Association Rules:
Definition: Identify relationships among variables in large databases, aiming to understand how different items are associated with each other.
Application: Commonly used in market basket analysis, where businesses examine purchase patterns to enhance product placement and promotions.
Key Measures:
Support: Measures the frequency of occurrence of an itemset; essential for determining the relevance of the rule in the dataset.
Confidence: Refers to the likelihood that item B is purchased when item A is purchased; a metric to assess the strength of the association between items.
Lift: Ratio of the observed support to that expected if A and B were independent; indicates the degree to which the occurrence of one item influences the occurrence of another.
Classification & Regression Patterns:
Definition: Involves predictive modeling tasks that use historical data to make predictions about future outcomes.
Classification focuses on discrete labels, categorizing data points into specific classes (e.g., spam vs. not spam), while regression deals with continuous values, predicting numeric outcomes (e.g., price).
Cluster Analysis:
Definition: Groups data into clusters of similar objects to identify patterns and relationships inherent within the dataset, facilitating pattern recognition and anomaly detection.
Outlier Detection:
Definition: Identifies unusual or rare data points that do not conform to the general patterns of the dataset; essential for quality control and detecting anomalies that could indicate fraud or errors.
Data Mining:
Focuses on hypothesis generation and is explorative, aimed at discovering hidden patterns and relationships within large datasets.
Particularly adept at handling vast amounts of unstructured or semi-structured data, making it suitable for various fields, including finance, healthcare, and marketing.
Data Analysis:
Centers on hypothesis testing in a confirmative manner; primarily addresses previously established theories through smaller datasets.
Often employs statistical tools and methodologies to validate or challenge existing hypotheses.
Business Intelligence:
Involves reporting techniques and straightforward visualizations based on discovered relationships, aimed at decision-making and strategic planning.
Integrates data from various sources and uses analytics to inform business decisions, enhancing operational efficiency.
CRISP-DM (Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining):
Business Understanding: Define situational context, objectives, deliverables, and project plan tailored to the organization’s needs.
Data Understanding: Collect raw data, conduct preliminary analysis, and define hypotheses to guide exploration.
Data Preparation: Select relevant records and variables, perform data cleaning, transformation, and data wrangling to ensure data quality.
Modeling: Choose and apply appropriate modeling techniques, convert data formats as necessary, and validate models against criteria to ensure reliability.
Evaluation: Rigorously assess the performance of models, select best-performing ones, and interpret results to derive actionable insights.
Deployment: Develop actionable insights and establish a deployment strategy for ongoing monitoring, feedback loops, and refining processes.
A systematic framework designed to streamline the data mining process, guiding practitioners in effectively managing large datasets.
An overarching process that encompasses data mining, describing the end-to-end approach of extracting useful knowledge from data.
Missing Completely at Random (MCAR):
Definition: Missingness is unrelated to any data points; occurs sporadically and without pattern.
Example: A student misses an assignment due to an unrelated family emergency.
Missing at Random (MAR):
Definition: Missingness is related to other observed data points but not to the missing values themselves.
Example: In health surveys, men may more readily report weight than women due to cultural factors in reporting.
Missing Not at Random (MNAR):
Definition: Missingness is related to the absent information itself, leading to bias in the dataset.
Example: Individuals experiencing severe depression may choose to skip questions about happiness, affecting overall analysis.
Deletion Methods:
Listwise deletion removes all data for a participant if any response is missing.
Pairwise deletion analyzes only the data available for each analysis.
Imputation Methods:
Techniques such as mean, median, mode for simple imputation, as well as advanced predictive models to fill gaps in data.
Interpolation Techniques:
Utilize surrounding data points to estimate missing values, maintaining the integrity of the dataset.
Imputation Process:
Step 1: Understand the dataset and the nature of missingness.
Step 2: Choose an imputation method based on the missingness type.
Step 3: Apply the chosen imputation technique rigorously to ensure data accuracy.
Definition: Characterized by many features, such as genomic data, leading to complex data relationships.
Challenges: Includes the "curse of dimensionality" causing models to overfit, higher computational costs, and difficulties in visualizing data.
Solutions: Employ feature selection and dimensionality reduction techniques such as PCA (Principal Component Analysis) or t-SNE (t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding) to manage high-dimensional data effectively.
Techniques include Z-score, Interquartile Range (IQR), robust scaling, and isolation forest, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of data distribution and accuracy in predictions.
Definition: Predicts continuous values for outcomes, such as stock prices or weather forecasting.
Definition: Predicts distinct categories for outcomes, such as customer segmentation based on purchasing behavior.
Dimensionality Reduction:
Definition: Determines key features within data to reduce complexity while preserving essential information.
Definition: Identifies multi-dimensional groupings within data, useful for market segmentation and social network analysis.
Supervised Learning:
Involves labeled datasets where models learn from known outcomes; applies to tasks in regression and classification.
Unsupervised Learning:
Operates on unlabeled data, identifying inherent patterns, relevant primarily to clustering and dimensionality reduction tasks.
Defined as methods to determine how closely two data points resemble each other; vital for clustering and similarity-based models.
Euclidean Distance:
Definition: The straight-line distance between data points in a multi-dimensional space; widely used for continuous variables.
Manhattan Distance:
Definition: The sum of absolute differences across dimensions; particularly effective for structured, grid-like data patterns.
Cosine Similarity:
Definition: Measures the cosine of the angle between two vectors, providing insight into directional similarities; often applied in text analysis and recommendation systems.
Jaccard Similarity:
Definition: Compares the size of the intersection versus the union of sets, commonly used for binary attributes.
Performance of algorithms like KNN is heavily influenced by the choice of similarity measure; selecting appropriate metrics optimizes classification and regression results.
Purpose: Predicts continuous numeric outcomes, aiding economic forecasts and scientific research.
Methods include linear regression and polynomial regression; evaluation metrics consist of Mean Squared Error (MSE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and R-squared (R²).
Purpose: Predicts discrete classes for categorical outcomes, relevant to tasks like behavior prediction.
Methods: Logistic regression, decision trees, and support vector machines (SVM) are commonly applied; evaluation metrics include accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC), and the Area Under Curve (AUC).
Regression focuses on predicting continuous outputs, while classification targets categorical labels; each employs distinct techniques and algorithms tailored to respective problem types.
Occurs when models learn the noise and unnecessary complexities of training data, resulting in poor performance on unseen data.
Examples: Using a low 'k' in KNN increases sensitivity to noise; unpruned decision trees can capture training patterns well but struggle to generalize effectively.
Lack of complexity leads to poor performance across both training and test datasets; models do not adequately represent the underlying patterns in the data.
High Variance (Overfitting):
Characterized by high accuracy on training data and low accuracy on new data, common with complex and flexible models.
High Bias (Underfitting):
Involves low accuracy across datasets, often arising from models that are too simplistic to capture the true relationships.
Finding the optimal balance between model simplicity and complexity is crucial for effectiveness; excessive simplicity leads to ignored patterns, while excessive complexity results in noise memorization.
Including accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve, and Area Under Curve (AUC).
Incorporate Mean Squared Error (MSE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and R-squared (R²).
Techniques such as train/test split and K-fold cross-validation ensure models are tested rigorously, providing robust validation of model performance and stability.
Emphasizes the importance of hyperparameter tuning to identify optimal model configurations that enhance predictive accuracy.
K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN):
Characteristics: An instance-based learning approach utilizing distance metrics for classification.
Choosing 'k': A smaller 'k' increases variance, making the model sensitive to noise, while a larger 'k' increases bias, potentially oversimplifying the model.
Importance of Feature Scaling: Essential for normalization and standardization, enabling all features to contribute equally to distance calculations.
Conceptually simple and easily understandable; does not include an explicit training phase, reducing initial computational requirements.
Computationally expensive during prediction; sensitive to irrelevant features that may distort distance metrics.
Commonly used in areas such as consumer credit ratings, loan applications, fraud detection, and medical diagnosis.
Presumes a linear relationship between independent and dependent variables; commonly utilizes Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) for cost function minimization.
Critical to check assumptions such as linearity between variables and the normal distribution of errors to ensure model validity.
Regularization techniques, including Ridge (L2) and Lasso (L1), aid in preventing overfitting by penalizing complex models.
Employ greedy algorithms (e.g., CART) to iteratively split on features that minimize impurity; decisions based on maximizing information gain or minimizing Gini impurity.
Entropy Measures:
Reflect overall diversity in a dataset; high uncertainty corresponds to high entropy, which must be addressed for effective classification.
Gini Impurity:
Expresses the likelihood of misclassification in decision-making processes.
Overfitting can arise when trees branch excessively without pruning; careful validation and pruning strategies are essential.
High interpretability, suitable for both categorical and numerical data types.
Prone to instability from minor variations in data; requires diligent handling to avoid overfitting.
Variants involve partitioning data into 'k' folds, iteratively utilizing one fold for testing while training on the remaining data; provides more reliable performance estimates than a singular train/test split.
Stratified K-Fold:
Tailored to classification tasks ensuring class distribution is maintained across folds to enhance model training and evaluation.
Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation:
A specialized form where 'k' equals the number of observations, enabling analysis of the model's behavior on each data point individually.
Strategies include analyzing learning curves comparing training error against validation error.
Continuous monitoring using cross-validation techniques facilitates consistent performance assessment across data folds, ensuring models generalize well on unseen data.
Significant discrepancies between training and testing performance metrics may indicate underlying issues such as overfitting or underfitting.
Data Preprocessing:
Extract features and targets to prepare the dataset for analysis and modeling.
Splitting the Data:
Utilize the train_test_split
function to create training and testing sets, with common ratios ranging from 80/20 or 70/30 to ensure sufficient training data.
Model Creation:
Select suitable estimators and tune hyperparameters to optimize model performance.
Model Training:
Fit the model using training data, adjusting parameters as necessary based on performance feedback.
Prediction & Transformation:
Utilize methods for making predictions and transformations suitable for clustering and dimensionality reduction tasks.
Assess models utilizing performance metrics, visualizations, and the resources available in Scikit-Learn to inform improvements and adaptations.
X (Feature Matrix):
Represents independent variables used for prediction, structured in a suitable format for analysis.
y (Target Variable):
Denotes the variable being predicted or estimated, fed into models for analysis.
train_test_split example:
train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
Values determined during model training optimized by the algorithm; for example, weights in linear regression are categorized as parameters of the model.
Values that need to be set before training a model, often requiring manual tuning for optimal performance; crucial for shaping how a model operates.
Examples include the 'k' value in KNN or the learning rate in other algorithms that significantly impacts model efficiency.
The process of identifying the best hyperparameter values, frequently employing strategies like grid search or random search for systemic optimization.