service act of remembrance


  • Journey to sacred place

  • Act of religious devotion

  • Holy Land, 'travelling in the footsteps of Jesus' popular

  • Pilgrimage faith in action: journey represent Christian's journey from earth to heaven.

  • Experience deepen/develop spiritual faith

  • Specific reason pilgrimage e.g. healing, rededication or thanksgiving


Norfolk, England

Why place:

  • 1061 wife Lord of Manor: dream Virgin Mary ask build replica of house in Nazareth: birth of Jesus was announced

Importance :

  • Commemorates announcement birth of Jesus

What happens:

  • Services every day pilgrims pray (saying rosary)

  • Mass is celebrate midday

  • A national pilgrimage every year on Spring Bank Holiday

  • Pilgrims walk slowly to shrine

  • Some Catholics walk last mile barefoot: act of penance

  • Daily service: 'Sprinkling of Well' water believed special



Why place:

  • Roger Schutz founded a com France 1940

  • Monks different Christian traditions live a life of communal prayer

  • Catholic + Protestant monks focus on reconciliation, resolution of conflict

Importance :

  • Young people curiosity, adventure

  • Act religious devotion

  • Walking in footsteps of people of faith

  • Act atonement

  • Act supplication (asking for something)

What happens:

  • Pilgrims join monastic community

  • Set times prayer in 'Church of Reconciliation' (3 times a day)

  • Spend time in private prayer

  • Bible study groups

  • Music & chants from Taize popular


  • Celebrating birth Jesus

  • Has a period of spiritual preparation (Advent)

  • Rehearsing story of Nativity

  • Incarnation explain Jesus God born in human flesh

  • Services Christingle candle an orange symbolising Jesus light of world

  • Traditionally Christmas Carol

  • Midnight Mass communion services Christmas Eve mark beginning of Christmas

  • All Christmases give of presents family + friends: Remembrance gift of Jesus to world

  • Saviour - Jesus


  • Easter after Lent, 40 day period Ash Wednesday remember Jesus desert fasting + praying 'give up' something for Lent symbol - abstinence

  • Ash cross marked foreheads service for Catholics

  • Services include candles + darkness - symbols of death + resurrection

  • Thursday - Maundy Thursday last supper Jesus symbolise Jesus wash disciples feet before meal Good Friday : remember death of Jesus

  • Easter Sunday resurrection empty tomb easter eggs (new life) Easter cards

  • Resurrection - assurance new life w God eternity


  • 2001 census: increase diversity in religious + non-religious beliefs

  • 2011 Census Christianity as largest religion (59.3%)

  • Increase in diverse beliefs

  • Second largest Muslim (2.7 million 4.8%)

  • Increase in atheists 1/4 (25.1%).

  • Decrease (by 12.4%)in number of Christians,

  • Largest increase Muslim (by 1.8%). 

  • London most diverse


  • Christianity brought to Britain by Romans

  • Embed in laws, festivals + traditions

  • 'Keep holy Sabbath' commandment - shop hours restricted on Sundays

  • Witnesses court of law swear tell truth: done placing hand on Bible (other holy book)

  • UK mark rites of passage (birth, marriage) not religious


Church perform function w local com

  • Meal for the homeless

  • Youth club

  • Prayer meetings 

  • Weddings 

  • Funerals 

  • Foodbank  


  • Decline UK church attendance (Anglican and Catholic) churches close

  • Evangelical grow - lively worship

  • Church planting: establish new non-traditional church

  • Fresh Expressions: movement Anglican Church change ways worship + attract people

  • Worldwide church growth: Africa, Asia + South America.


  • Share faith : believe message Jesus + salvation available: good news

  • Explain Christians speak about faith even face consequences as a result


  • Preach good news: aim grow church + spread faith

  • Share good news w people

  • Standing up on platform + preach

  • Living life of faith: testimony to others who ask questions

  • Leaflets/pamphlets w Christian messages


  • Christian message salvation/evangelise

  • Help Christians live a life of faith + grow it


What Charity:

  • End poverty help com escape worst effects of poverty + disaster

What do they do:

  • Help poor worldwide

  • Emergency aid after natural disasters

  • Long-term projects to support local com in eradicate poverty

  • Work in 50 countries

  • Colombia:

    • Over 30 sports clubs football training

    • Safe place no gang culture

    • Socialise + receive help + training life skills

    • Importance: awareness issues: poverty + discrimination worldwide

    • Campaigns against causes of poverty worldwide 

    • Practical help - act out teachings of Jesus help


  • Jesus martyr: warned followers persecuted

  • Divine command: spread good news of Jesus, even means = danger

  • Christians treated unjust: terrorist organisations ( Islamic State, Boko Haram)

  • Target attacking them violently

  • Organisations (Christian Freedom International, Open Doors)

  • Help persecuted Christians Providing Bibles

  • Emergency support

  • Campaigning for human rights

Ecumenical: relating different Christian churches, bring denominations closer promote unity


Ecumenical movement

  • Trying to unify Protestant Churches of the world

  • Various conferences and councils to promote Christian unity

  • Bringing about greater cooperation between Christian churches, e.g. shared buildings, joint services, supporting common projects

  • Led to the formation of The World Council of Churches

The World Council of Churches

  • Catholics not members of WCC, but participate in national + local ecumenical organisations + events ‘Churches Together in England'

  • Works 110 countries

  • Hold week of Prayer - Christian Unity each year

  • Attempts bring common Christian witness + service across world



Omnipotent – All powerful, almighty + unlimited nature of God

Omnibenevolent – All loving God

Trinity – Three persons God unity: One God Father transcendent creator, Son God divine human flesh + Holy Spirit​ seed in all Christians guide

Incarnation – Act of God human form of Jesus flesh

Atonement – Belief Jesus death cross healed rift between humans + God

Sacraments – Outward sign of visible + inward blessing God

Evangelism – Preach gospel w intention of convert other

Crucifixion – Ancient capital roman punishment

Salvation – Saving of consequences of sin

Resurrection – Rising from dead

Ascension – Jesus return to heaven mission fulfil

Omnipresent – God in all places

Transcendent – God outside earth space + immanent (acting in world)


God is omnipotent

(Exodus 7-11) ‘Plagues were so that you know there is no-one like our God’

God is omnibenevolent

(Romans 8:37-39) ‘Nothing can separate people from love of God’

God is three in one

(John 10:30) ‘Jesus said He + God were one’

Evil + suffering in world

(Job 1: 8-12) ‘Job curse God if he experienced pain’

(Job 42:1-6) ‘Job admits belief God can do all, no plan of his can be de-railed’

Problem: Evil and Suffering

Epicurus Greek philosopher

  • Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? he is not omnipotent

  • Is he able, but not willing? he is malevolent

  • Is he both able and willing? whence cometh evil?

  • Is he neither able nor willing? why call him God

Christian responses

  • Free will given choices humans make = evil + suffering.

  • Satan = of evil + suffering.

  • Suffering result original sin.

  • Suffering help us develop + grow 'soul-making'.

  • Existence of evil helps us appreciate good

  • Without suffering - not goodness

Problem: Believing ‘Original sin’

  • Not explicit state in bible: bad translation

  • Old Testament - please God = obedience expected


Gen 1 - day…

  1. ‘Let there be light’ God divide light from darkness day + night

  2. God made sky, land + seas

  3. God made land grow plants + trees

  4. God created sun, moon + stars

  5. God created animals for sky + seas

  6. God created animals, all living creatures, man in his image

Gen 2

  • God created Adam put in Eden

  • Adam keep God company/look after world

  • God took rib from Adam - woman

  • Job - take care of new home

Gen 3

  • God warned Adam + Eve of tree

  • Eve tempted by snake

  • Eve become ‘Like God’

  • Disobeyed God - unhappy + fearful of God

  • Leave Garden of Eden ‘Nothing will come easily not even childbirth, one day, you will die’



Truth of Bible in literal + direct sense

  • God spirit move across waters

  • Six days x 24 hours God created universe

  • Adam formed - dust of earth

  • Eve formed - Adams rib

  • Conflict between science + religion


Bible has some truths - metaphorical

  • God created world

  • Used natural processes he created

  • 6 periods of creation not 24 hours

  • No conflict scientific + religion: weave together give full picture life + earth

  • Creation story mythical, no literal truth, describe writers of time believe

  • Scientific - based on evidence + research, no questions

ROLE OF WORD (John 1:1-5​)

  • ‘In beginning was Word, And Word was w God’

  • ‘Word was God’

  • ‘He was w God in beginning’

  • ‘Through him all things were made’

  • ‘W/o him nothing was made’


(Genesis 1:1-2) ​‘Spirit of god was hovering over waters’

Waters - vast expanse of creation given by spirit

Spirits omniscience + omnipotence maintains order in universe

(John 1: 1-15) ‘In beginning was Word, Word was w God, Word was God word became flesh + made his dwelling among us' ​

(Job 33:4) 'Spirit of god made me’

Eternal spirit spend eternity heaven or hell:

  • Made in his image: we are eternal

  • Choose good from evil

  • Free will like creator


(John 1) - incarnation Word (Jesus) became flesh

(Luke 1) - Jesus born of Virgin Mary

  • Mary virgin birth – immaculate conception

  • Jesus heal blind man: miracles

  • Jesus second 'person' (Son of the Trinity)

  • Messiah

  • Both fully human + divine

  • Jesus as human:

(Romans 5:8) ‘God demonstrates His love, while we are sinners, Christ died for us’

Jesus as divine:

(John 14:6-7) ‘No one comes to Father except through me’

  • Save humanity from original sin + repair broken relationship between God +man


  • Show God omnibenevolence

  • Show God omnipotence

  • Miracle birth - affirm divine characteristic of Jesus fully human + fully God

  • Essential part to trinity

  • W/o incarnation - couldn’t achieve salvation: separation of God + man remains

  • Coming of Messiah foretold in Old testament: affirms validity of Bible

  • God present w his people in a new + decisive way


What is it?

  • Roman form execution - design make criminals suffer nailed wooden cross until death Golgotha

  • Death Jesus: part of divine plan bring salvation

(Luke 18: 31) Fulfilment of Old Testament - Jesus referred to crucifixion as a fulfilment of prophecies

  • Temple curtain tore - mirroring end of segregation between God + man

  • Felt pain: human + divine

  • Killed on charge blasphemy sentenced by Pontius Pilate


  • Death act of atonement for sins part of process for redemption/salvation of humanity

  • Necessary to allow resurrection take place

  • Allows humans reach salvation + eternal life heaven

  • Saves human from eternal damnation: solution for original sin

  • Shows Gods omnibenevolence

  • Comforts Christians know God shared their pain

MATTHEW 27:28-50

  • Crown of thorns on his head

  • Staff in hand

  • Knelt + mocked him ‘Hail, king of the Jews!’

  • Spit on him + struck him

What happend during it?

  • Carry cross to Golgotha

  • Crucified him above head placed written : Jesus, king of Jews

  • Two rebels crucified w him

  • Hurled insults at him ‘Save yourself! Come down from cross, if you are Son of God!’


(Matthew 26:26-29) ‘Until day when I drink it w you in my Father's kingdom'

(Isaiah 53:3-9) ‘We all, like sheep, have gone astray’

Salvation importance

  • Key to eternal life w God

  • Brought forgiveness of sins + assurance of eternal life

  • Reunited w Father in heaven

  • Origin: Adam + Eves sin

  • Humans sin: punishment justice maintained: all fall short of Gods standard

  • God sends himself: punished instead of Christians

Atonement importance

  • Repair broken relationship God + man

  • Forgiveness of sins possible

  • Born original sin: incapable of entering heaven separating from God

  • Reunited w God

  • Eternal life


  • (Luke 24: 5-6) ‘He has risen!’

  • (1 Corinthians 15:3-8) ‘Christ died for our sins’

  • (1 Corinthians 12-14) ‘We all baptised by one Spirit to form one body."


  • Gods omnipotence

  • To believe in resurrection = believe in god

  • Reminds Christians his absolute sovereignty over life + death

  • Validates who Jesus claimed to be

  • Proof Saviour of the world

  • Validates Old Testament foretold of Jesus' suffering + resurrection

  • W/o: Christian faith useless

  • We know we resurrect to new life: we can endure persecution + danger for Christ's sake


(Luke 24: 50-53: 50) ‘ He left them and was taken up into heaven’


  • Signalled end of His earthly ministry.

  • God Father lovingly sent His Son into world now Son was returning to Father

  • Signified success in His earthly work

  • All He come to do accomplished.

  • Marked return of his heavenly glory.

  • God was pleased w work

(John) Prepare a place for us

  • He will return just as He left-literally, bodily, visibly in clouds.

  • Left holy spirit - guide Christians

  • Reinforces belief of trinity

  • Reminds Christians of Jesus' second coming: Parousia


Different ways of achieving:

  • Protestant Grace - freely given to those who accept it

  • 'Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ you will be saved'

  • Roman Catholic Sacraments - living good life like Jesus w sacraments

(James 2:17) ‘Faith by itself, not accompanied by action, is dead’

  • Word of God - Bible: a record of Divine Law: rules + law of God Christians choose to live

  • Bible: inspired by God a revelation from God

  • Interpreted in different ways: literal/liberal

  • Other sources of authority Christians refer to:

    • Minister

    • Priests

    • Teachings of church

    • Holy Spirit

    • Conscience

Sin ​

  • God's law everyone affected

  • Separates from God

  • Salvation: rescue, deliverance​

  • God sends Holy Spirit to​

  • Bring grace + help lives of faith ​

  • Prayer 'gifts of Spirit' help believe evangelical worship

Sacraments ​

  • Special 'rites' Holy Spirit comes on believers

  • help encourage faith

(Acts 2: 1-6) Apostles visit Holy Spirit = grace of God - speak in other languages "filled w Holy Spirit”


Eschatological beliefs: death, judgement, resurrection

(John 11:25-26)"One who believes in me will live, even though they die"

(John 14: 2-7) "My Father's house has many rooms... l am going there to prepare a place for you”

Judgement day second coming of Jesus: Parousia

  • Death isn't end, resurrected like Jesus - come back spiritually/new body - Judged on lifestyle

(Matthew 25:31-46)"Whatever you did for least of brothers , you did for me"

(Luke 16: 19-31)Lazarus was w Abraham in heaven, rich man "in agony in fire."


(1 Corinthians 15: 42-55)"Dead raised imperishable''

How important is belief in afterlife? ​

  • Faith in God gives - afterlife: centred + focused on God goodness

  • Christians - not fear death: God prepared afterlife reward faithfulness in life

  • No afterlife, only heritage leave is memories

  • Teach Christians follow sacraments


Heaven beliefs

  • Physical place

  • Spiritual dimension

  • No sorrow/death

  • Paradise reward for life of faith + good works

Eternal life

  • Catholics - good believers heaven

  • Anyone believes in Jesus go heaven despite actions

  • Gods omnibenevolence: all forgiven + go heaven

Hell beliefs

  • Place of suffering

  • Absolute separation God: ultimate punishment

  • Physical place - burn physical

  • Spiritual dimension doesn’t include God

  • Punishment for life w/o atonement


  • Rest purgatory: cleansed ready for heaven ​

  • Prayers said shorten stay - penance​


  • Liturgical: Structured set routine patterns of prayer established rituals service book

  • When: Sunday

  • Who: Members of church eucharist for baptised/christened

  • Informal: Varied spontaneous elements no pattern society evangelicals

  • When: Sundays

  • Who: Members of church + public

  • Individual: Alone prayer personal reading bible/pattern

  • When: Everyday

  • Who: Individuals

Importance of prayer

  • Follows Jesus

  • Communication w Jesus

  • Any time feels need to pray

  • Types of prayer

    • Adoration (praise)

    • Confession (sorry)

    • Thanksgiving (thank you)

    • Supplication (asking for others)

(Matthew 18:20) ‘‘How glorious to know that the Lord Jesus is my living head’

Lord's prayer

  • What: Pattern Jesus disciples

  • When: Recited or sung in services, or individually

  • Importance: Pattern Jesus gave, perfect prayer, completely selfless

Charismatic worship

  • What: Informal worship - Holy Spirit w them prayer free-flowing services.

  • Importance: Gospel of John ‘Worshippers must worship in Spirit'

  • Spirit guides ceremony: carry out God's wishes


  • What: Christians clap + shout services worship w whole bodies speak in tongues

  • Importance: Creates a relationship between god and believer

  • God sets them free, parent figure

Society of friends (Quakers)

  • What: Private meditation and personal reflection

  • Importance: Being in the presence of God



  • Baptism

  • Confirmation

  • Eucharist

  • Marriage

Catholic/Orthodox :

  • Baptism: Beginning of spiritual life, infants free from original sin

  • Confirmation: Bishop anoints chrism oil gifts of holy spirit received, affirming baptism

  • Eucharist: Receiving body + blood wine + bread commemorate last supper

  • Penance: Confess to priest: purification

  • Anointing sick: Priest anoints sick w blessed oil

  • Holy orders: Men ordained priests serve God + spread word

  • Marriage: Unites man + woman, man need partnership - Adam



  • Anglican & Catholic: sacrament

  • Entry child Christian family

  • Parents & Godparents promise bring up in Christian life

  • Rite indicates choosing member church: obedience example of Jesus


  • Anglicans or Catholics babies or young children

  • Baptists or Pentecostals baptism immersion during service any age


  • Rite of entry mark membership Christian church

  • Remove sin Jesus baptised as adult Presentation



  • Service memory death Jesus bread + wine last supper w disciples

  • Bread symbolise - body of Jesus

  • Wine symbolise - blood of Jesus

  • Anglican & Catholic sacrament

  • Catholics mass

  • Protestants communion


  • Anglicans Catholics Sunday

  • Protestants service less twice monthly Easter + Christmas


  • Instituted by Jesus at last supper

  • Bread and wine symbols of blood and body of Jesus

  • Humans receive salvation

  • Jesus told followers share bread memory of death

  • Eucharist - thanksgiving

  • Anglicans Catholics liturgical service: set pattern structure followed


  • Bread + wine significant, not just symbol of body + blood of Jesus

  • Symbols of need for spiritual food

  • Catholics (transubstantiation)

  • Protestant bread + wine symbols only of body and blood of Jesus,

  • Presence of Jesus spiritual

  • Baptists + Pentecostals - spiritual presence

  • Communion Service act of remembrance


  • Journey to sacred place

  • Act of religious devotion

  • Holy Land, 'travelling in the footsteps of Jesus' popular

  • Pilgrimage faith in action: journey represent Christian's journey from earth to heaven.

  • Experience deepen/develop spiritual faith

  • Specific reason pilgrimage e.g. healing, rededication or thanksgiving


Norfolk, England

Why place:

  • 1061 wife Lord of Manor: dream Virgin Mary ask build replica of house in Nazareth: birth of Jesus was announced

Importance :

  • Commemorates announcement birth of Jesus

What happens:

  • Services every day pilgrims pray (saying rosary)

  • Mass is celebrate midday

  • A national pilgrimage every year on Spring Bank Holiday

  • Pilgrims walk slowly to shrine

  • Some Catholics walk last mile barefoot: act of penance

  • Daily service: 'Sprinkling of Well' water believed special



Why place:

  • Roger Schutz founded a com France 1940

  • Monks different Christian traditions live a life of communal prayer

  • Catholic + Protestant monks focus on reconciliation, resolution of conflict

Importance :

  • Young people curiosity, adventure

  • Act religious devotion

  • Walking in footsteps of people of faith

  • Act atonement

  • Act supplication (asking for something)

What happens:

  • Pilgrims join monastic community

  • Set times prayer in 'Church of Reconciliation' (3 times a day)

  • Spend time in private prayer

  • Bible study groups

  • Music & chants from Taize popular


  • Celebrating birth Jesus

  • Has a period of spiritual preparation (Advent)

  • Rehearsing story of Nativity

  • Incarnation explain Jesus God born in human flesh

  • Services Christingle candle an orange symbolising Jesus light of world

  • Traditionally Christmas Carol

  • Midnight Mass communion services Christmas Eve mark beginning of Christmas

  • All Christmases give of presents family + friends: Remembrance gift of Jesus to world

  • Saviour - Jesus


  • Easter after Lent, 40 day period Ash Wednesday remember Jesus desert fasting + praying 'give up' something for Lent symbol - abstinence

  • Ash cross marked foreheads service for Catholics

  • Services include candles + darkness - symbols of death + resurrection

  • Thursday - Maundy Thursday last supper Jesus symbolise Jesus wash disciples feet before meal Good Friday : remember death of Jesus

  • Easter Sunday resurrection empty tomb easter eggs (new life) Easter cards

  • Resurrection - assurance new life w God eternity


  • 2001 census: increase diversity in religious + non-religious beliefs

  • 2011 Census Christianity as largest religion (59.3%)

  • Increase in diverse beliefs

  • Second largest Muslim (2.7 million 4.8%)

  • Increase in atheists 1/4 (25.1%).

  • Decrease (by 12.4%)in number of Christians,

  • Largest increase Muslim (by 1.8%). 

  • London most diverse


  • Christianity brought to Britain by Romans

  • Embed in laws, festivals + traditions

  • 'Keep holy Sabbath' commandment - shop hours restricted on Sundays

  • Witnesses court of law swear tell truth: done placing hand on Bible (other holy book)

  • UK mark rites of passage (birth, marriage) not religious


Church perform function w local com

  • Meal for the homeless

  • Youth club

  • Prayer meetings 

  • Weddings 

  • Funerals 

  • Foodbank  


  • Decline UK church attendance (Anglican and Catholic) churches close

  • Evangelical grow - lively worship

  • Church planting: establish new non-traditional church

  • Fresh Expressions: movement Anglican Church change ways worship + attract people

  • Worldwide church growth: Africa, Asia + South America.


  • Share faith : believe message Jesus + salvation available: good news

  • Explain Christians speak about faith even face consequences as a result


  • Preach good news: aim grow church + spread faith

  • Share good news w people

  • Standing up on platform + preach

  • Living life of faith: testimony to others who ask questions

  • Leaflets/pamphlets w Christian messages


  • Christian message salvation/evangelise

  • Help Christians live a life of faith + grow it


What Charity:

  • End poverty help com escape worst effects of poverty + disaster

What do they do:

  • Help poor worldwide

  • Emergency aid after natural disasters

  • Long-term projects to support local com in eradicate poverty

  • Work in 50 countries

  • Colombia:

    • Over 30 sports clubs football training

    • Safe place no gang culture

    • Socialise + receive help + training life skills

    • Importance: awareness issues: poverty + discrimination worldwide

    • Campaigns against causes of poverty worldwide 

    • Practical help - act out teachings of Jesus help


  • Jesus martyr: warned followers persecuted

  • Divine command: spread good news of Jesus, even means = danger

  • Christians treated unjust: terrorist organisations ( Islamic State, Boko Haram)

  • Target attacking them violently

  • Organisations (Christian Freedom International, Open Doors)

  • Help persecuted Christians Providing Bibles

  • Emergency support

  • Campaigning for human rights

Ecumenical: relating different Christian churches, bring denominations closer promote unity


Ecumenical movement

  • Trying to unify Protestant Churches of the world

  • Various conferences and councils to promote Christian unity

  • Bringing about greater cooperation between Christian churches, e.g. shared buildings, joint services, supporting common projects

  • Led to the formation of The World Council of Churches

The World Council of Churches

  • Catholics not members of WCC, but participate in national + local ecumenical organisations + events ‘Churches Together in England'

  • Works 110 countries

  • Hold week of Prayer - Christian Unity each year

  • Attempts bring common Christian witness + service across world