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Membrane Potential


  • Membrane potential: difference in charge inside and outside the cell

    • Plasma membrane barrier separating charges

    • Ion concentration differ between the inside and outside or outside cell

    • Polarized

  • Resting membrane potential: when neurons are not sending signals

  • Plasma membrane is not very permeable to cations and anions

    • Separates charge by keeping different ions largely inside or outside the cell

  • -70 mV resting potential inside cell

    • Interior more negative than exterior

  • Negative ions within the cell are drawn to the positive ions arrayed on the outer surface

Factors Contributing to Resting Potential

  1. NA⁺/K⁺ -ATPase (sodium-potassium pump): transports 3 Na+ out for every 2 K+ moved in

  2. Ion specific channels: allow passive movement of ions

    • More ungated K+ channels than ungated Na+ channels

    • Membrane more permeable to K+ at rest

  3. Negatively charged molecules such as proteins more abundant inside cell

Electrochemical Gradient

  • Electrochemical gradient: combined effect of electrical and chemical gradient

  • Equilibrium potential: no net movement due to opposing forces of chemical and electrical gradients

Communication Between Neurons

  • Changes in membrane potential are changes in the degree of polarization

  • Depolarization: cell membrane less polarized and less negative relative to surrounding solution

    • Gated channels open allowing Na+ to flow in and membrane potential becomes more positive (less negative)

  • Hyperpolarization: cell membrane more polarized and more negative

    • K+ moves out of the cell making the cell membrane less positive (more negative)

  • All cells have a membrane potential

  • Only neurons and muscle cells are excitable

    • Excitable: capacity to generate electrical signals

  • Use gated ion channels

    • Voltage-gated ion channel: open and close in response to voltage changes

    • Ligand-gated ion channel: open and close in response to ligands or chemicals

Two Types of Changes

  1. Graded potentials

    • Depolarization or hyperpolarization

    • Varies depending on strength of stimulus

    • Occur locally on dendrites or cell body

    • Spreads a short distance and dies out

    • Act as triggers for action potential

  2. Action potentials

    • Carry electrical signal along an axon

    • Always the large same amplitude depolarization

    • All-or-none - cannot be graded

    • Actively propagated - regenerates itself as it travels

Generation and Transmission of Electrical Signals Along Neurons

  • Action potential begins when graded potential depolarizes to threshold potential (-50mV)

  • Voltage-gated Na+ channels, triggering action potential

  • Na+ rapidly diffuses into cell causing spike

  • Inactivation gate in Na+ channel shuts when membrane sufficiently positively polarized

    • Cannot reopen until resting potential is restored

  • Voltage-gated K+ channels also open at threshold potential, but 1 msec later than Na+ channels

  • K+ leave cell and membrane becomes negative again

  • So many K+ leave that membrane hyperpolarizes

  • Voltage-gated K+ channels close and resting membrane potential is restored

  • Evolution of K+ channels with a slightly slower opening time than Na+ channels was a key event that led to the formation of nervous systems

  • If both opened at the same time, they would negate each other’s effects

  • Absolute refractory period

    • While inactivation gates of Na⁺ channels are closed, cell is unresponsive to another stimulus

    • Places limits on the frequency of action potentials

    • Also ensures action potential does not move backward toward cell body

Speed Variation

  • Speed varies depending on

    • Axon diameter

      • Broad axons provide less resistance and action potential moves faster

    • Myelination

      • Myelinated axons are faster then unmyelinated

      • Oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells make myelin sheath

      • Not continuous: gaps at nodes of Ranvier

      • Saltatory conduction: action potential seems to “jump” from node to node


  • Junction where nerve terminal meets a neuron, muscle cell, or gland

  • Presynaptic cell: sends signal

  • Synaptic cleft and postsynaptic cell: receives signal

  • Two types

    • Electrical synapses: electric charge freely flows through gap junctions from cell to cell

    • Chemical synapses: neurotransmitter acts as signal from presynaptic to postsynaptic cell

      • Presynaptic nerve cell contains vesicles of neurotransmitter

      • Exocytosis releases neurotransmitter into
        synaptic cleft

      • Diffuses across cleft

      • Binds to channels or receptors in postsynaptic cell membrane

  • Binding of neurotransmitter changes membrane potential of postsynaptic cell

  • Excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP): brings membrane closer to threshold potential

  • Inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP): takes membrane further from threshold potential (hyperpolarization)

  • Synaptic signal ends when neurotransmitter is broken down by enzymes or taken back into presynaptic cell for reuse

Neuron Response

  • Synaptic integration: integrates multiple inputs to single neuron

  • Spatial summation: when two or more EPSPs or IPSPs are generated at one time along different regions of the dendrites and cell body, their effects sum together

  • Temporal summation: two or more EPSPs arrive at same location is quick succession

Membrane Potential


  • Membrane potential: difference in charge inside and outside the cell

    • Plasma membrane barrier separating charges

    • Ion concentration differ between the inside and outside or outside cell

    • Polarized

  • Resting membrane potential: when neurons are not sending signals

  • Plasma membrane is not very permeable to cations and anions

    • Separates charge by keeping different ions largely inside or outside the cell

  • -70 mV resting potential inside cell

    • Interior more negative than exterior

  • Negative ions within the cell are drawn to the positive ions arrayed on the outer surface

Factors Contributing to Resting Potential

  1. NA⁺/K⁺ -ATPase (sodium-potassium pump): transports 3 Na+ out for every 2 K+ moved in

  2. Ion specific channels: allow passive movement of ions

    • More ungated K+ channels than ungated Na+ channels

    • Membrane more permeable to K+ at rest

  3. Negatively charged molecules such as proteins more abundant inside cell

Electrochemical Gradient

  • Electrochemical gradient: combined effect of electrical and chemical gradient

  • Equilibrium potential: no net movement due to opposing forces of chemical and electrical gradients

Communication Between Neurons

  • Changes in membrane potential are changes in the degree of polarization

  • Depolarization: cell membrane less polarized and less negative relative to surrounding solution

    • Gated channels open allowing Na+ to flow in and membrane potential becomes more positive (less negative)

  • Hyperpolarization: cell membrane more polarized and more negative

    • K+ moves out of the cell making the cell membrane less positive (more negative)

  • All cells have a membrane potential

  • Only neurons and muscle cells are excitable

    • Excitable: capacity to generate electrical signals

  • Use gated ion channels

    • Voltage-gated ion channel: open and close in response to voltage changes

    • Ligand-gated ion channel: open and close in response to ligands or chemicals

Two Types of Changes

  1. Graded potentials

    • Depolarization or hyperpolarization

    • Varies depending on strength of stimulus

    • Occur locally on dendrites or cell body

    • Spreads a short distance and dies out

    • Act as triggers for action potential

  2. Action potentials

    • Carry electrical signal along an axon

    • Always the large same amplitude depolarization

    • All-or-none - cannot be graded

    • Actively propagated - regenerates itself as it travels

Generation and Transmission of Electrical Signals Along Neurons

  • Action potential begins when graded potential depolarizes to threshold potential (-50mV)

  • Voltage-gated Na+ channels, triggering action potential

  • Na+ rapidly diffuses into cell causing spike

  • Inactivation gate in Na+ channel shuts when membrane sufficiently positively polarized

    • Cannot reopen until resting potential is restored

  • Voltage-gated K+ channels also open at threshold potential, but 1 msec later than Na+ channels

  • K+ leave cell and membrane becomes negative again

  • So many K+ leave that membrane hyperpolarizes

  • Voltage-gated K+ channels close and resting membrane potential is restored

  • Evolution of K+ channels with a slightly slower opening time than Na+ channels was a key event that led to the formation of nervous systems

  • If both opened at the same time, they would negate each other’s effects

  • Absolute refractory period

    • While inactivation gates of Na⁺ channels are closed, cell is unresponsive to another stimulus

    • Places limits on the frequency of action potentials

    • Also ensures action potential does not move backward toward cell body

Speed Variation

  • Speed varies depending on

    • Axon diameter

      • Broad axons provide less resistance and action potential moves faster

    • Myelination

      • Myelinated axons are faster then unmyelinated

      • Oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells make myelin sheath

      • Not continuous: gaps at nodes of Ranvier

      • Saltatory conduction: action potential seems to “jump” from node to node


  • Junction where nerve terminal meets a neuron, muscle cell, or gland

  • Presynaptic cell: sends signal

  • Synaptic cleft and postsynaptic cell: receives signal

  • Two types

    • Electrical synapses: electric charge freely flows through gap junctions from cell to cell

    • Chemical synapses: neurotransmitter acts as signal from presynaptic to postsynaptic cell

      • Presynaptic nerve cell contains vesicles of neurotransmitter

      • Exocytosis releases neurotransmitter into
        synaptic cleft

      • Diffuses across cleft

      • Binds to channels or receptors in postsynaptic cell membrane

  • Binding of neurotransmitter changes membrane potential of postsynaptic cell

  • Excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP): brings membrane closer to threshold potential

  • Inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP): takes membrane further from threshold potential (hyperpolarization)

  • Synaptic signal ends when neurotransmitter is broken down by enzymes or taken back into presynaptic cell for reuse

Neuron Response

  • Synaptic integration: integrates multiple inputs to single neuron

  • Spatial summation: when two or more EPSPs or IPSPs are generated at one time along different regions of the dendrites and cell body, their effects sum together

  • Temporal summation: two or more EPSPs arrive at same location is quick succession