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Linked together in protein – Amino Acids

A male would get an X chromosome from – mom AND dad

X chromosome will pass = father to daughter

Heat comes from sun to Earth – Radiation

Burning coal can cause – Acid rain

Chemical energy = food

Why our body sweats – to remain at room temp

Earth’s atmosphere is primarily made of – Nitrogen

Planet most like Earth – Venus

What would be most different about an object on Mars than Earth – Weight

Light flashing in the sky – meteoroid

Humans first appeared – 11:58 > 1 second (remember 11:58)

12-hour day/12-hour night = Spring Equinox

Planet with shortest days = Jupiter

Largest planets farthest from the sun – Gas giants/4 outer/Nitrogen/helium

Creation of fossils – animal bones, water/mud/silt

Water vapor – through stoma – plant loses water through leaves = transpiration

Measures mass – triple beam scale

Protects cell from its environment = plasma membrane

Same class – same phylum

Example of asexual reproduction - flower

Mostly made of ice or ice, dust, and gas - comet

Absorbs energy for photosynthesis – chlorophyll

Measure volume – cylinder

Most kinetic energy – at bottom

Lunar eclipse order – sun earth moon

Mechanical energy – windmill

Endocrine system – adrenal, pituitary, and thyroid

Densest layer of earth – inner core

Hot iron hits water, water temp – increases

Equilibrium maintained by healthy living organisms – Homoeostasis

Time for moon to go around Earth – 27 days

Time for Earth to orbit sun – 365 days

Moon cast shadow over Earth – Solar Eclipse

Layer of atmosphere, lowest, contains weather – troposphere

Break up of rocks by air/water - chemical weathering

Most related to chemical weathering – water

Most likely to cause extinction of warm blooded carnivores – global climate change

Mineral and rocks found on Earth – geosphere

Mountains form by – tectonic plates moving together

Where to find water aquifers – porous permeable rocks

Earths most outer layer – lithosphere

Responsible for common cold – virus

Animal body part responsible for removing nitrogen – liver

Instrument to measure PH – litmus paper

Number of protons in nucleus of an atom – atomic number

Protons, neutrons, electrons, center of is protons and neutrons – atom

Body system responsible for waste – excretory

Gas will separate/tightly packed in regular patters = solid

Most related to frequency – pitch

When water boils, the bubbles release – water vapor

Meiosis: 2 parents/not identical-new ??? of genes-DNA, Genes = sexual

Digestive system manufactures insulin – pancreas

Produces hormones, controls body’s metabolic rate, heart and digestive function muscle control, brain development – thyroid

Filters blood coming from digestive tract – liver

Produce, store, secrete hormones carried by circulatory system = endocrine system

Part of urinary tract, filters blood, remove waste & excess water, makes urine – kidney

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction – Newton’s 3rd law

Force = mass x accelerations – Newton’s 2nd law

Adds new rock to surface – volcanic activity

Most recently formed parts of earth’s crust/found – mid ocean ridge

Charged particles escape from gravitations pull – solar winds

Force used to move mass over distance – work

Motions of glacier cause by – erosion

Physical change = boiling water

Terrestrial planet – Mercury

In plants, chlorophyll used in photosynthesis contains – chloroplasts

Elements most abundant in sun – hydrogen/helium

Biome with greatest diversity of species – tropical rainforest

Most earthquakes occur – tectonic plate boundaries

Heat transfer – convection

Responsible for hormone production – endocrine

Cellular respiration – ATP

During total solar eclipse – new moon

Neutral atom becomes positive ion when it loses 1 or more – electron

Cluster of stars, dust, and gas – galaxy

Absorbs nutrients through body – digestive system

Water from atmosphere to earth – precipitation

Earth rotates axis – 1 year

Amount of matter to its volume – density

How much matter is in something – mass

Quantity of 3D space contributed by liquid/solid/gas – volume

Stores bile – gall bladder

Produces energy – mitochondria

When ball drops from table – potential energy (top)/Kinetic (as it falls)

Speed with direction – velocity

Mitosis- 2 times as many offspring genetically identical cell division – asexual

Example of molecule – oxygen

Communicable disease – tuberculosis/influenza

Make protein – ribosomes

Oily, ways, fats found in living things – lipids

Plant cells have chloroplast/animal cells do not

Worm = invertebrate

Number of individuals in specific unit area – population density

Largest classification kingdom – animals

If grasshopper population increases – owl population increases

Largest number of individuals of a population that environment supports – carrying capacity

1st fossil found – amphibians

Star explodes 15 light years away; how long until we see it – 15 years

If you wrap a wire around a nail and connect to a battery – magnetic field

Most likely to happen after forest fire – succession

Membrane bound, help with protection storage, waste disposal, growth – vacuoles

Known for principles of vaccinations/pasteurization – Louis Pasteur

Why does cold water flow below warm water? Cold water has a higher density

Earth’s layer 6000 feet below – Core

Farmer puts pesticides and fertilizers in soil…causes – water pollution

Why does Earth see different moon phases? Sun lights different parts of the moon

Gas becomes liquid – condensation

Solid becomes gas – sublimation

Not needed for survival – reproductive system

Causes days/time on planets to differ – axis tilt

Contributes to carbon dioxide/earths atmosphere – burning fossil fuels/volcanic activity

Majority of nitrogen found in earths – atmosphere

Basic structure of every living organism – cell

Planet with abnormal tilt to rotation – Uranus

Transports food and water waste – circulatory system

Light emitted by star – absolute magnitude

Drop ball from space – fall slower/take longer

Joined legs and cellulose skin – arthropods

What would you add to PH5 to neutralize it – water natural solution

Untitled document

Linked together in protein – Amino Acids

A male would get an X chromosome from – mom AND dad

X chromosome will pass = father to daughter

Heat comes from sun to Earth – Radiation

Burning coal can cause – Acid rain

Chemical energy = food

Why our body sweats – to remain at room temp

Earth’s atmosphere is primarily made of – Nitrogen

Planet most like Earth – Venus

What would be most different about an object on Mars than Earth – Weight

Light flashing in the sky – meteoroid

Humans first appeared – 11:58 > 1 second (remember 11:58)

12-hour day/12-hour night = Spring Equinox

Planet with shortest days = Jupiter

Largest planets farthest from the sun – Gas giants/4 outer/Nitrogen/helium

Creation of fossils – animal bones, water/mud/silt

Water vapor – through stoma – plant loses water through leaves = transpiration

Measures mass – triple beam scale

Protects cell from its environment = plasma membrane

Same class – same phylum

Example of asexual reproduction - flower

Mostly made of ice or ice, dust, and gas - comet

Absorbs energy for photosynthesis – chlorophyll

Measure volume – cylinder

Most kinetic energy – at bottom

Lunar eclipse order – sun earth moon

Mechanical energy – windmill

Endocrine system – adrenal, pituitary, and thyroid

Densest layer of earth – inner core

Hot iron hits water, water temp – increases

Equilibrium maintained by healthy living organisms – Homoeostasis

Time for moon to go around Earth – 27 days

Time for Earth to orbit sun – 365 days

Moon cast shadow over Earth – Solar Eclipse

Layer of atmosphere, lowest, contains weather – troposphere

Break up of rocks by air/water - chemical weathering

Most related to chemical weathering – water

Most likely to cause extinction of warm blooded carnivores – global climate change

Mineral and rocks found on Earth – geosphere

Mountains form by – tectonic plates moving together

Where to find water aquifers – porous permeable rocks

Earths most outer layer – lithosphere

Responsible for common cold – virus

Animal body part responsible for removing nitrogen – liver

Instrument to measure PH – litmus paper

Number of protons in nucleus of an atom – atomic number

Protons, neutrons, electrons, center of is protons and neutrons – atom

Body system responsible for waste – excretory

Gas will separate/tightly packed in regular patters = solid

Most related to frequency – pitch

When water boils, the bubbles release – water vapor

Meiosis: 2 parents/not identical-new ??? of genes-DNA, Genes = sexual

Digestive system manufactures insulin – pancreas

Produces hormones, controls body’s metabolic rate, heart and digestive function muscle control, brain development – thyroid

Filters blood coming from digestive tract – liver

Produce, store, secrete hormones carried by circulatory system = endocrine system

Part of urinary tract, filters blood, remove waste & excess water, makes urine – kidney

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction – Newton’s 3rd law

Force = mass x accelerations – Newton’s 2nd law

Adds new rock to surface – volcanic activity

Most recently formed parts of earth’s crust/found – mid ocean ridge

Charged particles escape from gravitations pull – solar winds

Force used to move mass over distance – work

Motions of glacier cause by – erosion

Physical change = boiling water

Terrestrial planet – Mercury

In plants, chlorophyll used in photosynthesis contains – chloroplasts

Elements most abundant in sun – hydrogen/helium

Biome with greatest diversity of species – tropical rainforest

Most earthquakes occur – tectonic plate boundaries

Heat transfer – convection

Responsible for hormone production – endocrine

Cellular respiration – ATP

During total solar eclipse – new moon

Neutral atom becomes positive ion when it loses 1 or more – electron

Cluster of stars, dust, and gas – galaxy

Absorbs nutrients through body – digestive system

Water from atmosphere to earth – precipitation

Earth rotates axis – 1 year

Amount of matter to its volume – density

How much matter is in something – mass

Quantity of 3D space contributed by liquid/solid/gas – volume

Stores bile – gall bladder

Produces energy – mitochondria

When ball drops from table – potential energy (top)/Kinetic (as it falls)

Speed with direction – velocity

Mitosis- 2 times as many offspring genetically identical cell division – asexual

Example of molecule – oxygen

Communicable disease – tuberculosis/influenza

Make protein – ribosomes

Oily, ways, fats found in living things – lipids

Plant cells have chloroplast/animal cells do not

Worm = invertebrate

Number of individuals in specific unit area – population density

Largest classification kingdom – animals

If grasshopper population increases – owl population increases

Largest number of individuals of a population that environment supports – carrying capacity

1st fossil found – amphibians

Star explodes 15 light years away; how long until we see it – 15 years

If you wrap a wire around a nail and connect to a battery – magnetic field

Most likely to happen after forest fire – succession

Membrane bound, help with protection storage, waste disposal, growth – vacuoles

Known for principles of vaccinations/pasteurization – Louis Pasteur

Why does cold water flow below warm water? Cold water has a higher density

Earth’s layer 6000 feet below – Core

Farmer puts pesticides and fertilizers in soil…causes – water pollution

Why does Earth see different moon phases? Sun lights different parts of the moon

Gas becomes liquid – condensation

Solid becomes gas – sublimation

Not needed for survival – reproductive system

Causes days/time on planets to differ – axis tilt

Contributes to carbon dioxide/earths atmosphere – burning fossil fuels/volcanic activity

Majority of nitrogen found in earths – atmosphere

Basic structure of every living organism – cell

Planet with abnormal tilt to rotation – Uranus

Transports food and water waste – circulatory system

Light emitted by star – absolute magnitude

Drop ball from space – fall slower/take longer

Joined legs and cellulose skin – arthropods

What would you add to PH5 to neutralize it – water natural solution
