Module Three: Multiple Comparisons
ANOVA is an Omnibus test, which means that it tells us that there is a difference but not where the difference is.
Further analysis is needed to determine where the difference is
Family-wise error rate is the probability of making one or more false discoveries, or type I errors when performing multiple hypotheses tests.
Planned Comparisons are A Priori. they test specific hypothesises, which are proposed prior to data collection
**Types of Planned Comparisons**
Orthogonal Contrasts compare unique “chunks” of variance. They use Helmert and Difference comparisons.
Helmert - Compare each category to the mean of subsequent categories
Difference - Compare each category to the mean of previous categories
Non-orthogonal Contrasts overlap or use the same “chunks” of variance in multiple comparisons. They require careful interpretation and lead to increased type 1 error rate
• Non-Orthogona==l==: Deviation, Simple, Repeated
Polynomial Contrasts
• Linear, Quadratic, Cubic and Quartic trends
polynomial contrasts are only used when IV is ordinal
Post Hoc compare all groups with a stricter alpha value, and hypothesis formed after data collection
The simplest Post Hoc is the Bonferroni test
• Tukey’s HSD
• Called Tukey’s HSD (Honestly Significant Difference)
• The cumulative probability of a type 1 error never exceeds the specified level of significance (p < .05)
• Supplies a single critical value (HSD) for evaluating the ‘significance’ of each pair of means
• The critical value (HSD) increases with (i.e., each additional group mean)
• It becomes more difficult to reject the null hypothesis as a greater number of group means are compared
• If the absolute (i.e., obtained) difference between two means exceeds the critical value for HSD, the null hypothesis for that pair of means can be rejected