Phlegmatic - (adjective) to have a unemotional, calm disposition.
Amity - (noun) a friendly relationship.
Eschew - (verb) to deliberately avoid using; to abstain from.
Nuance - (noun) a subtle difference in meaning, expression, or sound.
Strident - (adjective) something which is loud, harsh, or grating.
Incendiary - (adjective) action designed to cause fire, arouse conflict or strength
Obviate - (verb) to remove, avoid, or prevent.
Venerable - (adjective) to hold a great deal of respect mainly due to age, wisdom, or strength of character.
Expiate - (verb) to atone for guilt or sin.
Verisimilitude - (noun) something having the appearance of being true or real.
Contemptuous - (adjective) showing contempt, scornful.
Quail - (verb) to feel/show fear or apprehension.
Bewitched - (adjective) to enchant or delight someone.
Tenacity - (noun) the quality or fact of being able to grip something firmly.
Wanderlust - (noun) a strong desire to travel.
Pigeonhole - (verb) assign someone to a particular category or class in an exclusive /ridged manner.
Leery - (adjective) openly distrustful, unwilling to confide in others.
Quandary - (noun) a state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation.
Diurnal - (adjective) something which happens daily.
Mitigate - (verb) to make less severe, serious, or painful; to lessen the gravity of.
Plaintive - (adjective) to sound sad, pitiful, or mournful.
Circumscribed - (verb) to restrict something within certain limits.
Parochial - (adjective) having a narrow/limited outlook or scope.
Invigorate - (verb) to give strength or energy to.