Purpose of Models: To gain insights into economic performance and simplify complex interactions.
Characteristics of Good Models:
Limitations: Models can oversimplify and may not capture all real-world complexities.
Hockey Stick Diagram: Represents real wage stagnation prior to the Industrial Revolution.
Malthusian Model: Analyzes wage stagnation and population dynamics.
Factors of Production: Essential resources used to produce goods and services.
Production Function: The relationship between input factors and output.
Diminishing Average Product: As quantity of labor increases, the average output per worker may decrease.
Technological Change: Innovation influencing economic growth.
Population vs. Income: The relationship affected by technological advancements.
Malthusian Stagnation: How technological progress altered population income dynamics.
Dynamic Economy Model: Role of innovation in economic development.
Equilibrium: A self-sustaining state in an economy where external forces cause changes.
Ceteris Paribus: Holding other determinants constant to focus on specific economic effects.
Incentives and Relative Prices: Determine decisions made by firms and consumers.
Economic Rent: Extra benefits gained from choosing a preferred option over a reservation option.
Stagnation before the Industrial Revolution:
Average income uniform near subsistence until 1800.
Population growth constrained by resource availability.
Malthusian Trap:
Income growth leads to population increases, resulting in resource strain and decreased living standards.
Questions about Malthus' theory and its implications on economic growth.
Radical changes in production methods led to breakthroughs in the economy.
Technology influences labor-market dynamics, reshaping decisions in production.
Key Concepts:
Ceteris Paribus: Aids in decision-making by isolating variables.
Incentives: Rational choices by firms to maximize profits.
Relative Prices: Using opportunity cost for decision-making.
Economic Rents: Profits derived from better technologies.
Isocost Lines: Represent combinations of inputs for a given budget.
Permanent Technological Revolution: How ongoing advancements change production and economic structures.
Next Unit Topics: Focus on decision-making under constraints and responses to technological changes.