1) Funded by the BFI and BBC
2) which company distributed the film in cinema by the BFIE
3) In the trailer for IDB , the first thing we see is it won the Palme D’or award at the Cannes film festival how might this appeal to an audience - This appeals to an that audience that responds to awarded film, since it has prestigious from the award it’s highly respected
5) IDB shows aspects of social-realism, show the challenging parts of society, lack of music, the location being pivotal to the argument throughout the story
According to Trinity Mirror’s in house Arquive reader research
%9% recalled seeing the feature and 57% said they wanted to see the film, as a result of the campaign.
53% said that the ‘My Britain ‘ column made then reflect on their own experiences
75% enjoyed the content and found it interesting
Digital native articles saw 18000
Think about audiences:
Think about the narrative it’s bigger than two character
The young actors have no child star feelings
The Katy actor: she has somewhat relate to the working class background, adds authenticity
Independent film that not from Hollywood
How this goes into the young minds:
This generation has it far tougher in terms of quality of life and housing
social and economical context
The story:
The focus is really draw to conversation and the environment
That’s what Ken Loach is trying make the audience focus on
less than 12% of the people on the welfare abuses it
The screen writer wants you to focus on people not paying their taxes
How would you hope the young audience will react to IDB
wants people to see them as authentic and seamless reality with ordinary people
Think about who is making these story, who has the power to commission theses story. what’s it’s intended goal for the audience
What audience might this be targeting / reaching and why?
Old people who watch in the morning
Unlikely for a young to watch as scheduling
Actor for Katy: Personal experiences like having her parents boilers problems - showing an understanding of the characters experiences
Using method acting to understand her character, like the use of improvisation
The women in the food bank are actual volunteers from a food bank
They all improvised and didn’t know she is hungry which adds the sense of urgency
Notes from the movie:
the blacked transitions make it seemless to go the next scene
Ana who is trying to help Dan do the right thing is being shoved asid by a dissilusioned daniel blake
Dan graffiing on the centre shows his stuck up side - Ken Loach wants to commuicate to people not to give up and allow institutions to supress the populus
Dan is at his low, even showing that a tough person like him can be suppressed by the system
The message by Kate at Dan’s funeral, is the message of what Ken Loach wanted to express
The Guardians review on IDB:
The Leftist news paper guardian takes a preferred reading on IDB story. Referencing many points about how the bureaucratic system is very tormenting and an obstacle to the one applying
Broken Britian and health care professionals
I Daniel Blake:
Hesmondhalagh theory of industry power will explain that IDB subverts the expectations of a profiting film. Since it’s been funded by the BBC which is a public service broadcaster and BFI, which primary does this to represent Britain’s society. It can be said that IDB isn’t made solely for the purpose of profit and power but awareness of working class struggles from a bureaucratic system. Furthermore, IDB isn’t an expensive media product so BBC isn’t taking a huge risk in the products.