Chapter 2: Energy and the First Law of Thermodynamics

  • energy can be stored within systems in three forms: internal energy, kinetic energy, and gravitaional potential energy

  • energy can be transferred to and from closed systems only by work and heat transfer

  • energy transfer by heat to and from a system is due to a temperature difference between the system and its surroundings

  • types of heat transfer

    • conduction - transfer of energy from more energetic particles of a substance to adjacent less energetic particles

    • radiation - energy transported by electromagnetic waves (does not need contact)

    • convection - energy transfer between a solid surface at a temperature and and adjacent gas or liquid at another temperature

  • sign conventions for work and heat transfer

  • First law of thermodynamics - energy is conserved

  • energy balance

  • energy rate balance

  • Key Terms and Concepts

    • internal energy - all other energy of a system which is not related to position (potential) or motion (kinetic)

    • adiabatic process - a system undergoes a process involving no heat transfer with its surroundings

    • heat and energy are not properties (not only reliant on the initial and final states of a process)

    • thermodynamic cycle - a sequence of processes that begins and ends at the same state
