lots of environmental variability
mountains, coast, plains, jungle (amazon)
terrain is vertically a lot, not horizontally
mountain, plain, mountain, jungle
SA coast has many small valleys, each with a characteristic culture
seasonal rainstorm
unusually WARM temperatures and lots of RAIN
devastating for people on the western coast
quinoa (peru, bolivia)
easy to fish, dry, and transport
llamas, alpacas
guinea pigs
domesticated by 4000 BC
helped people carry things, especially in the mountains
domesticated in Mexico but used in SA starting 2200 BC
textile preservation is good in the desert
metal making
tools, etc
large scale architecture
ex. El Paraiso (over 100k tons of stone!)
leaders organizing ppl to do ordinary and spectacular things
crafts, etc
culture involved augmentation of existing strategies and conditions
ex. mountain terracing
incredibly detailed! both function and aesthetics
evidence: ordinary sites, and mummies
mummy bundles
up to 400 lbs of cotton
political leaders unify the Inca
80 political provinces
cuzco = capital
right in the middle
“central hub”
extremely organized into blocks and neighborhoods
Machu picchu
widespread along the entire empire
Inka “Staff god”
design that had been used in SA for hundreds of years before the Inca
no money, but there’s a labor tax
no writing, but there’s a quipu
strings, probably some kind of decimal system
Inca road
not just functional, but also intimidational
inca army can come back at any time
inka storage
by the sides of the roads
Landscapes are more than just the natural environment. they are “the arena for all of a community’s activities… Through their daily activities, beliefs, and values, communities transform physical spaces into meaningful places”. _________
Acuto et al
landscapes of inequality, spectacle, and control: Inca social order in provincial contexts
landscapes of inequality
towns built like Ollantaytambo with a well-built half and a half with poor construction where workers lived
90 km NW of Cuzco
landscapes of ritual
plazas for ceremonies and feasting with central ushnu platform structure
landscapes of control: privacy and access
colonialism is a form of domination - the control by individuals or groups over the territory and/or behavior of other individuals or groups
R. Horvath (1972:46)
^^ancient people can also be colonialists
throughout their empiure, the Inkas strategically used their settlements’ spatial design and architecture as a mechanism of power to produce……. ____
Inca empire only lasted for 3 generations
they didn’t last as long as the Maya, Romans, or Aztecs
Pizarro and the Inka (1532)
end of the Inca empire