10. MR Physics & Imaging


  • MRI is non-ionizing

  • MRI can have both anatomical and functional imaging

  • MRI uses precession imaging

  • NMR is nuclear magnetic resonance, but is not related to radioactive decay (the nucleus is spinning, but thereโ€™s no radioactivity)

  • MRI offers images of the same object in different contrasts to bring attention to different areas


  • Protons and neutrons are spinning inside the atom, which act like magnets

  • Spinning nuclei in an atom must have an odd atomic number or odd mass number to exhibit this behavior

    • If a nuclei has an even atomic number, the magnetic fields cancel out

    • Spinning nuclei possess angular momentum (J) called spin

    • Placed in a magnetic field, the spin of the protons and neutrons assume certain orientations

    • Each spin produces a microscopic magnetization vector (๐œ‡)

      • ๐œ‡ = ๐›พ * J where gamma is the gyromagnetic ratio (specific to each material)

        • Gyromagnetic ratio gamma is radians per second*Teslas

        • The gyromagnetic ratio can also be gamma divided by 2pi

  • The body is mostly water, which has a lot of hydrogen and is a great source for MRI signal

    • Hydrogen has the highest gyromagnetic ratio

  • The net (macroscopic) magnetization of a magnetic field is zero in its natural state

    • A single particle will have its own nonzero magnetic field

Bulk Magnetization Vector

  • Once an external magnetic field (B0) is appliedโ€ฆ

    • The spins of each particle align in parallel or anti-parallel (a semi majority in parallel)

    • The net (bulk) magnetization vector with an external magnetic field is nonzero

      • The bulk magnetization (๐œ‡ vector) vector is the source of the MR signal (also called M vector)

  • B0 is always applied along the z direction (up-down on the body)

    • Field strengths in MRI are commonly 1.5 T or 3 T (Tesla)

    • A 1.5T magnet is about 30,000 times stronger than Earthโ€™s magnetic field

    • RF cage has to be in the MRI room to absorb any signals from outside, otherwise FM radio frequencies would be measured

  • The vector ๐œ‡ precesses (spins) around the z axis st an angular frequency ๐œ” (radians per second)

    • ๐œ”0 = ๐›พ * B0

    • Larmor Frequency: The angular frequency at which the bulk magnetization factor precesses around the z-axis

    • f = ๐›พ / (2pi) * B0

    • Larmor frequency depends only on the material (๐›พ) and the main magnetic field strength (B0)

Generating Data

  • Spin Equilibrium & spin excitation

    • At equilibrium, the net magnetization vector M precesses about the z-axis

    • When M is entirely along the z-axis, only the Mz (longitudinal) component exists, and the transverse component M(xy) = 0

    • If M tips away from the z-axis (during excitation), a component in the x-y plane is generated

    • The signal is always measured in the x-y plane

    • The signal component is always in the transverse x-y plane

  • RF excitation

    • An RF pulse moves M away from the equilibrium state (tips away from z-axis), by using energy from the RF pulse onto the magnetic field B1

      • B0 is the magnet by itself, and the magnet is always on

        • The coil with current running through it acts as the magnet, and is surrounded by liquid Helium to keep the coil cool (decreasing resistance and energy lost to heat)

        • Why do we want the maximum signal? To decrease noise

      • B1 is applied from external antennas

        • B1 is along on the x-axis, so B1x is the only non-zero value for B1

    • Resonance comes from B1 (the additional force) being at the same frequency as B0 (๐œ”0) to make sure there is maximum energy being delivery

    • As M returns to equilibrium, an RF signal is produced by energy releasing from the absorbed energy that was given to the material from B1

  • RF Pulse Shape

    • While oscilating at ๐œ”0, the RF pulse can have three shapes, rectangular, sinc, and triangular

  • Rotating frame of reference

    • Since the spins and B1 field are both rotating, you can image from a spinning reference

    • The transverse plane (xy) is rotating at ๐œ”, which is equal to ๐œ”0, so it can be considered a rotating plane (xโ€™-yโ€™)

  • Flip angle/tip angle

    • The flip angle depends on the (1) shape of the RF pulse, (2) field strength B1 and (3) duration of the RF pulse ๐œp (tau p)

    • For a rectangular pulse after ๐œ seconds, the vector M has rotated at an angle ฮฑ

      • ฮฑ = ๐›พ * *B1 ** ๐œ

    • For any B1(t)

      • ฮฑ (always in radians) is the integration from 0 to ๐œ over B1(t) with respect to t (in seconds)

      • For the max transverse component Mxy, ฮฑ is set to pi/2 radians

        • ฮฑ = ๐›พ * *B1 ** ๐œ = pi/2

  • Relaxation: The process by which M returns to steady state configuration after a B1 is done being applied

    • The longitudinal Mz and transverse Mxy components vary as time changes, and are descibed by Bloch Equations

    • Where T1 is the longitudinal relaxation time (spin minus lattice relaxation)

    • T2 is the transvese relaxation time (spin minus spin relaxation)

    • The solutions become

      • Mz^0 is the steady state of Mz

      • Mz(0+) is transverse magnetization Mxโ€™yโ€™ immediately after the RF pulse

      • We always measure the x-y plane and do everything else after

      • T1 is usually a LOT larger that T2

        • The longitudinal time is usually a lot longer than the transverse time (around 10 times more)

    • Mxโ€™yโ€™ decays at a faster rate (T2* instead of T2) because of signal desync

  • Spin Echo

    • To correct for dephasing and loss of Mxโ€™yโ€™ signal, another RF pulse (180 degree pulse) is applied to re-phase the spins

      • Spin echo makes the slower spins catch up with faster oens to sync the signal

  • Relaxation times T1 and T2 are dependant on materials (very high for water, really low for muscle, fat, tendons)

Acquisition & Contrast

  • Contrast in MRI is the difference between signal intensities generated by different tissues (B0, which is constant, vs gamma, which is material specific)

  • The difference in signal intensity is used to discriminate different tissues by representing them as brightness

  • Pulse sequence: Carefully timed set of scanner operations used to generate images.

    • Gradient-echo based pulse sequences are

    • Spin-echo based pulse sequences

      • 90 degree pulse

      • 180 degree pulse

      • Wait for relaxation echo

      • Record relaxation echo

      • Repeat

MR Signal Intensity

  • MR signal is always recorded in the xy plane

  • Signal intensity S of a SE sequence is

    • S = K x [H] x (1 - exp(-1 x TR / T1) x exp(-1 x TE/T2)

    • K is the scaling factor

    • [H] is the proton/spin density

      • Twice the number of spins means you have twice as large a signal

    • TR is the repetition time

    • TE is the echo time

    • T1 is the longitudinal relaxation time

    • T2 is the transverse relaxation time

  • Weighting

    • Proton density weighting: We want a long TR and a short TE

    • T1 weighting: We want an intermediate TR and a short TE (becomes a constant scaling factor, less noise)

    • T2 weighting: We want ta long TR (minimize T1 differences) and an intermediate TE

  • Gradients

    • Adding a small gradient field (extra magnetic field) allows the same material to be differentiated if it is at different distances

    • Gradient affects Larmor frequency

    • Gradients added using more coils

    • Gradients are localized in x, y, and z directions

      • Gz is a slice selection

        • z-directional coils are called Maxwell pairs

      • Gx is frequency encoding

        • x-directional coils are called Golay coils

      • Gy is phase encoding

        • y-directional coils are called Golay-type coils

    • Gradients vary the magnetic field strength along the z-direction, which affects the frequency and phase of the spins

  • Fourier Transform is used to break a signal into its freuqency components (sum of sinusoids) based on their amplitude and phase

  • Slice thickness

    • Centered at z=0 , B(z) = B0 + Gz(z)

    • Gz is gradient strength


  • The magnet is used to create polarization (creates the bulk of the magnetic field)

  • The RF oil is used to promote excitation (sends RF energy at resonance conditions)

  • The gradients are used to generate spatial localization (used to form the images)

  • The receiver RF coils are there to target specific organs
