Branches of chemistry=
1) Analythical chemistry:
Matematiksel işlem ve analizlerle ilgilenir
Qualitative ( chemical compositions)
2) Biochemistry
The chemistry of living organisms
Biological processes
( e.g: Microscopic analyses, drugs)
3) Organic chemistry
Organic samples containing “carbon”
The structure, properties of compounds
( natural gas, dyes, candle, soap, fabric etc.)
4) Inorganic chemistry
Characteristics, reactions of inorganic compounds ( not containing carbon)
(Asit, baz, tuz vb)
5) Polymer chemistry
Focuses on macromolecules ( large molecules)
6) Physical chemistry
Properties and behaviors of chemical systems
How energy and reaction occur
( e.g: photosynthesis)
Lab equipments:
Graduated cylinder:
To measure volume
Has frequent lines
Most common
Net sonuç vermez
Can’t use stopper
Wash bottle:
To was something
To pour liquid substances
To protect hands
To avoid gas emmision
Goes over flasks ( erlenmayer)
To protect eyes
Beaker tongs:
To hold hot beakers
Test tube brush:
To clean test tubes
Eye dropper:
To transfer little amounts of liquids
Exact measurement
Volumetric flask:
Detaylı hesaplama için kullanılır
Also for solution preparation
To heat hot solids
Very heat resistant
Used to cary solids around
Bunsen burner:
Heats substances with natural gas
Test tube rack:
To organize test tubes
Alcohol burner:
Burns alcohol
Test tube holder:
To hold test tubes
Stirring rods:
To mix substances
Used to mesure volume
Has a tap to adjust
Watch glass: ( multi purpose)
To keep solid substances
To measure temperature
Electronic balance:
measure grams
Test tubes:
For little amounts of solids
Martar , pestle:
To smash solids into powder form
Flasks ( erlenmayer):
Used for liquids that need stoppers ( gas emmision)
To pour substances into small mouths
Hot plate:
To heat substances with energy ( electric)
Fume hood:
Emmits dangerous gas and helps to care for health during experiments toxic gases are produced etc…
Daily chemical safety=
Exists as gas at room temperature
Mixture of bleach and spirit of salt
Dangerous for airway and lungs
Used for bleaching, cleaning
Direct contact is dangerous
Mixture with ammonia based cleaning products can cause toxic vapors and respiratory damage
Spirit of salt: ( hidroklorik asit)
A gas
Used to remove lime and organic stains
Can cause health issues in stomache or throat
Lime remover: ( nitric acid)
A solution of nitric acid is preferred
To clean lime stain
Causes skin burns, eye damage
Should be rinsed in any contact
Grout ( harç):
To fill the gaps between areas
All types can be dangerous and toxic
Can cause damage
Grease remover: ( Sodium hidroxide) ( decreaser)
To clean grease
Mixture with water is very dangerous
Skin will become dry
Mercury ( cıva):
Liquid in room temperature
Heavy metal
Toxic( direct contant is so dangerous)
Declare = Çözücü
Undilluted = Konsantre miktarda
Dilute = seyreltik
Atomic models/ theories=
1) Dalton:
First name of atoms is atomos
Atom is full sphere
The smallest particle is atom
Atoms are identical
Compounds are made of two or more elements
2) Thomson:
-Plum pudding model ( the electrons are the plums and rest of the cake is positively charged)
-Cathod ray tube experiment:
İki adet levhanın olduğu tubea katot ışınları gönderilir ve ışınlar pozitif yüklü magnet tarafından çekilir ve yönü değişir)
Yüklü birşey yaklaştırıldığında etkilediğine göre karşı güçler vardır der.
Discovery of electrons ( negatively charged particles
Electronların sabit durduğunu düşünür ( wrong)
Discovery of protons
Discovery of nucleus
-Gold fuel experiment:
Alpha ışınları altın levhaya gönderilir
Çoğu ışın direk geçerken az bi kısmı 90 dan fazla dereceyle ters yansır
( Bu yüzden dengeleyici bir güç olması gerektiğini söyler)
Protonları çekirdeğe toplar
Electrons are moving
Discovery of neutrons
Discovery of orbits around the nucleus ( electrons are moving on stable orbits)
Energy of electron depends on the size of the orbit ( protonlar tarafından ne kadar az çekilirse o kadar enerjisi kalır)
Each orbit has different enegry levels
-First orbit is ground state
-Others are excited states
more energy = greater distance from the nucleus
Orbits can be shown as n=1 etc or K,L,M,N
-Absorbing the energy electrons move to higher states ( can absorb heat)
The absorbed energy is equal to the energy amount between orbits
-Electrons move to lower orbits when emmiting ( giving away) energy
Emmited energy is equal to the energy between orbits
Enerjiyi verirken ısı da yayabilir