Braxton Hicks:
Painless uterine contractions
Indicate that delivery is near
Serve as practice for labor
Waxy white substance found coating newborns' skin
Protects skin of the fetus during gestation
Thin, watery fluid rich in proteins and antibodies
Produced by breasts prior to milk production
Quickening vs. Vernix:
Quickening: The first fetal movements felt by the mother
Vernix: The protective substance on fetal skin
Primary Mechanisms:
Combination Oral Contraceptives: Hormonal birth control pills containing estrogen and progestin
Barrier Methods: Methods like condoms, diaphragms that prevent sperm from reaching the egg
Emergency Contraception:
Can be used if:
No protection used during intercourse
Regular birth control was missed
Condom failure (broke/slipped)
Forced sex
Not reliable as a regular birth control method
Types include Copper-T (IUD), Plan B, Ella
Effectiveness varies; OTC (over-the-counter) methods are often easiest
Trimester Overview:
1st: 0-13 weeks
2nd: 14-27 weeks
3rd: 28-40 weeks
Stage 1:
Initial contractions and cervical dilation until fully dilated (10 cm)
Latent: Early dilation, variable duration
Active: Faster dilation
Transition: Final dilation, strong contractions
Stage 2:
Birth of the baby
Stage 3:
Delivery of the placenta
Stimulates uterine contractions
Stimulates milk flow
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG):
Management of pregnancy, secreted by blastocyst
Detectable as early as 7 days post-conception
Maintains progesterone production during early pregnancy
First Trimester:
Germinal stage: Formation of zygote
Develops into morula and then blastocyst
Embryo stage lasts until 8 weeks
Second Trimester:
Visible gonadal differentiation
Fetus begins to move around 5 months
Third Trimester:
Fetus enlarges significantly
Begins responding to familiar sounds
Factors influencing sexual orientation and variability
Sternberg's Love Model:
Three components: intimacy, passion, commitment
Consensual practices involving bondage, discipline, dominance, submission, sadism, and masochism
Importance of consent and power dynamics
Risk-Aware Consensual Kink (RACK):
Involves informed consent regarding risks in BDSM practices
Transmission of Infections:
Can occur through unprotected sex
Preventive measures include barrier methods like condoms
HIV Transmission Mechanisms:
Through blood, semen, or vaginal fluids
PrEP and PEP:
PrEP: daily preventative pill
PEP: emergency treatment post-exposure, effective within 72 hours
Zygote > Morula > Blastocyst
Implantation into the uterus starts embryonic development
Physiological Changes in Pregnancy:
Hormonal shifts support pregnancy and fetal development
Phases of Labor:
First stage can last up to 14 hours
Second stage involves active delivery
Third stage involves the expulsion of the placenta
Nervous System Response to Danger:
Fight, flight, freeze, flop, fawn as reactions to trauma
Amygdala's Role:
Critical for emotional processing; activates in response to trauma
Factors impairing fertility include irregular ovulation, advanced age, structural problems, and infections
Timing of Conception: Most likely occurs during ovulation
Factors in forming bonds and attraction
Importance of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine in love and attachment
Episiotomy relevance in childbirth for surgical interventions
Lochia: Vaginal discharge after birth
Lactation: Process of milk production post-birth
Hypogonadism: Low function of ovaries/testes
Vasectomy: Surgical sterilization method for males
Sexual Fluidity: Concept introduced by Lisa Diamond regarding variability in sexual attraction over time
Placenta Function: Transfers nutrients and oxygen to the fetus while removing waste.