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English IV Final Exam Review


Anglo-Saxons were Brutal, Barbaric, Violent, and Carried on into Romanticism.

Anglo and the Saxons claimed Britain in the beginning, then they merged into one. Created cities, roads, and Christianity.

Epics are about heroes, they are always in an epic. They were first told orally, but then written down and produced. They were based on historical facts, like historical fiction. Oral stories changed down the line. Epics are long narrative poems.

Beowulf was written originally in Old English.

Hrothgar’s mead hall and castle were named Harriot.

For twelve years the Danes were being tortured and attacked by Grendel.

Grendel is connected to the biblical character Cain.

Grendel banished him and the noise was the reason he attacked the Danes.

Beowulf convinces the King that he is the right person to kill Grendel because he provides proof that he is the only man who can destroy Grendel because of his prior experience.

A Kenninng is a phrase or quote with hyphens or looks like one.

Beowulf chooses not to fight him with his sword because it would not pierce Grendel’s skin, the battle would be fair without weapons.

Grendel dies by his arm and shoulders being ripped off, and then he hangs it in the mead hall.

Beowulf goes after Grendal’s mother because she comes back and takes the arm. She also killed the king’s righthand man.

Her liar is under the water, and Beowulf can hold his breath under the water. He can fight off the demons under the water. He grabs the sword, created by the giants and kills the mother of Grendel. These are the supernatural things Beowulf can do under the water.

When Beowulf finds Grendal’s body in the water, he cuts off Grendal’s head and brings it to the surface to show it off like a trophy.

Hrothgar gives Beowulf treasures and gold when he gets back to the King.

This event also brought the Danes together, becoming Allies.

It was 50 years after the death of Grendal when Beowulf fought the dragon.

A runaway slave steals his gold cup.

Beowulf’s sword melts when he is fighting the dragon.

Wiglaf is the only man who stays with Beowulf to help in the fight.

When Beowulf is on the verge of death, he tells Wiglaf he wants to see the treasure, even while Beowulf is bleeding out and dying due to his neck wound.

Wiglaf calls all of the other men cowards, and he is disgusted at them after Beowulf dies.

Every warrior knows that in an epic hero, death is inevitable.

Epic heroes’ have many characteristics such as, society being really important, they go on some kind of journey, they do a heroic deed, and the outcome affects large groups of people.

In an epic hero story, the plot and conflict always involve courageous and superhuman people.

The theme of Beowulf is Good vs. Evil.

After Beowulf’s death, his men honored him by building a huge tower in his honor and then rode on their horses around the tower in honor.

The Canterbury Tales (prologue) by Geoffrey Chaucer:

Author: Geoffrey Chaucer

Written in Middle-English

Latin was the prevalent language in the Middle Ages

Allegories were the most popular type of literature during this time period.

Christianity existed outside of the church during this time period.

Twenty-two stories in all, written as satire highlighting the corruption in England

Pilgrimage - A long religious journey

Pilgrims on the way to see Matyr Thomas Beckett to worship his relics, at the Canterbury Cathedral

The pilgrims traveled in April, during spring.

Thirty pilgrims in total

All of the pilgrims meet at the Tabard Inn

It is a sixty-mile journey

The host of the pilgrims is Harry Bailey

To pass the time, each pilgram tells two stories

Whoever tells the best story wins free meal
If someone disagreed, they bought everyones meal

To choose who tells their story first, they draw sticks

Shortest stick goes first

The Knight drew the shortest stick, told the first tale

Madame Eglantine (The Prioress) Travels with her pack of dogs, and has a brooch that says “love conquers all”, something wrong for a nun, it not legit

Oxford Cleric (Oxford Student) Patterned after Geoffrey Chaucer himself, spends every dime on books, incredibly smart, legit character

Cook, He has an oozing ulcer on his leg, alcoholic with a red face

Summoner has acne

The Merchant, Chaucer cannot remember what his name is.

The Franklin Traveling with the lawyer, never short on food or wine, elected to parliament, looks like Santa Claus

Wife of Bath Her hose were scarlet red, she has 5 husbands all at the same time

Skipper (the shipman) Made all prisoners walk the plank, has a sea leg

The Doctor Depended on astronomy and the stars for medicine, travels with his pharmacist

The Knight is Shown as the most noble of the pilgrims, in many battles, always kills his opponent.

The 5 Guildsmen

Habdershaer (makes clothes)

Carpet Maker



Tapestry maker

The Miller He has a massive wart with hair growing out of it, over 200 pounds, he was a wrestler.

The Yeoman, He is the servant for the Knight and Squire, he is a forester/hunter, and he wears a metal around his neck of Saint Christopher

The Pardoner Carries a pillowcase around that he claims belonged to the Virgin Mary, greedy, very feminine, takes bribes

The Pardoner’s Tale by Geoffrey Chaucer:

The three men are in a Tabbard (pub)

They are told by an old man that death is under the oak tree.

The theme of this story is greed.

The two men that are left at the tree, decided to stab the younger man when he returned from the town. The younger man wants to kill the other two men by poison.

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight:

It is Christmas Eve known in the story as Christmas Tide.

The King tells everyone they must hear a story first before they can eat.

The Green Knight is there for entertainment, not to scare or destroy anything. He does not have any armor.

Similes is a type of figurative language, using like or as.

Metaphors do not use like or as.

Alliteration is the repetition of constant sounds.

He presents the challenge for someone to chop off his head, one blow, and then come find him a year and one day later to return the blow

He has no armor, lets readers know he is there for entertainment and not fighting because he has no armor

The Green Knight is sarcastic and rude to King Arthur.

Sir Gawain sits next to Guenevere.

The Green Knight’s name is Bertalak.

The second day he gets two kisses.

King Arthur's castle is named Camelot.

Gawain is Arthur’s nephew.

He takes the green girdle because he has the obvious desire to live, if he takes the girdle he will not be hurt

Gawain has exactly a year and one day to find him, at the Green Knights Chapel.

The green in the girdle is symbolic of him being a coward.

Gawain passes the test of honor and is not killed by the Green Knight.

A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift:

The children are beggars and choosers on the streets.

When the children turn one year old, the solution would go into play, eating the child.

It will solve the problem of the Roman Catholic overpopulation.

They should be able to pay ten shillings for a 'good fat child.

The Passionate Shepherd to his Love by Christopher Marlowe:

A shepherd is the speaker in the poem, he offers the lady simple pleasures.

He wants her to come live with him. He does not mention the negative things that may happen.

This is a pastoral poem because it is about the pastures.

He is writing this to his love (audience).

The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd by Sir Walter Raleigh:

This is a shut-down poem.

She says this is unrealistic and tells him that she cannot love him because she does not believe in love and that it does not last.

She is pretty cynical and has a negative outlook on life.

Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll:

(will not be on the exam)


English IV Final Exam Review


Anglo-Saxons were Brutal, Barbaric, Violent, and Carried on into Romanticism.

Anglo and the Saxons claimed Britain in the beginning, then they merged into one. Created cities, roads, and Christianity.

Epics are about heroes, they are always in an epic. They were first told orally, but then written down and produced. They were based on historical facts, like historical fiction. Oral stories changed down the line. Epics are long narrative poems.

Beowulf was written originally in Old English.

Hrothgar’s mead hall and castle were named Harriot.

For twelve years the Danes were being tortured and attacked by Grendel.

Grendel is connected to the biblical character Cain.

Grendel banished him and the noise was the reason he attacked the Danes.

Beowulf convinces the King that he is the right person to kill Grendel because he provides proof that he is the only man who can destroy Grendel because of his prior experience.

A Kenninng is a phrase or quote with hyphens or looks like one.

Beowulf chooses not to fight him with his sword because it would not pierce Grendel’s skin, the battle would be fair without weapons.

Grendel dies by his arm and shoulders being ripped off, and then he hangs it in the mead hall.

Beowulf goes after Grendal’s mother because she comes back and takes the arm. She also killed the king’s righthand man.

Her liar is under the water, and Beowulf can hold his breath under the water. He can fight off the demons under the water. He grabs the sword, created by the giants and kills the mother of Grendel. These are the supernatural things Beowulf can do under the water.

When Beowulf finds Grendal’s body in the water, he cuts off Grendal’s head and brings it to the surface to show it off like a trophy.

Hrothgar gives Beowulf treasures and gold when he gets back to the King.

This event also brought the Danes together, becoming Allies.

It was 50 years after the death of Grendal when Beowulf fought the dragon.

A runaway slave steals his gold cup.

Beowulf’s sword melts when he is fighting the dragon.

Wiglaf is the only man who stays with Beowulf to help in the fight.

When Beowulf is on the verge of death, he tells Wiglaf he wants to see the treasure, even while Beowulf is bleeding out and dying due to his neck wound.

Wiglaf calls all of the other men cowards, and he is disgusted at them after Beowulf dies.

Every warrior knows that in an epic hero, death is inevitable.

Epic heroes’ have many characteristics such as, society being really important, they go on some kind of journey, they do a heroic deed, and the outcome affects large groups of people.

In an epic hero story, the plot and conflict always involve courageous and superhuman people.

The theme of Beowulf is Good vs. Evil.

After Beowulf’s death, his men honored him by building a huge tower in his honor and then rode on their horses around the tower in honor.

The Canterbury Tales (prologue) by Geoffrey Chaucer:

Author: Geoffrey Chaucer

Written in Middle-English

Latin was the prevalent language in the Middle Ages

Allegories were the most popular type of literature during this time period.

Christianity existed outside of the church during this time period.

Twenty-two stories in all, written as satire highlighting the corruption in England

Pilgrimage - A long religious journey

Pilgrims on the way to see Matyr Thomas Beckett to worship his relics, at the Canterbury Cathedral

The pilgrims traveled in April, during spring.

Thirty pilgrims in total

All of the pilgrims meet at the Tabard Inn

It is a sixty-mile journey

The host of the pilgrims is Harry Bailey

To pass the time, each pilgram tells two stories

Whoever tells the best story wins free meal
If someone disagreed, they bought everyones meal

To choose who tells their story first, they draw sticks

Shortest stick goes first

The Knight drew the shortest stick, told the first tale

Madame Eglantine (The Prioress) Travels with her pack of dogs, and has a brooch that says “love conquers all”, something wrong for a nun, it not legit

Oxford Cleric (Oxford Student) Patterned after Geoffrey Chaucer himself, spends every dime on books, incredibly smart, legit character

Cook, He has an oozing ulcer on his leg, alcoholic with a red face

Summoner has acne

The Merchant, Chaucer cannot remember what his name is.

The Franklin Traveling with the lawyer, never short on food or wine, elected to parliament, looks like Santa Claus

Wife of Bath Her hose were scarlet red, she has 5 husbands all at the same time

Skipper (the shipman) Made all prisoners walk the plank, has a sea leg

The Doctor Depended on astronomy and the stars for medicine, travels with his pharmacist

The Knight is Shown as the most noble of the pilgrims, in many battles, always kills his opponent.

The 5 Guildsmen

Habdershaer (makes clothes)

Carpet Maker



Tapestry maker

The Miller He has a massive wart with hair growing out of it, over 200 pounds, he was a wrestler.

The Yeoman, He is the servant for the Knight and Squire, he is a forester/hunter, and he wears a metal around his neck of Saint Christopher

The Pardoner Carries a pillowcase around that he claims belonged to the Virgin Mary, greedy, very feminine, takes bribes

The Pardoner’s Tale by Geoffrey Chaucer:

The three men are in a Tabbard (pub)

They are told by an old man that death is under the oak tree.

The theme of this story is greed.

The two men that are left at the tree, decided to stab the younger man when he returned from the town. The younger man wants to kill the other two men by poison.

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight:

It is Christmas Eve known in the story as Christmas Tide.

The King tells everyone they must hear a story first before they can eat.

The Green Knight is there for entertainment, not to scare or destroy anything. He does not have any armor.

Similes is a type of figurative language, using like or as.

Metaphors do not use like or as.

Alliteration is the repetition of constant sounds.

He presents the challenge for someone to chop off his head, one blow, and then come find him a year and one day later to return the blow

He has no armor, lets readers know he is there for entertainment and not fighting because he has no armor

The Green Knight is sarcastic and rude to King Arthur.

Sir Gawain sits next to Guenevere.

The Green Knight’s name is Bertalak.

The second day he gets two kisses.

King Arthur's castle is named Camelot.

Gawain is Arthur’s nephew.

He takes the green girdle because he has the obvious desire to live, if he takes the girdle he will not be hurt

Gawain has exactly a year and one day to find him, at the Green Knights Chapel.

The green in the girdle is symbolic of him being a coward.

Gawain passes the test of honor and is not killed by the Green Knight.

A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift:

The children are beggars and choosers on the streets.

When the children turn one year old, the solution would go into play, eating the child.

It will solve the problem of the Roman Catholic overpopulation.

They should be able to pay ten shillings for a 'good fat child.

The Passionate Shepherd to his Love by Christopher Marlowe:

A shepherd is the speaker in the poem, he offers the lady simple pleasures.

He wants her to come live with him. He does not mention the negative things that may happen.

This is a pastoral poem because it is about the pastures.

He is writing this to his love (audience).

The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd by Sir Walter Raleigh:

This is a shut-down poem.

She says this is unrealistic and tells him that she cannot love him because she does not believe in love and that it does not last.

She is pretty cynical and has a negative outlook on life.

Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll:

(will not be on the exam)