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Public Vehicles

The public vehicle license of any operator of a taxicab or motor vehicle for hire shall be confiscated and forwarded to the commanding officer of Public Vehicles, if any of the following circumstances exist:

  1. The operator is arrested;

  2. The operator is issued the court copy for a moving violation;

  3. The operator is given an ordinance complaint for conduct unbecoming a taxicab driver; or

  4. The operator is given an ordinance complaint for high flagging (failure to display fare to passenger). D E T R O I T P O L I C E D E PA R T M E N T M A N U A L D E T R O I T P O L I C E D E PA R T M E N T M A N U A L Page 2 of 3 2022 201.8 Public Vehicle The operator of a public service vehicle whose public vehicle license has been confiscated or suspended shall not be permitted to operate the vehicle until permission is obtained from the commanding officer of Public Vehicles. 201.8 - 4 Operation of Taxi Cabs Members should familiarize themselves with regulations specific to taxicabs. The following list (not inclusive) is regulations that taxicabs drivers must comply with:

  5. Operators of taxicabs shall refrain from smoking while carrying passengers;

  6. It shall be the responsibility of taxicab drivers and drivers of cars for hire to turn in any property left by a passenger to the nearest police station, within twentyfour (24) hours, unless the company maintains a regularly established lost and found department;

  7. An operator who persistently violates the public vehicle regulations by congregating in taxicab stands, gambling or using loud and inappropriate language shall be reported to the commanding officer of Public Vehicles on an Incident Report;

  8. Operators of taxicabs shall not be permitted to carry other passengers without the consent of those first employing the taxicab;

  9. The operator of a taxicab or car for hire shall not allow any person to ride with them on the front seat unless the rear seat is filled to capacity;

  10. The operator of a taxicab shall not solicit passengers who are waiting at an established loading point to take passage on a city owned bus;

  11. While passing a public place for the purpose of soliciting passengers, an operator shall not turn and pass again until they have gone a distance of two (2) square blocks;

  12. Taxicabs and cars for hire shall park in single file at designated stands. A metal sign designating the number of cars permitted to park will mark all authorized stands. If parked in the rear of the stand, they may leave the vehicle for not more than thirty (30) minutes; and

  13. Each taxicab driver is required to maintain a trip sheet record containing the following: a. Date; b. Cab number; c. Name of the driver; d. Start and end time of work day; e. Taximeter and odometer readings – beginning and end; and f. Addresses or intersections where fares were picked up and discharged – listed in chronological order. The location at which the fare was picked up shall be recorded before beginning the trip, and the address at which the fare is discharged shall be recorded as soon as the passenger leaves the cab. D E T R O I T P O L I C E D E PA R T M E N T M A N U A L Page 3 of 3 2022 201.8 Public Vehicle It shall be the responsibility of the cab owner to file and retain all trip sheets for a period of ninety (90) days. Trip sheet records must be presented for examination upon demand of a police officer, and the officer may retain the trip sheet as evidence for court. Any taxicab driver violating these provisions shall be issued a Miscellaneous Ordinance Violation for improper trip sheet record. An Incident Report containing all information relating to the violation and the number of the ordinance violation shall be forwarded to the commanding officer of Public Vehicles. 201.8 - 4.1 Disputes Officers should attempt to resolve "cab and a fare" disputes to the satisfaction of both parties. However, if no agreement can be reached and arguing persists, the responding member shall request both parties to accompany the officer to the district/precinct station. The officer in charge of the station desk shall make further attempts at reconciling the matter. If this fails, the officer in charge of the station desk may direct the investigating officer to issue a Miscellaneous Ordinance Violation for Disorderly Conduct (fail to pay/accept disputed public vehicle fare). 201.8 - 5 Department of Transportation Bus Drivers Department of Transportation (D.O.T.) bus drivers encountering problems with persons aboard their buses will activate emergency four-way flashers. Officers observing these flashers shall board the bus and take appropriate action.

Public Vehicles

The public vehicle license of any operator of a taxicab or motor vehicle for hire shall be confiscated and forwarded to the commanding officer of Public Vehicles, if any of the following circumstances exist:

  1. The operator is arrested;

  2. The operator is issued the court copy for a moving violation;

  3. The operator is given an ordinance complaint for conduct unbecoming a taxicab driver; or

  4. The operator is given an ordinance complaint for high flagging (failure to display fare to passenger). D E T R O I T P O L I C E D E PA R T M E N T M A N U A L D E T R O I T P O L I C E D E PA R T M E N T M A N U A L Page 2 of 3 2022 201.8 Public Vehicle The operator of a public service vehicle whose public vehicle license has been confiscated or suspended shall not be permitted to operate the vehicle until permission is obtained from the commanding officer of Public Vehicles. 201.8 - 4 Operation of Taxi Cabs Members should familiarize themselves with regulations specific to taxicabs. The following list (not inclusive) is regulations that taxicabs drivers must comply with:

  5. Operators of taxicabs shall refrain from smoking while carrying passengers;

  6. It shall be the responsibility of taxicab drivers and drivers of cars for hire to turn in any property left by a passenger to the nearest police station, within twentyfour (24) hours, unless the company maintains a regularly established lost and found department;

  7. An operator who persistently violates the public vehicle regulations by congregating in taxicab stands, gambling or using loud and inappropriate language shall be reported to the commanding officer of Public Vehicles on an Incident Report;

  8. Operators of taxicabs shall not be permitted to carry other passengers without the consent of those first employing the taxicab;

  9. The operator of a taxicab or car for hire shall not allow any person to ride with them on the front seat unless the rear seat is filled to capacity;

  10. The operator of a taxicab shall not solicit passengers who are waiting at an established loading point to take passage on a city owned bus;

  11. While passing a public place for the purpose of soliciting passengers, an operator shall not turn and pass again until they have gone a distance of two (2) square blocks;

  12. Taxicabs and cars for hire shall park in single file at designated stands. A metal sign designating the number of cars permitted to park will mark all authorized stands. If parked in the rear of the stand, they may leave the vehicle for not more than thirty (30) minutes; and

  13. Each taxicab driver is required to maintain a trip sheet record containing the following: a. Date; b. Cab number; c. Name of the driver; d. Start and end time of work day; e. Taximeter and odometer readings – beginning and end; and f. Addresses or intersections where fares were picked up and discharged – listed in chronological order. The location at which the fare was picked up shall be recorded before beginning the trip, and the address at which the fare is discharged shall be recorded as soon as the passenger leaves the cab. D E T R O I T P O L I C E D E PA R T M E N T M A N U A L Page 3 of 3 2022 201.8 Public Vehicle It shall be the responsibility of the cab owner to file and retain all trip sheets for a period of ninety (90) days. Trip sheet records must be presented for examination upon demand of a police officer, and the officer may retain the trip sheet as evidence for court. Any taxicab driver violating these provisions shall be issued a Miscellaneous Ordinance Violation for improper trip sheet record. An Incident Report containing all information relating to the violation and the number of the ordinance violation shall be forwarded to the commanding officer of Public Vehicles. 201.8 - 4.1 Disputes Officers should attempt to resolve "cab and a fare" disputes to the satisfaction of both parties. However, if no agreement can be reached and arguing persists, the responding member shall request both parties to accompany the officer to the district/precinct station. The officer in charge of the station desk shall make further attempts at reconciling the matter. If this fails, the officer in charge of the station desk may direct the investigating officer to issue a Miscellaneous Ordinance Violation for Disorderly Conduct (fail to pay/accept disputed public vehicle fare). 201.8 - 5 Department of Transportation Bus Drivers Department of Transportation (D.O.T.) bus drivers encountering problems with persons aboard their buses will activate emergency four-way flashers. Officers observing these flashers shall board the bus and take appropriate action.
