2/10/25 - Regenerative agriculture

“Modern” farming:

  • Heavy routine tillage

  • Overuse of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers

Soil health:

  • Symbiotic microbial allies support the health of plants and animals.

  • Soil life acts similarly to our gut microbiome.

  • The color difference in soil is due to carbon. Darker/richer = more carbon.

Regenerative farming:

  • Regenerative farming can restore soil fertility remarkably fast.

  • Farming and ranching could put a lot of carbon back into the ground.

  • Minimal disturbance, soil always covered, diverse crop rotations, integrated animals.

Benefits of healthy soil:

  • Higher farmer profits

  • Comparable yields

  • Less fertilizer, pesticide, and fossil fuel use

  • Increased soil carbon and water retention, with less off-site pollution

Farming practices affect dietary levels of:

  • Phytochemicals

  • Vitamins and minerals

  • Omega 3 and 6 fats

  • Microbial metabolites
