Ammibium | |
Acetate | |
Cyanide | |
Hypobromite | BrO 1- |
Bromite | BrO2 1- |
Bromate | BrO3 1- |
Perbromate | |
Hypochlorite | ClO 1- |
Chlorite | ClO2 1- |
Chlorate | ClO3 1- |
Perchlorate | |
Hypoiodite | IO 1- |
Iodite | IO2 1- |
Iodate | IO3 1- |
Periodate | |
Hydrogen Carbonate | HCO3 1- |
Dihydrogen Phosphate | H2PO4 1- |
Hydrogen Sulfate | HSO4 1- |
Nitrite | NO2 1- |
Nitrate | NO3 1- |
Hydroxide | |
Permanganate | |
thiocyanate | |
Carbonate | CO3 2- |
Oxalate | |
Chromate | |
Dichromate | |
Hydrogen Phosphate | HPO4 2- |
Peroxide | |
Sulfite | SO3 2- |
Sulfate | SO4 2- |
Thiosulfate | |
Phosphite | PO3 3- |
Phosphate | PO4 3- |
The Big 5
CO32- Carbonate
ClO31- Chlorate
NO31- Nitrate
SO42- Sulfate
PO43- Phosphate
Slivka’s Square -
Inside square - Ate has 4 O
Outside square - Ate has 3 O
C | N | O | F |
Si | P | S | Cl |
Ge | As | Se | Br |
Sn | Sb | Te | I |
Ions by Analogy
If you know…
Chlorate CI__O3 1-__
Then you know…
Bromate BR__O3 1-__ Iodate I__O3 1-__
Ions by Extension
Memorize all the Ions that end with ate (Example - Chlor__ate__, CIO3)
Per - - ate (ClO__4__) One MORE oxygen from the ate ending
ate (CIO__3__) Normal form of the ate ending
ite (ClO__2__) One LESS oxygen from the ate ending
Hypo - - ite (CIO) One LESS oxygen from the ite ending
Ions by Hydrogenation
Looses 1 charge
Sulfate (SO4 2-) Phosphate (PO4 3-)
Hydrogen Sulfate (HSO4 1-) Hydrogen Phosphate (HPO4 2-)
Dihydrogen Phosphate (H2PO4 1-)
Carbonate (CO3 2-)
Hydrogen Carbonate (HCO3 1-)
The Little 5
Polyatomic Cations 4. Organic Polyatomic Anions
Ammonium (NH4 1+) Acetate (C2H3O2 1-) Oxalate (C2O4 2-)
Named like a Monotomic Anion (-ide ending)
Hydroxide (OH 1-) 5. Thio- Anions
Cyanide (CN 1-) Thiocyanate (SCN 1-)
Peroxide (O2 2-) Thiosulfate (S2O3 2-)
Colored Anions
Permanganate (MnO4 1-) purple
Chromate (CrO4 2-) yellow
Dichromate (Cr2O7 2-) orange