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/, Find, Copy & Shell

ls ../..

/ root of the system
/bin binaries and other executable programs
/etc home directories
/home can be used for storing downloads, compliing, installing and running programs
/opt optional installs and add-on packages
/tmp temporary storage
/usr contains libraries, binaries and documentation for installed software applications
/var stores variable files and temporary files


cp source_file destination_file
cp -r (copy directory)
mv -i (

rm -rf/ (deletes everything from the root

find [path..] [expression]

Search by filename
-$find /etc -name crond (string-crond)
Search by permission mode
-$find /var -perm 700
Search by group
-$find /home -gid 66
Search by user
$find/home -user joe
$find /tmp -type d-perm 755
/ doesn't mean for directories, have to specify file or directory

Find Options

-name pattern ( find files and directories that match pattern)
-iname pattern (Like "-name", but ignores case)
-ls (performs and ls on each of the found items
mtime days (find files that are days old)
-size num (find files that are of size num)
-newer file (find files that are newer than file)
-exec command {} \; (runs commands against all the files that are found)

Locate Command
similar to find command but less sopisticated
only effective if your are searching for a file by its filename
Results are not in real time like "find"

d for directory
f for files

ls -l { long listing format}
find [path] {what you are looking for }
find /
-type f -name yellowtail

find /root -name yellowtail -type f

Linux is case sensitive

- i (ignore case /both lower and uppercase):
find /root -iname yellowtail -type f

• all terminals have gui (graphical interface)
click on application

bash-programming language

$ = standard user

regular user/ standard user $

# = root user/account and super user
~ = home directory
/ = root of the directory

• "Root" is all powerful
• A Super User Adminstrator
• Can see everything in the system
• Has the power to change configuration file
• Has the power to go into regular user directores
• Root's home directory = /root

What is the Shell?
• the command interpreter in an operating system such as Unix or GNU
• a program that executes other programs
• provides a computer user an interface to the Unix/GNU Linux system so that user can run different commands or utilites/tools with some input data
• default interfae to Linux

[teamwinnin@yellowtail~]$ this is a shell prompt

Graphical User Interface (GUI)
• often quic and easy
• graphical icons and screens
• easier to navigate
Command line Interface (CLI)
• for repetitive tasks, this is often more efficient


/, Find, Copy & Shell

ls ../..

/ root of the system
/bin binaries and other executable programs
/etc home directories
/home can be used for storing downloads, compliing, installing and running programs
/opt optional installs and add-on packages
/tmp temporary storage
/usr contains libraries, binaries and documentation for installed software applications
/var stores variable files and temporary files


cp source_file destination_file
cp -r (copy directory)
mv -i (

rm -rf/ (deletes everything from the root

find [path..] [expression]

Search by filename
-$find /etc -name crond (string-crond)
Search by permission mode
-$find /var -perm 700
Search by group
-$find /home -gid 66
Search by user
$find/home -user joe
$find /tmp -type d-perm 755
/ doesn't mean for directories, have to specify file or directory

Find Options

-name pattern ( find files and directories that match pattern)
-iname pattern (Like "-name", but ignores case)
-ls (performs and ls on each of the found items
mtime days (find files that are days old)
-size num (find files that are of size num)
-newer file (find files that are newer than file)
-exec command {} \; (runs commands against all the files that are found)

Locate Command
similar to find command but less sopisticated
only effective if your are searching for a file by its filename
Results are not in real time like "find"

d for directory
f for files

ls -l { long listing format}
find [path] {what you are looking for }
find /
-type f -name yellowtail

find /root -name yellowtail -type f

Linux is case sensitive

- i (ignore case /both lower and uppercase):
find /root -iname yellowtail -type f

• all terminals have gui (graphical interface)
click on application

bash-programming language

$ = standard user

regular user/ standard user $

# = root user/account and super user
~ = home directory
/ = root of the directory

• "Root" is all powerful
• A Super User Adminstrator
• Can see everything in the system
• Has the power to change configuration file
• Has the power to go into regular user directores
• Root's home directory = /root

What is the Shell?
• the command interpreter in an operating system such as Unix or GNU
• a program that executes other programs
• provides a computer user an interface to the Unix/GNU Linux system so that user can run different commands or utilites/tools with some input data
• default interfae to Linux

[teamwinnin@yellowtail~]$ this is a shell prompt

Graphical User Interface (GUI)
• often quic and easy
• graphical icons and screens
• easier to navigate
Command line Interface (CLI)
• for repetitive tasks, this is often more efficient
