Darwin and Ecology MG (1)

Darwin and Ecology Overview

  • Selections from Chapters 16, 17, 18, 44, 45

Charles Darwin

  • Born in 1809 and became a naturalist on the HMS Beagle at age 22 (1831)

  • Undertook a five-year voyage through the Southern Hemisphere

  • Main mission: Expand knowledge of natural resources in foreign lands

  • His observations led to the conclusion that biological evolution occurs,

    • Inheritable changes over time improve a population's adaptation to its environment.

Paradigm Shift in Understanding

  • Pre-Darwin Beliefs:

    • Earth was believed to be only a few thousand years old.

    • Species considered fixed and unchanging since creation.

  • Influential Discoveries:

    • Fossils brought back by explorers challenged previous notions.

    • Fossils found in strata reveal the age of organisms and the historical environment.

    • Oldest fossils typically found in the lowest strata.

Geology and Fossils

  • Geology:

    • Study of the Earth's physical structure, history, and processes.

  • Darwin observed significant geological changes, including:

    • Volcanic islands and coral reefs.

    • Uplift and subsidence of land, fossil records, and marine fossils in the Andes.

  • Findings led to:

    • Understanding of geological time scales.

    • Increasing awareness of extinct species.

The Evolutionary Process

  • Darwin concluded that:

    • Earth must be very old for evolution to occur through descent with modification.

    • Fossils indicate species change, not fixity.


  • Study of the distribution of life-forms:

    • Observed and compared animals from different regions (e.g., South America and England).

    • Convergent Evolution:

      • Example: Patagonian hare resembles European rabbit due to similar environmental adaptations.

    • Galápagos Islands Observations:

      • Finches exhibited variations based on food sources, indicating divergent evolution.

      • Tortoises showed adaptations based on habitat (long and short neck variations).

Natural Selection

  • Proposed mechanism for evolution;

    • Organisms best suited to their environment tend to reproduce successfully.

    • Adaptations:

      • Heritable traits that enhance survival and reproduction (e.g., fitness).

    • Most fit individuals capitalize on resources leading to more viable offspring.

Theory of Evolution

  • Populations change over time through natural selection.

  • Common ancestry of living things but each adapted uniquely to lifestyles.

  • Theory unifies various biological observations.

Types of Evolutionary Evidence

  • Fossil evidence: succession of life forms, transitional fossils like Archaeopteryx.

  • Biogeographical evidence: distribution patterns influenced by isolation (e.g., marsupials in Australia).

  • Anatomical evidence: structural similarities due to common descent (e.g., vestigial structures, homologous and analogous structures).

Molecular Evidence

  • All life shares biochemical molecules (DNA, ATP).

  • Close relationships indicated by shared genetic material and proteins.

Sexual Selection

  • A form of natural selection influencing mate choices and reproductive success.

    • Two forms: female choice and male competition.

Evolution and Populations

  • Evolution does not occur in individuals but populations.

  • Population Genetics:

    • Studies changes in gene frequencies within populations (gene pool).

Peppered Moth Example

  • Dominant allele (D) leads to dark coloration and higher survival in certain environments.

  • Light-colored moths are more fit in lighter habitats due to better camouflage.

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

  • Conditions for stable allele frequencies in populations include no genetic drift, migration, or selection.

Causes of Microevolution

  • Deviations from equilibrium conditions cause change:

    • Genetic mutation, gene flow, nonrandom mating, genetic drift, natural selection.

Genetic Drift

  • Changes in allele frequencies due to chance events (e.g., natural disasters).

  • More pronounced in small populations.

  • Types: Bottleneck effect and Founder effect.

Species Definition

  • A species is a group of individuals that interbreed to produce viable offspring.

  • Gene flow occurs within a species, but not between different species.

Divergent vs. Convergent Evolution

  • Divergent Evolution:

    • Different species evolve from a common ancestor (homologous structures).

  • Convergent Evolution:

    • Different species develop similar traits independently (analogous structures).

Reproductive Barriers and Isolation Mechanisms

  • Prezygotic Barriers:

    • Habitat, temporal, behavioral, mechanical, and gametic isolation.

  • Postzygotic Barriers:

    • Include zygote mortality and hybrid sterility.

Ecology Overview

  • The scientific study of interactions between organisms and their environment.

  • Population Distribution and Density:

    • Influenced by resource availability (light, water, space).

    • Patterns: clumped, random, and uniform.

Population Growth Factors

  • Growth influenced by birth and death rates.

  • Survivorship Curves: Identifies different survival patterns (Type I, II, III).

  • Logistic vs Exponential Growth:

    • Exponential: Rapid growth under optimal conditions.

    • Logistic: Growth slows as resources become limited, stabilizing at carrying capacity.

Regulation of Population Growth

  • Density-independent Factors:

    • Abiotic factors like weather, disasters.

  • Density-dependent Factors:

    • Biotic factors including competition, predation, and disease.


  • Complete disappearance of a species or taxonomic group.
