What event in ceaser's career immedently proceded the plays action? Ceaser won civil war against pompey
give the date of the assasination of ceaser March 15th, 44 BC
What is a tribune government offical why do flavius and marcullus want the commoners to disperse? why do they remove the garlands form ceasers statue? to hinder Caesar's victory celebration.
Why does ceaser tell calpurina to stand close to the racers so antony can touch her? to make her fertile how does cassius feel about ceaser? waht does he want brutus to do? hopes to get him to join the conspiracy against him how does ceaser feel about cassius does not trust him why does the crowd cheer during this Act 1 Scene 2 They want ceaser to accept the crown What physical disabilities does ceaser have? elepisy/ seziures what does cassius conclude about brutus he can win him over by his ego when does Act 1 Scene 3 take place March 14th what stage omens are seen in act 1 scene 3 superstorm, lion, ghostly women, owl, common slave, men on fire What is learned about hte conspiracy agaisnt ceaser in act 1 scene 3 cassius is the leader and is growing power act 2 scene 1 waht is the meaning of brutus speech lines 10-34 he likes ceaser as a friend but killed him for the good of rome Why is no oath sworn by the conspirators? it would take away the way they act and should trust each other Why is Cicero left out of the conspiracy? he believes that cicero would lead rather than follow why does brutus not want antony killed to would look to violent and will make them look bloody how does decius plan to persade ceaser to go to the capital he will get them in the right mood then take him what does portia show brutus she can be truste? does he tell her his secrets? she shows she is strong and independent woman by stabbing herself, brutus does not tell her his secrets act 2 scene 1 what omens frighten calpurina zombies, ghosts, warriers in the cloud with blood, lion having a baby is calpurina sucsessful in persuading ceaser not to go to the captiol yes he doesnt go why does ceaser change his mind on not going to the captiol so he can comfort his wife act 2 scene 3 what is artemidrous planning to do warn ceaser by sending him a letter what are portias feelings in act 2 scene 4 she feels anxious about hte conspiracy/ nervous Who says: "Beware the ides of march" The soothsayer Who says: "It was greek to me" Casca Who says: "Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once" Ceaser Why are common people celebrating int he streest at the begginning of the play? To honor Caesars recent victory WHo are the two tribunes in act 1 Marullus and Flavius How does the soothsayer warn ceaser he tell him beware the ides of march wha is the tone of the conversation between marullus, flavius, and the commoners angry and critical what does cassius mean when he says "The fault, dear brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves?" He believes people are responsible for their own fates who says "yound Cassius has a lean and hungry to look, he thinks to much such men are dangerous." Ceaser Why does brutus not wnat to kill antony in addition to caeser it would be too bloody who says he can persuad caeser to got ot the capitol decius Brutus receives letters saying that rome loves him, and ceaser is... ambitious why does cassius think its so important that brutus be on thier side he wants brutus because rome loves him adn will listen to him then he can kill caeser Who is both critial of romans who celebrate casaaers victory over these men Flavius and marullus falvius and marullus are the sons of.. Pompey who secretly dilivers the letter to brutus Cinna In act 2 what is calpurina concerned about the omens and doesn't want caeser to go to the capital who is lucius Burtus servent What does brutus struggle with in the begginning of act 2 He doesn't know if its better to kill Caeser or not what does lucius find and bring to brutus another letter that encourages brutus to kill ceaser who is ceasers wife calpurina who said he will get Caeser to the captiol decius who was in charge of the conspiracy at first cassius Who is the last person brutus says they should have as a part of the conspiracy ligarius who actually wrote the letters that brutus reads? cassius who becomes in charge of the conspiracy at the end brutus Who shows up at brutus house Cassisus, casca, decius, cinna, etc who does cassius suggest that they should kill besides caeser antony who convinces caeser to go to the capitol decius in act 2 what does calpurina want ceaser to do stay home and send a message to the senate that he is sick what does calpurina see in her dream omens and statue of Caeser with blood what is calpurina concerned about she is concerned about the omens and doesn't want caeser to got the captial who learns about hte conspiracy and writes a letter to warn caeser artemidorus what does decius say about calpurina's dream mean? everything that is happening is good and Rome is gaining life from caeser Where does Caesar die? At the capitol Does Cal's dream come true? Yes How many times does Caesar gets stabbed? 23 times Whats brutus' rules? 1. Don't Blame us 2. Speka in the same place as me 3. Speak well up Caesar 4. We will allow you to speak Why did Brutus help kill Caesar? He loved Rome more than Caesar Who says: "Ettu, Brute - Than fall Caesar" Caesar Who syas "Cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war" Antony In Act 3 scene 1 What two warnings does Caesar ignore? 1. Soothsayers warnings 2. Atemdiorus' letter What was the specific task each of the following had to perform in order to execute the slaying? Metellus, Casca, Trebonius Metellus: Distract Caesar to beg him to bring back his brother Casca: Be the first to stab Caesar Trebonius: Hold Mark Antony away from Caesar to prevent interference How does Metellus Cimber get Caesar's attention begging Caesar to return his brother to him