528 37% 4:35 EARTH & SCIENCE 9 Lusson Based Reviewer | Quarter 2 Topic Outline: Parts of a Volcano Active & Inactive Volcanoes Types of Volcano According to Shapes Volcanic Eruptions Viscosity Factors Affecting the Volcanoes' Eruptive Style Types of Volcanic Eruption Geothermal Energy Factors Affecting Climate VOLCANO A volcano is an opening in Earth's crust that allows molten rock from the Earth's interior to reach the surface that may cause violent and spectacular eruptions. PARTS OF A VOLCANO MAGMA CHAMBER -Large pool of molten rock (magma) found underneath the earth's crust MAIN WIND/DUCT -Primary opening of the volcano through which the magma and other rocks and gasses flow out SIDE VENT -Secondary opening at the side of the volcano through which magma reaches. the surface CRATER -Mouth of the volcano which is a funnel-shaped or bowl-shaped depression. at the top of the vent from where volcanic materials come out ASH CLOUD -Cloud of ash that forms in the air after some volcanic eruptions ENOUGH -Molten rock which is given off onto the surface of the earth when a volcano erupts LAYERS OF ASH AND LAVA -Volcanic materials (ash and lava) that settled and solidified over successive eruptions ACTIVE VOLCANOES have had at least one eruption during the past 10,000 years Might be Erupting -experiencing an eruption or showing regular activity like emission of gasses, ash or lava Dormant -have not erupted for a very long time but may erupt at a future time The PHIVOLCS said there are a total of 24 active volcanoes in the Philippines Dormant or Potentially Active Volcanoes -morphologically young-looking that has no historical or analytical records of eruption but could erupt in the future. Long-dormant System -might refer to a volcano that has not erupted in thousands of years Recently Active System -might have erupted a few years or decades (or even centuries) ago Restless -these are volcanoes that are not erupting, but that are experiencing some signs that magma is accumulating or moving beneath the surface EXTINCT OR INACTIVE VOLCANOES Have not erupted for the last 10,000 years Do not show any signs that a possible eruption or any volcanic activity will occur in the future -magma supply is cut off Physical form has been altered by agents of weathering and erosion with the formation of deep and long gullies The PHIVOLCS currently lists 35 volcanoes in the Philippines as inactive Add comment...
