energy, force, motion

Energy: The capacity of a system to do work. It exists in various forms. Kinetic energy, associated with motion, and potential energy, are stored in an object due to its state. Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it is only transferred.

Force: Any interaction that causes an object to undergo a change in motion.

Motion: The change in position of an object.

Acceleration: When an object speeds up or slows down. It is the rate of change of an object’s velocity, including speed and direction.

Velocity: How fast an object is moving and in what direction.

Relationship between force and motion: Force causes objects to change position (motion).

Relationship between energy and motion: Motion is associated with kinetic or potential energy.

Relationship between force and energy: Forces can transfer energy to objects, changing their energy state.

Relationship between velocity and acceleration: Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity; velocity is speed and direction. When an object’s velocity changes, it undergoes acceleration.

NEWTONS FIRST LAW: An object remains still unless acted upon by an external force.

NEWTONS SECOND LAW: The force acting on an object is equal to the mass of the object multiplied by its acceleration (F=ma)

NEWTONS THIRD LAW: For every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction. Equal magnitude, opposite direction.
