Title: Welcome to General Biology II
Instructor: Katie Pagnucco, BSc. Western University (2003-2007)MSc. University of Alberta (2007-2010)PhD McGill University (2010-2015)Post-doc UQAM (2015-2017)
Pronouns: She/her
E-mail: katie.pagnucco@johnabbott.qc.ca
Office: AME-309
Office Hours:
Tuesday: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Thursday: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Research Interests:
Community ecology
Food web dynamics
Aquatic ecology
Unit I: Biomolecules
Review and expansion
Unit II: DNA
History and structure
Gene expression and regulation
Unit III: (Details about this unit are not included)
Lab manual: General Biology II lab manual (available at bookstore)
Textbook: Campbell, N.A., et al. 2021. Biology (Third Canadian ed.). Pearson/Benjamin Cummings. 1552 p.
Lecture Marking:
Class tests (3)
3 x 12% = 36%
Class work/homework: 5%
Final Exam: 30%
Laboratory Marking:
Lab work: 10%
Lab assignments (2)
2 x 3% = 6%
Research Project: 13%
Tentative dates for Class Tests are in the Course Outline
6 in-class quizzes will be conducted throughout the semester.
Format: Multiple choice; answers submitted individually after discussion with classmates.
Covers material from the previous two weeks.
Platform: Plickers
Practice assignments available for preparation; these will not be graded.
Platform: Google Forms
Arrive on time to class.
No distractions (talking or otherwise) to classmates.
Turn assignments in on time:
Late submissions incur a 10% per day deduction for lab projects.
Other assignments must be completed on time for credit, else they will receive a grade of 0 but feedback will still be given.
Attend Lectures:
Come prepared (rested, with materials).
Lecture slides posted on Sundays.
Take Notes:
Slides are text-heavy; additional material will be covered during class.
Review Notes:
Review your notes within 24 hours of class for retention.
Zero tolerance for cheating and plagiarism.
E.g., submission of copied work from Internet or peers is considered plagiarism.
Assignments, tests, and lab reports will receive a ZERO for violations.
Encouraged to read the Course Outline for further details.
Students can submit anonymous feedback on the course and instructor anytime during the semester.
Questions include teaching style, lecture pacing, and interactivity suggestions.
Topic: Organic Molecules, Acids, and Bases, Isomers.
Activity: Kahoot to review Basic Chemistry.
Water is in a state of dynamic equilibrium.
Water molecules dissociate at the same rate they are being reformed.
Changes in concentrations of H+ and OH- affect cell chemistry.
Pure water has equal concentrations of H+ and OH-.
Addition of acids/bases modifies these concentrations.
The pH scale describes whether a solution is acidic or basic.
Acidic solutions: pH < 7
Basic solutions: pH > 7
Most biological fluids have pH values between 6 and 8.
Acid: Increases H+ concentration in a solution by donating H+.
Base: Reduces H+ concentration in a solution by picking up H+.
The pH is defined as: pH = −log [H+]; [H+] = 10^-pH.
Weak acids (HA) do not dissociate significantly in water.
When an acid donates a proton, the resulting species is called a conjugate base (A-).
Acid strength determined by dissociation constant, Ka.
Dissociation Reaction: HA ⇌ H+ + A-.
Dissociation Constant:
Ka = [H+][A-]/[HA]
When Ka < 1, [HA] > [H+][A-], indicating weak dissociation.
Lower Ka value = weaker acid.
pKa = -log Ka; lower pKa = stronger acid.
pKa is specific to a molecule under specific conditions.
Key equation:
pH = pKa + log ([A-]/[HA])
When pH = pKa, concentrations of acid and conjugate base are equal.
Acetic acid (pKa = 4.75) has a pH of 6.75.
Ratio of acid to conjugate base: 1:100 (calculation shown).
Internal pH of cells must remain close to 7.
Buffers minimize changes in H+ and OH- concentrations.
Buffers contain weak acid/base pairs that act reversibly with H+ ions.
Chemical compounds that contain carbon, excluding:
Simple oxides of C (CO, CO2)
Carbonates (H2CO3...)
Allotropes of Carbon (e.g., graphite, diamond).
Carbon forms diverse molecules by bonding with up to four other atoms.
Tetravalence allows for the creation of large, complex molecules.
Carbon most frequently bonds with H, O, and N.
Properties of organic molecules depend on:
The carbon skeleton
The molecular components attached to it.
Skeletons can vary in:
Double bonds
Isomers: same molecular formula, different structures/properties.
Types of Isomers:
Structural isomers: different covalent arrangements.
Stereoisomers: same bonded atom sequence, different 3D orientations.
Cis-trans (geometric): same bonds, different spatial arrangements.
Enantiomers: mirror images.
Various representations of structural and stereoisomers with examples shown.
Thalidomide Example:
'R' isomer reduces morning sickness.
'S' isomer causes birth defects.
Drug prescribed in the 1960s and 1970s led to thousands of birth defects due to this.
Properties depend on carbon skeleton and attached molecular components.
Functional groups are key components for chemical reactions in organic molecules.
Their arrangement imparts unique properties; e.g., estradiol and testosterone differ in just two functional groups, leading to different biological functions.
Seven key functional groups:
Hydroxyl group
Carbonyl group
Carboxyl group
Amino group
Sulfhydryl group
Phosphate group
Methyl group.
Structure: -OH
Example: Ethanol (alcohol in beverages)
Polar due to electronegative oxygen, forms hydrogen bonds with water to help dissolve sugars.
Structure: C=O
Acetone (ketone)
Propanal (aldehyde)
Sugars with ketones are called ketoses; those with aldehydes are called aldoses.
Structure: -COOH
Example: Acetic acid (vinegar)
Acts as acid by donating H+ due to polar bond between oxygen and hydrogen.
Structure: -NH2
Example: Glycine (amino acid)
Acts as a base; can pick up H+ from the surrounding solution.
Structure: -SH
Example: Cysteine (sulfur-containing amino acid)
Forms cross-links to help stabilize protein structure.
Structure: -OPO3^2-
Involved in many important chemical reactions in cells
Contributes negative charge and ability to react with water, releasing energy.
Structure: -CH3
Example: 5-Methyl cytosine (DNA component)
Affects gene expression and can influence the structure and function of hormones.
Example molecule contains:
Carboxyl group
Amino group
Another example molecule illustrates:
Hydroxyl group
Methyl group
Amino group
Carbonyl group (ketone) and amide groups.