• Course: Earth and Life Science

  • Presented by: Gil Abrera, LPT

  • Modified by: Ms. Juvelyn Mae I. Tiay

Lesson Overview

Lesson 1: Origin and Structure of the Earth

  • Topics Covered:

    • Universe and Solar System

    • Earth and Earth Subsystem


  • By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

    • State different hypotheses explaining the origin of the universe and solar system

    • Recognize Earth's uniqueness as the only planet with properties necessary to support life

    • Explain that Earth consists of four subsystems where matter and energy flow

    • Explain current advancements/information about the solar system

    • Show contributions of significant personalities in understanding Earth's systems

    • Identify and differentiate the layers of Earth

    • Demonstrate respect for Earth by advocating for its care

Interactive Activity

Guess the Word

  • Instructions:

    • Arrange jumbled letters based on defined clues

    • 15 seconds per clue

    • Raise hand to answer

Key Terminology


  • Definition:

    • An assumption about an expected association


  • Definition:

    • The point or place where something begins or arises

Solar System

  • Contains:

    • The Sun

    • Eight planets and their moons

    • Dwarf planets

    • Asteroids and comets


  • Definition:

    • Describes and explains how and why something happens


  • The third planet from the Sun

  • The only astronomical object known to harbor life

Scientific Concepts

Scientific Ideas Breakdown

  • Hypothesis:

    • An educated guess about an expected association

  • Model:

    • A physical representation of an object

  • Theory:

    • Explains how and why phenomena occur (e.g., theory of evolution)

  • Law:

    • Describes actions under specific circumstances without explaining why (e.g., law of evolution)


  • Definition:

    • Study of the universe, including its properties, structure, and evolution

Origin of the Universe

Creationist Theory

  • Belief that God created the universe from nothing, traced back to the Book of Genesis

Big Bang Theory

  • Concept that the universe began from a single point and has been expanding ever since

  • Proponent: Georges Lemaître

Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)

  • Afterglow of the Big Bang

  • Evidence of the universe's expansion and early conditions

Timeline after Big Bang

  1. Temperature initially around 10^32 Kelvin

  2. Cosmic structure forms over millennia

  3. Formation of first stars and galaxies

  4. Formation of the Sun and then Earth

Hubble's Discovery

  • Edwin Hubble (1929):

    • Discovered "redshift," demonstrating galaxies are moving away from each other

  • Evidence of an expanding universe

Cosmological Theories

Steady-State Theory

  • Universe has always been the same, with constant matter creation

  • Proponent: Fred Hoyle

Oscillating Universe Theory

  • Describes cyclical expansion (Big Bang) and contraction (Big Crunch) of the universe

  • Proponent: Paul Steinhardt

Origin of the Solar System

Encounter Hypothesis

  • The solar system formed from a near collision between a star and the Sun

  • Proponent: Georges Leclerc, Comte de Buffon

Protoplanet Hypothesis

  • Formation from a rotating mass of gas and dust leading to planet formation

  • Proponent: Gerard P. Kuiper

Nebular Hypothesis

  • Solar System evolved from a slowly rotating gaseous cloud

  • Formation of planets from a spinning disc of material

  • Proponents: Immanuel Kant, Marquis Laplace

Quiz and Assignment

Quiz #1

  • True/False statements related to topics discussed


  • Research contributions of key scientists in Earth Science

  • Group activity due February 7, 2025


  • Written Work (70%): Content, Group Collaboration, Format & Grammar

  • Oral Presentation (30%): Style, Clarity, Preparedness
