Politics →
Imperialism of Roman Empire over Britain
Expansion of Roman Republic (44 BCE)
Invading Gaul (France)
Political power group from Rome, the Triumvirate (Julius Caesar, Crassus, & Pompey)
Invasions into study region by Rome in 55 BCE, 54 BCE, 53 BCE. & 43 BCE
54 CE - 60 CE, rebellions in Roman Britain → fighting against imperial rule (Boudicca’s rebellion)
Roman Britain had a governor (who was the highest authority beside the emperor)
Religion →
There wasn’t one official religion during this time, but many.
Most religions were polytheistic, such as the Celts (who believed in many gods/goddesses)
Rome themselves had a very strong polytheistic religion, believing in many main & lesser deities (Minerva, Uranus)
Their religion had ancestor worship & specific deities related to families
Conflict between Roman & Celts religion (even though they syncretized together over the years)
Tension about emperor worship & Celts religion class, Druids.
Spread of “mystery cults” throughout
Christianity at this time was slowly spreading over Rome & Roman Britain
First mentioned in the British Isles in 206 Ce by Tertullian
Christianity became legal in 312 CE, due to Constantine the Great becoming Emperor.
Christian council in Arles was formed in France in 314 (which established hierarchy in the religion)
Succession →
Emperors of Rome & Roman Britain was following primogenitor
Relations →
Due to Roman invasions, many neighboring tribes made alliances & treaties with each other.
Roman Britain was sending out natural materials to Rome, as Rome was sending luxury goods (such as wine barrels, pottery, etc)
Rome & Roman Britain were heavily financially & culturally connected through invasions.
Cultural Development →
Hadrian’s Wall (128), separating the Romans from the Caledonii
Mile Forts created for soldiers throughout Roman Britain
House steads (places for troops with civilian sections attached)
Urbanization starting due to large amount of people in Roman Britain
Politics →
Division of Roman Empire by Constantius I (Diocletian)
Lots of pressure around the border of the Empire from other tribes
Attempt of expansion further north by Septimius Severus (into Scotland)
In the 360s, many attacks from Picts, Scots, Attacotti, Saxons & Franks
Many troops were taken from Roman Britain to help conflict in Rome.
With many troops gone from Roman Britain, & Emperors constantly asking for reinforcements, they could no longer send support → leading to the end of Roman Britain
Religion →
Succession →
Roman Empire becomes unstable due to lots of emperor turnover in the 3rd century.
Constantine the Great named emperor even though he was not supposed to be.
Led to many inner battles, with Constantine taking making soldiers & winning
Relations →
Even though Roman Britain severed it’s connection with Rome, this did not eliminate contact, just severely limited it.
After this disconnection, there was a decline in trade, tax system degraded, & many abandoned towns.
Cultural Development →
With many raids & invasions, there was an influx of people.
Decline of tax system & trade led many to abandon towns.