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final review test questions

module 19

  • what were the 14 points

    • plan for postwar world

  • what did the policy of unrestricted submarine warfare refer to

    • germany’s policy to sink any ship in British waters without warning

  • how did the treaty of Versailles affect postwar germany

    • left a legacy of bitterness and hatred in the hearts of the German people

  • main acronym

    • militarism - policy of glorifying power and keeping an army prepared for war

    • alliances - joining with another country

    • imperialism - fight for colonization

    • nationalism - support for ones country

  • what was trench warfare intended to accomplish

    • to protect soldiers from enemy gun fire on the front lines

      • no mans land - in-between trenches

  • what action on Nov 11, 1918 brought ww1 to an end

    • armistice was signed

  • example of total war

    • women took over many jobs in the war industries

  • what statement summarizes the Schlieffen plan that Germany created to prepare for a two front war

    • attack France first then russia

  • what region was referred to as the “powder keg” of europe

    • the

    • peninsula

module 20

  • what group was known for taking a 6,000 mile journey known as the king march

    • Chinese communists fleeing the nationalists

  • compare Stalin and gandhi

  • happened as a result of the rowlatt acts

    • Amritsar massacre

  • what was not part of the transformation of the Soviet union into a totalitarian state

    • creation of the first soviets

  • what is a totalitarian state

    • government controls every aspect of public and private life

  • what was the purpose of stalin’s five year plans

    • economic development

  • what led great Britain to finally grant India limited self rule

    • worldwide demonstrations in support of india’s independence

  • what resourced caused major competition in the middle east

    • oil

  • who did china’s peasants align themselves with in the 1920s

    • communists

  • what is a weapon of totalitarianism

    • police terror

module 21

  • what was the major cause of the collapse of the stock market

    • stocks sold for more than they were worth

  • what effect did the Dawes plan have on the economy of postwar germany

    • saved Germany from its inflation crisis and stabilized the economy

  • as a result of the great depression the US turned to what policy regarding international affairs

    • isolationism

  • what was not a problem helping contributing to the great depression

    • too much reliance on international trade

  • which of the following used my mussolini to maintain control of italy

    • abolished democracy

    • banned all other political parties

    • used violence and terror

  • who was president at the beginning of the great depression

    • hoover

  • extreme right wing form of government with leaders like Hitler and mussolini

    • fascist

  • beginning of hitler’s final solution which means “night of the broken glass”

    • kristallnacht

  • what group was the scapegoat for germany’s problems

    • jews

  • what scientists focused on the idea of the “unconscious”

    • Sigmund freud

  • what was the name of the government reform program started by FDR to help the US after the great depression

    • new deal

  • at the munich conference this person felt that giving Hitler the Sudetenland would help avoid war

    • Neville chamberlain - appeasement

  • what form of government did many European nations experiment with for the first time after ww1

    • democracy

  • how did literature change after ww1

    • turned to a dark, uncertain future

module 22

  • what prompted great Britain and france to declare war on germany

    • German invasion of poland

  • what crucial lesson was learned in the battle of britain

    • hitler’s advances could be stopped

  • who was the British prime minister who declared they would never give in to hitler

    • winston churchill

  • what occurred on d-day

    • allied invasion of france

  • how did civilians join the war effort

    • scrap metal drives

    • working in war industries

    • rationing

  • why were the Pacific islands attacked and seized during the allied island hopping strategy

    • they were the least heavily defended by japan

    • came up by Douglas macarthur

  • what was the main target of the kamikazes

    • ships

  • what was the name of the top secret project responsible for building the atomic bombs

    • Manhattan project

  • why were thousands of us citizens put in internment camps during the war

    • they were of Japanese descent and falsely labeled as enemies

  • what event occurred on the day of infamy

    • pearl harbor

  • where did the British miraculously rescue over 300,000 trapped allied soldiers

    • dunkirk

  • what was the turning point in the war of the pacific

    • battle of midway

  • what was the allies plan for victory over the nazis

    • allies would fight Germany on two fronts to weaken it

final review test questions

module 19

  • what were the 14 points

    • plan for postwar world

  • what did the policy of unrestricted submarine warfare refer to

    • germany’s policy to sink any ship in British waters without warning

  • how did the treaty of Versailles affect postwar germany

    • left a legacy of bitterness and hatred in the hearts of the German people

  • main acronym

    • militarism - policy of glorifying power and keeping an army prepared for war

    • alliances - joining with another country

    • imperialism - fight for colonization

    • nationalism - support for ones country

  • what was trench warfare intended to accomplish

    • to protect soldiers from enemy gun fire on the front lines

      • no mans land - in-between trenches

  • what action on Nov 11, 1918 brought ww1 to an end

    • armistice was signed

  • example of total war

    • women took over many jobs in the war industries

  • what statement summarizes the Schlieffen plan that Germany created to prepare for a two front war

    • attack France first then russia

  • what region was referred to as the “powder keg” of europe

    • the

    • peninsula

module 20

  • what group was known for taking a 6,000 mile journey known as the king march

    • Chinese communists fleeing the nationalists

  • compare Stalin and gandhi

  • happened as a result of the rowlatt acts

    • Amritsar massacre

  • what was not part of the transformation of the Soviet union into a totalitarian state

    • creation of the first soviets

  • what is a totalitarian state

    • government controls every aspect of public and private life

  • what was the purpose of stalin’s five year plans

    • economic development

  • what led great Britain to finally grant India limited self rule

    • worldwide demonstrations in support of india’s independence

  • what resourced caused major competition in the middle east

    • oil

  • who did china’s peasants align themselves with in the 1920s

    • communists

  • what is a weapon of totalitarianism

    • police terror

module 21

  • what was the major cause of the collapse of the stock market

    • stocks sold for more than they were worth

  • what effect did the Dawes plan have on the economy of postwar germany

    • saved Germany from its inflation crisis and stabilized the economy

  • as a result of the great depression the US turned to what policy regarding international affairs

    • isolationism

  • what was not a problem helping contributing to the great depression

    • too much reliance on international trade

  • which of the following used my mussolini to maintain control of italy

    • abolished democracy

    • banned all other political parties

    • used violence and terror

  • who was president at the beginning of the great depression

    • hoover

  • extreme right wing form of government with leaders like Hitler and mussolini

    • fascist

  • beginning of hitler’s final solution which means “night of the broken glass”

    • kristallnacht

  • what group was the scapegoat for germany’s problems

    • jews

  • what scientists focused on the idea of the “unconscious”

    • Sigmund freud

  • what was the name of the government reform program started by FDR to help the US after the great depression

    • new deal

  • at the munich conference this person felt that giving Hitler the Sudetenland would help avoid war

    • Neville chamberlain - appeasement

  • what form of government did many European nations experiment with for the first time after ww1

    • democracy

  • how did literature change after ww1

    • turned to a dark, uncertain future

module 22

  • what prompted great Britain and france to declare war on germany

    • German invasion of poland

  • what crucial lesson was learned in the battle of britain

    • hitler’s advances could be stopped

  • who was the British prime minister who declared they would never give in to hitler

    • winston churchill

  • what occurred on d-day

    • allied invasion of france

  • how did civilians join the war effort

    • scrap metal drives

    • working in war industries

    • rationing

  • why were the Pacific islands attacked and seized during the allied island hopping strategy

    • they were the least heavily defended by japan

    • came up by Douglas macarthur

  • what was the main target of the kamikazes

    • ships

  • what was the name of the top secret project responsible for building the atomic bombs

    • Manhattan project

  • why were thousands of us citizens put in internment camps during the war

    • they were of Japanese descent and falsely labeled as enemies

  • what event occurred on the day of infamy

    • pearl harbor

  • where did the British miraculously rescue over 300,000 trapped allied soldiers

    • dunkirk

  • what was the turning point in the war of the pacific

    • battle of midway

  • what was the allies plan for victory over the nazis

    • allies would fight Germany on two fronts to weaken it