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Maps vs. Globes

globe 3D representation of Earth; limited in details; most accurate in giving information such as the shape, size, and distance of an area maps flat, 2D representation of Earth; zoomed in on a particular place; gives close up details such as roads, highways, and physical features; does not show accuracy in size, shape, or distance map projections taking something round (globe) and making it flat physical map show the land and water features, coloring/shading, how rugged the surface is, elevation political map shows borders/boundaries, human-made features (countries, states, capitals) thematic map shows some type of theme; lots of symbols, colors, lines, and dots flow line map has arrows showing movement and patterns (people, ideas, good, hurricanes) mental map reflects a person's view point; how people envision locations in their own minds title, key, compass rose, scale, boundaries, political/physical features parts of a map

Maps vs. Globes

globe 3D representation of Earth; limited in details; most accurate in giving information such as the shape, size, and distance of an area maps flat, 2D representation of Earth; zoomed in on a particular place; gives close up details such as roads, highways, and physical features; does not show accuracy in size, shape, or distance map projections taking something round (globe) and making it flat physical map show the land and water features, coloring/shading, how rugged the surface is, elevation political map shows borders/boundaries, human-made features (countries, states, capitals) thematic map shows some type of theme; lots of symbols, colors, lines, and dots flow line map has arrows showing movement and patterns (people, ideas, good, hurricanes) mental map reflects a person's view point; how people envision locations in their own minds title, key, compass rose, scale, boundaries, political/physical features parts of a map