Traumatic brain injury

The vestibular system:

  • The balance system but not the primary function

  • The primary function of this system is balancing gaze

  • This is due to the vestibular system not detecting movement and only detecting accerlation eg moving ur head to look at your phone

  • Angular acceleration, moving head left to right or up and down

  • Linear acceleration, type of acceleration you get in a lift

  • Visual and vestibular system preserve visual acuity and spatial orientation

  • Gaze stabilisation is mediated by retinal slip velocities and vestibular ocular reflex

  • Example:

  • When a child spins around they get dizzy due to vestibular system being activated

  • Vestibular percepyual connection makes you feel dizzy, vestibular automotive response

  • When you move to the left, your eyes will move right (eye movement in response to movement)

  • Eye movement can be a measure for movement, can give us a perceptual response

  • Balance is achieved through sensory integration

  • Bision contributes to balance

  • Balance system is not important however the individuals feelings/perception is what affects balance

  • Vestibular perception:

  • Questions how different people see different things

  • We can sit people in a rotating chair, if you want to assess vestibular perception you tske away visual and proceotive perception

  • Visual-vestibular interactions:

  • Need to differentiate between world and object motion

  • “Am i moving or is the world moving”

  • Self motion is characterised by eye movement, if i move to the left my eyes will to the move right (VN)

  • When there is world motion however, if the world moves to the left, my eyes will also move to the left (OKN)

  • When there is vestibular activation there is either an inhibiton or suppression of visual response
