thermos - means heat in greek
dynamos - means change or power in greek
thermal energy - the heat of a body or system changes
thermal expansion - heat causes changes in matter
work done by heat - heat generates work and power in engines
Zeroth Law - known as equilibrium
first law - known as conservation
second law - known as entropy
third law - known as absolute zero
Laws of Thermodynamics
Zeroth Law - Systems that are in thermal equilibrium exist at the same temperature.
Thermal Equilibrium - When two or more bodies at different temperatures are brought into contact then after some time, they attain a common temperature and they are said to exist in thermal equilibrium.
First Law - Thermodynamic processes are therefore subject to the principle of conservation of energy.
2nd Law - Whenever there is an opportunity for energy dispersal, the energy always spreads out
Entropy - The measure of this dispersal of energy
entropy of an isolated system always increases
highest entropy is gas, lowest entropy is solid
heat flow from a hot body to a cold body \
3rd Law - As temperature approaches absolute zero, the entropy of a system approaches a constant minimum.
At a temperature of zero Kelvin, the following phenomena can be observed in a closed system: The system does not contain any heat. All the atoms and molecules in the system are at their lowest energy points.
Temperature - a property that distinguishes thermodynamics from other sciences. This property can distinguish between hot and cold.
COEFFICIENT OF LINEAR EXPANSION - the change in length divided by the product of the original length and the change in temperature
COEFFICIENT OF VOLUME EXPANSION - the change in volume divided by the product of the original volume and the change in temperature