Geophagy - eating dirt
Plant macronutrients from air - C, H, O
Plant macronutrients from soil - Cations: Ca, Mg, N, K Anions: N, P, S, Si
Hydration - chemical weathering by binding of intact water molecules to minerals
Hydrolysis - H+ and OH-, H+ acts as cation to change minerals in chemical weathering
CLORPT - Climate, organisms, relief, parent material, time
Colluvium - poorly sorted rock fragments detached from the heights above and carried downslope, mostly by gravity, assisted in some cases by frost action or water
Alluvial deposits - floodplains, alluvial fans, and deltas
Loess - silt with some very fine sand and coarse clay, blown from deserts
Eluviation - movement of water through soil layers, leaching
Illuviaiton - depostition of minerals in layer
Humus - organic matter in soil
Soil texture - size of soil particles
Soil structure - manner soils are aggregated together
Carbonation - C filled rain water, acidic, decomposes minerals
Playa - salt deposit
Dissolution - dissolving minerals in water
Abrasion - stuff banging into each other
Pressure release - crystallization under surface, pressure release at surface, dome shaped
Entisols - no horizons, no water sorting
Inceptisols - soil starting to get horizons
Histosols - wetland soil, lots of OM, acidic
Vertisols - deep, cracking clay, constantly churning
Aridisols - arid, desert soils
Mollisols - prairies, high native OM, very fertile soils
Alfisols - cooler, temperate deciduous forest soils
Ultisols - warmer, temperate deciduous forest soils
Spodosols - conifer forest soils
Gelisols - permafrost soils plus peat, churning
Oxisols - tropical rainforest soils
Spodosol horizons - Albic E horizon, spodic B horizon
Productivity - rate organism accumulates biomass
Isostatic rebound - earth heaves up when stuff taken off top
Relict soil - soil formed under different climate and didn’t change
Regolith - dirt (not soil)