A4 - Quantum Atomic Structure
Dr Robert Quinn (R.Quinn@hw.ac.uk)
Dr Nazia Farooqui (Nazia.Farooqui@hw.ac.uk)
History – Origins of the Quantum Atomic Model
Quantising – Wavefunctions
Electronic Transitions – Emission and Absorption in Hydrogen
Electron Repulsion – Loss of Energy Degeneracy
Filling Rules – PEP, Hund’s Rules and Aufbau Principle
Exchange Energy – Origin of Half-Filled Shells
Discovery of Electrons
J.J. Thomson (1897) discovered the electron.
Concept challenged the notion of indivisible atoms.
Atomic Models:
Thompson's Plum Pudding Model (1904): Positively charged matter with embedded electrons.
Nagaoka’s Saturnian Model (1904): Electrons orbit a central positive charge.
Rutherford’s Experiments (1911): Helped determine the nuclear structure of the atom.
Bohr Model (1911-1918): Introduced quantised orbits for electrons.
Democritus and Leucippus proposed matter is made of indivisible particles called "atomos."
Aristotle rejected atoms, believed in four elements (earth, water, air, fire).
John Dalton (1803): Proposed the first scientific atomic theory stating:
Atoms are indivisible.
Each element has unique atoms.
Atoms combine in fixed ratios to form compounds.
Discovered the electron using a cathode ray tube.
Proposed the Plum Pudding Model for atomic structure.
Limitations: Model couldn’t explain alpha particle scattering from later experiments.
Electrons thought to be suspended in a diffuse region of positive charge.
H. Nagaoka: Proposed a model with electrons orbiting central positive charge.
Alpha Particle Scattering: Bombarded gold foil with alpha particles, leading to discoveries on atomic structure.
Conclusion: The existence of a small, dense nucleus in atoms.
Resulted in the Rutherford Planetary Model of the atom.
Quantum mechanics describes electrons as having both wave-like and particle-like properties.
Electrons described mathematically by complex wavefunctions defining probability distributions.
Provides a complete and accurate model of atomic structure.
Neon light emission explained via Quantum Theory: excited electrons emit light when they drop to a lower energy level.
All types travel through vacuum at speed (c = 2.998 × 10^8 m/s).
Properties of waves: wavelength and frequency.
Max Planck proposed that energy is absorbed or released in discrete packets (quanta).
Energy of a photon is linked to its frequency (E = hν).
Einstein expanded on Planck’s theory proposing light exists as discrete packets or "photon."
Introduced wave-particle duality for light, stating radiant energy strikes surfaces like a stream of photons.
Niels Bohr: Electrons in specific orbits around the nucleus with fixed energy levels.
Electron transitions involve absorption or emission of a photon corresponding to the energy difference between these levels.
Limitations of Bohr’s model noted for atoms with multiple electrons and wave-like properties.
Rydberg Equation calculates emitted or absorbed wavelengths for electron transitions in hydrogen.
Energy levels plotted, showing ionisation energy variations.
Photons described by (E = hν), with Planck’s constant (h = 6.626 × 10^{−34} J.s).
Relationships established between energy, frequency, and wavelength.
Photons Energy Calculation: Energy (Joules) of a 121 nm photon.
Frequency to Wavelength Conversion: Converting 820 THz to a wavelength.
Joules to Electron Volt: Conversion of a photon with energy 1.3 x 10^(-20) J to eV.
Represents spectral lines emitted by hydrogen transitioning from higher to lower energy levels.
In-depth calculations related to electronic configurations and transitions.
Discusses interaction complexities in multiple electron systems (three-body problem).
Electrons in different shells have varying energy levels due to electron-electron interactions.
Electrons fill from core (1s) outward, affecting stability and energy considerations.
Electrons fill orbitals starting from the lowest energy to higher energy shells.
Describe how electrons occupy subshells: singly before pairing, with aligned spins.
Exception cases in electron configurations for specific atoms like Chromium and Copper due to spin alignment leading to lower energy states.
Exercises focusing on oxidation states, redox processes, and electronic configurations concluded the learning sessions.