Why U.S. enters era of Imperialism - To get more raw materials and markets for industrialization, spread religion and democracy, gain naval power, etc.
Social Darwinism – Belief that one race or group is more "fit" than others
Yellow Journalism – Exaggerated style of writing that draws U.S. into Spanish American War (Ex. Of yellow journalists = PULITZER AND HEARST) (Ex. Of story = blowing up of the Maine)
Impact of Spanish American War on U.S. – We become a world power with an overseas empire (Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines)
Open Door Policy – Protects U.S. interests in China by opening up European Spheres of Influence to U.S. trade so that we can access markets
Big Stick Policy - Teddy Roosevelt’s foreign policy that justifies going into Caribbean and Latin American to protect U.S. interests and to “police” the Western Hemisphere
Roosevelt Corollary - Enforces Monroe Doctrine (stay out of our hemisphere) by adding police power (enforcement) = Causes INTERVENTION in Latin America
Dollar Diplomacy - Taft’s foreign policy that protects U.S. interests by loaning money to or investing in other nations
Moral Diplomacy – Wilson’s foreign policy that justifies intervening in countries whose governments are considered bad by the United States
Panama Canal – Need for faster shipping/transportation causes the need for…especially to get supplies to new colonies we had acquired