Week 3: Roman

Roman Britain


  • Imperialism of Roman Empire over Britain

  • Expansion of Roman Republic (44 BCE)

    • Invading Gaul (France)

  • Political power group from Rome, the Triumvirate (Julius Caesar, Crassus, & Pompey)

  • Invasions into study region by Rome in 55 BCE, 54 BCE, 53 BCE. & 43 BCE

  • 54 CE - 60 CE, rebellions in Roman Britain → fighting against imperial rule (Boudicca’s rebellion)

  • Roman Britain had a governor (who was the highest authority beside the emperor)


  • There wasn’t one official religion during this time, but many.

  • Most religions were polytheistic, such as the Celts (who believed in many gods/goddesses)

  • Rome themselves had a very strong polytheistic religion, believing in many main & lesser deities (Minerva, Uranus)

    • Their religion had ancestor worship & specific deities related to families

  • Conflict between Roman & Celts religion (even though they syncretized together over the years)

    • Tension about emperor worship & Celts religion class, Druids.

  • Spread of “mystery cults” throughout

  • Christianity at this time was slowly spreading over Rome & Roman Britain

    • First mentioned in the British Isles in 206 Ce by Tertullian

  • Christianity became legal in 312 CE, due to Constantine the Great becoming Emperor.

  • Christian council in Arles was formed in France in 314 (which established hierarchy in the religion)


  • Emperors of Rome & Roman Britain was following primogenitor


  • Due to Roman invasions, many neighboring tribes made alliances & treaties with each other.

  • Roman Britain was sending out natural materials to Rome, as Rome was sending luxury goods (such as wine barrels, pottery, etc)

  • Rome & Roman Britain were heavily financially & culturally connected through invasions.

Cultural Development

  • Hadrian’s Wall (128), separating the Romans from the Caledonii

  • Mile Forts created for soldiers throughout Roman Britain

  • House steads (places for troops with civilian sections attached)

  • Urbanization starting due to large amount of people in Roman Britain

End of Roman Empire (3rd - early 4th century CE)


  • Division of Roman Empire by Constantius I (Diocletian)

  • Lots of pressure around the border of the Empire from other tribes

  • Attempt of expansion further north by Septimius Severus (into Scotland)

  • In the 360s, many attacks from Picts, Scots, Attacotti, Saxons & Franks

  • Many troops were taken from Roman Britain to help conflict in Rome.

  • With many troops gone from Roman Britain, & Emperors constantly asking for reinforcements, they could no longer send support → leading to the end of Roman Britain



  • Roman Empire becomes unstable due to lots of emperor turnover in the 3rd century.

  • Constantine the Great named emperor even though he was not supposed to be.

    • Led to many inner battles, with Constantine taking making soldiers & winning


  • Even though Roman Britain severed it’s connection with Rome, this did not eliminate contact, just severely limited it.

  • After this disconnection, there was a decline in trade, tax system degraded, & many abandoned towns.

Cultural Development

  • With many raids & invasions, there was an influx of people.

  • Decline of tax system & trade led many to abandon towns.
