What is Economics?
Economics studies how decisions are made and what to buy within the limits of the income they possess/what society produces from a limited set of resources—how people allocate limited resources to satisfy nearly unlimited wants
Scarcity- limited nature of society’s resources
Macroeconomics- study of the overall aspects and workings of an economy (i.e. inflation, growth, employment, interest rates, productivity)
Microeconomics- study of individual units making up the economy (i.e. one worker is laid-off)
Five Foundations of Economics
Incentives- factors that motivate people to act/exert effort (i.e. choosing to study for an exam)
Positive/Negative incentives
Positive- encourage action (i.e. bonuses, higher prices for suppliers, tax rebates)
Negative- encourage action due to fear of negative outcome/punishment (i.e. speeding ticket)
Direct/indirect incentives
Direct- Usually intended simple results (ex. lower gas prices leading to more business, paying someone for their work)
Indirect- Usually unintended larger societal consequences of actions (ex. welfare programs might indirectly take away incentive to work/find jobs)
How incentives create unintended consequences
Ex) Australia’s baby bonus enacted from July 1 to provide direct incentive for couples to have children caused indirect incentive for couples to delay birth of children till after July 1 possibly harming the health of mothers and infants
Incentives and innovations
Patent/copyright encourages innovation with financial reward for creativity and hard work—illegal downloads reduce incentives for new content
In a world of scarcity every decision incurs a cost, time/resources spent towards one thing means less for another
Important in policy decisions i.e. environment vs. higher income
Opportunity cost- highest-valued alternative that must be sacrificed/lost to attain something else—assess whether the alternatives are better than the current investments
Marginal thinking
Economic thinking- process of systemically evaluating a course of action/available opportunities to make the best possible decision
Marginal analysis is used to break down decisions into smaller parts (doing more or less of something, how many hours to put towards each thing
Marginal thinking- evaluate whether the extra benefit of one more unit of something is greater than the extra cost
Marginal benefit- added value of making the additional effort
i.e. cleaning dust under the refrigerator—effort of moving the fridge is too great when guests don’t look under the fridge → marginal benefit too low to justify the action
The voluntary exchange of goods/services between two or more parties
Markets bring buyers/sellers to exchange goods and services
Comparative advantage- where one can produce at a lower opportunity cost than a competitor can
Harnesses power of specialization—specialize in a certain job/field; companies specialize in certain products/services; countries with skilled labor vs unskilled workers
Economic beneficial specialization involves each worker doing what has the lowest opportunity cost + what they are best at compared with other tasks NOT necessarily what they’re best at compared to other workers (absolute advantage)
Chapter 2: Model building and gains from trade
The scientific method in economics
Economists observe a phenomenon that interests them → develop hypothesis → construct a model to test → design experiments to test how well the model works → revise the hypothesis
Positive and Normative analysis
Positive statement- statement that can be tested and validated—objective “what is” (i.e. unemployment rate is 7%)
Economists more concerned with positive analysis
Normative statement- cannot be tested/validated—subjective/up for debate “what ought to be” (i.e. unemployed worker should receive financial assistance)
Normative statements more concerned with by policymakers, voters, philosophers
Economic Models
Used to analyze component parts of the economy used to predict effect that changes in prices, production, and policies have on behavior—should be simple to understand, flexible in design, able to make famous predictions
Ceteris Paribus “other things be equal”- Using a controlled setting where only a SINGLE variable is altered while other variables are constant
Ex. When making decisions regarding flight tickets only consider costs not personal preference, schedule, etc.
Endogenous factors- factors we know about and can control
Exogenous factors- factors outside the model/beyond control
Danger of Faulty Assumptions
All models include faulty assumptions that can lead to policy failures
Production Possibilities Frontier
A model that illustrates the combinations of outputs a society can produce if all resources are being used efficiently; used to illustrate trade-offs and opportunity costs as well as the role of additional resources/technology in creating economic growth
Preserve ceteris paribus—assume the technology available for production and quantity of resources remain constant
Models the trade-offs society makes in the PRODUCTION process
Models two products (a two-product society) with a certain number of people and resources
A- Using all of its resources to produce product Y
B- Using all of its resources to produce product X
C & D- mix of the two products (efficient use of resources)
E- theoretical point outside the production possibilities frontier that cannot be reached with current resources
F- inefficient use of resources (within shaded region)
An economy operating along the frontier will be (productively) efficient at any point but many only be allocatively efficient at some points
Production Possibilities Frontier & Opportunity Cost
Trade-offs occurring production possibilities frontier represent opportunity cost of producing one good over another
Ex. Moving from point C → D gives up 20 pizzas as opportunity cost; D → C 60 wings as opportunity cost
In reality trade-offs between products is NOT constant all throughout → model is often a curve instead of just a trade-off
Law of Increasing Relative Cost- Opportunity cost of producing a good increases as MORE of that good is produced—resources not equally efficient at producing all goods
Ex. producing more pizzas means using more workers less skilled at making pizzas—pizza production no longer expands at a constant rate
Point D → C (Producing 20 extra pizzas give up 30 wings) Point C → B (Producing 20 extra pizzas give up 50 wings) etc.
Production Possibilities Frontier & Economic Growth
Explores what occurs when new technology introduced that increases efficiency or population growth occurs
New pizza-making technology
Ex. New technology enables more pizza to produced with same amount of workers/time → increases the max possible numbers of pizzas produced (does not increase max number of wings produced) + enables more wings to be produced all throughout (allows more workers to make wings)
Population Growth
Increases the max possible number of pizzas/wings produced for BOTH and more pizzas/wings to be produced all throughout
Benefits of Specialization and Trade
Gains from Trade
Assuming a two people economy with one person specializing in production of pizzas and the other in wings each will produce what they specialize in then trade to acquire other goods
Ex. Debra Winger only makes pizzas producing 60 pizzas OR only makes wings to produce 120 wings; Mike Piazza only makes pizzas to produce 24 pizzas OR only makes wings to produce 72 wings
Debra’s trade-off between producing pizzas and wings is 1:2 (60 pizzas/120 wings)
Mike’s trade-off between producing pizzas and wings is 1:3 (24 pizzas/72 wings)
Debra has an absolute advantage in producing pizzas and wings—able to produce more of both with the same quantity of resources overall compared to Mike
Assuming both produce equal amounts of pizzas/wings Debra can produce 40 of each while Mike produces 18 of each—WITHOUT TRADING have a combined production of 58 units of pizza + wings
Specialization & Trade:
Debra specializes in pizza production—60 units of pizza is greater than combined output of 58 pizzas
Mike specializes in wings—72 units of wings greater than combined output of 58 wings
Specialization results in production of 2 additional pizzas and 14 additional wings—results in greater productivity
WITH TRADING if they exchange 19 pizzas for 47 wings each better off by 1 pizza and 7 wings compared to if they didn’t specialize & trade—Debra & Mike’s value gained from trade is 1 pizza and 7 wings
Comparative Advantage
Comparative Advantage- ability to make a good at a LOWER COST than another producer
Debra has a comparative advantage in producing pizzas → has a lower opportunity cost of producing pizzas than Mike (Gives up 2 wings for each pizza vs. Mike’s 3 wings for each pizza)
Mike has a comparative advantage in producing wings → has a lower opportunity cost for producing wings than Debra (Gives up 1/3 pizza for each wing vs. Debra gives up ½ pizza for each wing)
Finding the right price to facilitate trade
Trade benefits both sides as long as terms of trade fall between the opportunity costs of trading partners—both benefit from exchanging a good at a price lower than the opportunity cost of producing it
Debra’s opportunity cost 1:2 (1 pizza per 2 wings) → any exchange with a value lower than 0.5 is beneficial to her since she ends up with more pizza/wings than she had without trading
Mike’s opportunity cost is 1:3 (1 pizza per 3 wings) or 0.33
Ratio exchanged must fall BETWEEN Debra’s opportunity cost of 0.5 and Mike’s opportunity cost of 0.33 otherwise both are better off without trading
Ex. Trading 19 pizzas for 47 wings 19:47 = 0.4 which falls within the range of both their opportunity costs
If Mike insists of trading 1 wing for 1 pizza 1:1 Debra will refuse to trade
If Debra insists on trading 1 pizza for 4 wings 1:4 (0.25) Mike will refuse to trade
Trade-offs between having more now vs. having more later
Many trade-offs in reality deal with long-term decisions (school, job, moving, etc.) such as deciding to save money and give up something you want to buy today or choosing to go to a party tonight instead of staying home to study for exams in the future
Consumer Goods, Capital Goods, and Investment
Consumer goods- Goods that satisfy our current wants and can be consumed (food, entertainment, clothing)
Capital goods- assist in production of other goods/services in the future (roads, factories, computers, trucks, etc.)
Investment- process of using resources to create/buy new capital (i.e. investing in going to college instead of working)
Societies choose between production of capital vs consumer goods
Choosing to produce more consumer goods leads to little growth in the future → production possibilities curve only expands by a little
Choosing to produce more capital goods leads to long-term growth with the production possibilities curve expanding outwards much more